by Bruce H, Scroggins
The Questions are coming to the surface now, and Washington is firing back at local authority, Right talk Radio is castigating, the Mayor of New Orleans, Ray J, Nagin, they say everything is his fault, but lets examine the local Authority, and the first Responders.
The Mayor has residents of a City of just under a half Million people, (498,820, ESTM, total) and many of these evacuated before Katrina hit, those who could leave, packed up there loved ones from Nursing homes, and private homes, and businesses, and got out. Now approximately 120,000 people, made an average yearly wages of $8,000.00 dollars per year well under poverty level in the USA, and over 100,000 people had no cars to get out in. even though Ray J, Nagin had issued the proper declarations on time, Joseph R, Matthew, the city’s director of emergency operations, said the city went on alert the afternoon of Friday 8/26/2005, even though a full evacuation was not ordered until Sunday 8/29/2005, and lets remember “Talk Radio Right,” Katrina did not run on anyone’s schedule.
Katrina quickly OVERWHELMED, and at the overwhelmed point, everything Ray J, Nagin did was futile, and every place, that was used as a fallback was overwhelmed as well, (the Super Dome, the Convention Center,) now why? Were these fallbacks used?
The Superdome was a “shelter of last resort,” and the Convention Center was the “overflow,” from the Superdome. Why send people there, (Superdome, Convention Center,) if you don’t have security, and food, and water.
They had minimal Police to send to the “FALLBACK,” and none for the “OVERFLOW,”
Where were the all the Police, some where DEAD, and DYING, some where looking after there families, some were trapped in parts of the city, some were on the job and got trapped, and some, have, to this day not reported, and there whereabouts is unknown. Now this happen to the Fire department just as it did to the Police, and remember Katrina did not care, and was making there jobs of security, and protection, and serving, Impossible, by any stretch of any ones imagination, except, (Talk Right Radio, and the Administrations surrogates,) now the overflow into the Convention Center was a new dilemma for Police, (an on rushing, developing nightmare, worst than the understaffed Superdome, and city proper,) now the out of control in the Super Dome, was crushing the spirits of many who stayed on the job, and had no idea, where there loved ones were.
Where were the buses, good, a very excellent question, who? Drives the city’s buses… men and women who live where? In the city of New Orleans, so many who stayed, they became like the people of New Orleans, when the first order of Alert came on 8/26/05, many drivers were sent home to look after there families, as was management, and many left, as did management, and some stayed and got trapped, and some died, and some were swept up, and couldn’t operate the buses, and were trapped. So where were the Private buses, good question, the city has no power to federalize private property, and even if they could all the Buses were neatly parked, and the drivers, many of them got themselves and there families out of New Orleans, and some came back to help, and got trapped, and some died, and some are now refugee’s like the many others.
Now how is this Ray J, Nagins fault, the Mayor, at a early point, was swept over by Katrina, and his power to do anything, except become homeless, and scream for help, He was reduced to a man with a title, and no power to get anything done, even for himself, except to stay close to the Media, and SCREAM, for HELP.
Ray J, Nagin praised his Police and Fire departments for working long hours under horrific conditions, and two of his officers committed suicide since the hurricane hit. Katrina’s wrath since it came ashore was overpowering for the Mayor, the City, the Police, the Firepersons, and the few National Guard Troops, who were just as swept up, and just as trapped as others, all over the city, remember 80% of the city went under water. How fast was this overflowing water? They say, (and I’ am not sure, of the numbers) but the storm surge was 30 feet in total, and it came in at 10 feet per hour, and in 3 hours, the city was under water, (don’t hold me to these numbers, but close) and hundreds of thousands were trapped, and killed, and Katrina did not care if you were a Policeperson, or a Fireperson, or Young, or Old, or Sick, or a Child, or a Baby, or Black, or White, it just did what a hurricane do… bulldoze everything in it’s path, and it doesn’t, and did not care about your title, as mayor, or Journalist, or Doctor, or Talk Right Radio, or Democrat, or Republican, or even the Governor, or FEMA.
Next I’ll examine the States responsibility.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
Scare them with some TRUTH
by Bruce H, Scroggins
Tell them there’s poisons, and broken glass in the streets, even the parts that were untouched and dry, drag some out, or scare them out, but out! someone! wants them out.
I heard a tearful nursing home attendant describe contacting the loved ones of there patience’s, and out of 59 patience, 32 had someone come and get them, and this home was under mandatory evacuation, but the only was they could be evacuation was if someone came and got them.
I know this Tragedy was a perfect storm, and it was one in a million, and the city had issued the declaration for the City’s people to evacuate, it was mandatory. Now the City was up to, and over there heads in responsibilities, and in some of the nursing home across the City there responsibilities, were to protect and care for there patience, so just calling someone, and telling them to come and get them is not the end of there responsibility, and the loved ones who cared for there loved ones in these Institutions, who lived outside, have a responsibility to do all they can for them.
Those loved ones, out side of the nursing homes, were in a tragedy as well, and were pulled in all directions, and many choose to look after those in there immediate charge and made decisions, to get them out, those that had the capability to do so. And those that choose to stay, could get out them selves, and were lost, some of them, died of acts of criminal intent, while trapped in a flooding city, with there local protection stretched, thin and broken, and crushed by the shear weight of numbers, and there own despair, for there loved one, it was a recipe of catastrophic proportions, and it played out… it played out, at the cost of the least of humanity, the Old, and Sick, and extreme Elderly, and predominately black, being able to do, no more than watch their own demise slowly.
Here’s the story, the City ask for buses, and the City Buses did all they could, but where were the Private BUSES, Private Companies BUSES, they, Instructed there driver to go take care of they families, they shut down there businesses, and parked them in neat rows, and there BUSES, went under the FLOOD as well, hundreds of BUSES, around new Orleans, and in total may per haps, thousands of BUSES.
None FACT, the City dose not have the Power to Federalize private property, like the Federal Government dose, (FEMA) has that federal POWER. So there are some screw ups by the City, but not many, so stop trying to play got you TV, on the Police, got the Horses mouth and ask your pointed questions, ASK the Mayor, ask the Governor, ask the Head of FEMA, ask the President.
I’ am sick to death to see you keep asking, the very people who worked their selves to death in some cases, why they didn’t do more, like they started this whole thing, like because of what you think they (the City, State didn’t do the state Q form the City, and didn’t do right, and the FEMA took there Q from the City, and State and followed some pattern set by the lower levels of Government and that’s how all, the leaving BEHIND started and everything is the City, and the States fault.
Listen… all news media… Katrina was like a run away 1 Million Ton Tank, and the City tried to stop it with police, and the State tried to stop it with the State Troopers, and a few National Guard, soon both lower Governments, called the Army, and the Army came but forgot to bring the Anti-Tank Weapons, and just stood and watched, and ignored what was on TV (the Media,) and still they stared like deer in the headlights, at people screaming for help, and for more days than I care to count, they waited until the Tank ran out of gas, and the Sun started to shine, and still waited a day or two, before the fire, of you inept basta_ds, came cra-shinding down from both Party’s in Congress, along with the raised voices of the Media, together it became defining to the President, and Johnny come lately’s started to move in what was needed days ago.
Tell them there’s poisons, and broken glass in the streets, even the parts that were untouched and dry, drag some out, or scare them out, but out! someone! wants them out.
I heard a tearful nursing home attendant describe contacting the loved ones of there patience’s, and out of 59 patience, 32 had someone come and get them, and this home was under mandatory evacuation, but the only was they could be evacuation was if someone came and got them.
I know this Tragedy was a perfect storm, and it was one in a million, and the city had issued the declaration for the City’s people to evacuate, it was mandatory. Now the City was up to, and over there heads in responsibilities, and in some of the nursing home across the City there responsibilities, were to protect and care for there patience, so just calling someone, and telling them to come and get them is not the end of there responsibility, and the loved ones who cared for there loved ones in these Institutions, who lived outside, have a responsibility to do all they can for them.
Those loved ones, out side of the nursing homes, were in a tragedy as well, and were pulled in all directions, and many choose to look after those in there immediate charge and made decisions, to get them out, those that had the capability to do so. And those that choose to stay, could get out them selves, and were lost, some of them, died of acts of criminal intent, while trapped in a flooding city, with there local protection stretched, thin and broken, and crushed by the shear weight of numbers, and there own despair, for there loved one, it was a recipe of catastrophic proportions, and it played out… it played out, at the cost of the least of humanity, the Old, and Sick, and extreme Elderly, and predominately black, being able to do, no more than watch their own demise slowly.
Here’s the story, the City ask for buses, and the City Buses did all they could, but where were the Private BUSES, Private Companies BUSES, they, Instructed there driver to go take care of they families, they shut down there businesses, and parked them in neat rows, and there BUSES, went under the FLOOD as well, hundreds of BUSES, around new Orleans, and in total may per haps, thousands of BUSES.
None FACT, the City dose not have the Power to Federalize private property, like the Federal Government dose, (FEMA) has that federal POWER. So there are some screw ups by the City, but not many, so stop trying to play got you TV, on the Police, got the Horses mouth and ask your pointed questions, ASK the Mayor, ask the Governor, ask the Head of FEMA, ask the President.
I’ am sick to death to see you keep asking, the very people who worked their selves to death in some cases, why they didn’t do more, like they started this whole thing, like because of what you think they (the City, State didn’t do the state Q form the City, and didn’t do right, and the FEMA took there Q from the City, and State and followed some pattern set by the lower levels of Government and that’s how all, the leaving BEHIND started and everything is the City, and the States fault.
Listen… all news media… Katrina was like a run away 1 Million Ton Tank, and the City tried to stop it with police, and the State tried to stop it with the State Troopers, and a few National Guard, soon both lower Governments, called the Army, and the Army came but forgot to bring the Anti-Tank Weapons, and just stood and watched, and ignored what was on TV (the Media,) and still they stared like deer in the headlights, at people screaming for help, and for more days than I care to count, they waited until the Tank ran out of gas, and the Sun started to shine, and still waited a day or two, before the fire, of you inept basta_ds, came cra-shinding down from both Party’s in Congress, along with the raised voices of the Media, together it became defining to the President, and Johnny come lately’s started to move in what was needed days ago.
No Longer Invisible
By Eugene Robinson
Friday, September 9, 2005; A25
NEW ORLEANS -- Beside the interstate leading into this abandoned city there's a self-storage warehouse whose flimsy walls were peeled away by the hurricane. The contents are almost undisturbed, stacked neatly in their exposed compartments. You can see all the inconvenient things that people stowed out of sight and out of mind.
That's what this unreal disaster did to New Orleans and the whole country. Things we tried to tuck away and forget about are suddenly out there for the world to see. As a nation we can deal with them or not, but we no longer have the option of pretending they don't exist.
Chief among this inconvenient baggage is poverty. After seeing who escaped the flood and who remained behind, it's impossible to ignore the shocking breadth of the gap between rich and poor. It's as if we don't even see poor people in this country anymore, as if we don't even try to imagine what their lives are like. Think about what just happened -- a record-book hurricane was bearing down on the most vulnerable city in the country, and it didn't dawn on officials at any level that many people didn't have cars in which to flee, money to stay in hotels or upstate friends with enough space to take them in.
To be poor in America was to be invisible, but not after this week, not after those images of the bedraggled masses at the Superdome, convention center and airport. No one can claim that the post-Reagan orthodoxy of low taxes and small government, which does wonders for the extremely rich, also inevitably does wonders for the extremely poor.
What was that about a rising tide lifting all boats? What if you don't have a boat?
The other unavoidable inconvenience is race. In New Orleans, race and class overlapped to such an extent that it was difficult to pry them apart. Were people forgotten or treated with disdain because they were black or because they were poor? Mostly because they were poor, I'd say. Was the African American majority ill-served by an African American mayor? Mayor Ray Nagin clearly loves his city and its people, but at one point bitter crowds at the Superdome were honoring him with the chant "[Expletive] Ray!"
Still, there was a racial component in the way the residents of New Orleans looked at one another in this crisis. When the city broke down into anarchy, some whites began seeing any black man as a robber, looter, carjacker or rapist. Horrible crimes were indeed committed, but there were far more reports of crimes that never took place.
But, yes, some black men were robbing, looting, carjacking and raping. It was like a social explosion, muffled by the enfolding waters -- destruction for destruction's sake, reminiscent of what we saw four decades ago in the Watts riots. Most black New Orleanians had nothing to do with any violence, but I was surprised at how many of them were quick to believe that some nameless, powerful "they" had somehow engineered the levee failures to protect the French Quarter and wealthy parts of the city by surrendering poor black neighborhoods to flooding. Some whites, meanwhile, stayed in the city and joined together in vigilante bands to keep out the unwashed hordes.
I saw myriad examples of whites and blacks working together, helping one another, striving for the common goal of survival. I saw evidence of the unique New Orleans cultural gumbo that is so much a part of the city's self-image. But the instances of mutual suspicion, of quick separation into us vs. them, were too real to ignore.
New Orleans looks ruined and uninhabitable. It sits in an untenable position, wedged between lake and river in a busy corridor for hurricanes; the French founded the city in 1718, and just four years later it was all but wiped out by a storm. But you can bet the city will be rebuilt. In their book "The Resilient City: How Modern Cities Recover From Disaster," scholars Lawrence J. Vale and Thomas J. Campanella point out that destroyed cities almost always rise again.
"The question is, what do we mean by recovery?" said Vale, head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. "Is it getting the hotel occupancy numbers back up in the French Quarter? Or is it fixing low-income schools or working on the worst housing problems? Who is going to set those priorities?"
Now it's time to drain the water, bury the dead and clean away the muck. But for a city and a nation that put poverty and race into a locker and ignored them for 20 years, cleanup is just the beginning.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The Polls say What !!, horse cookies
By Bruce H, Scroggins
I looked at the polls shown and could not believe my eyes, 38% said no one, 69% said no one should be fired.
I watched for days, BLACK faces screaming for help, and descending into madness, and debauchery, 90% of them Black, and I know there were people of all colors, but to see a pole, that says these margins, said what they said, I fine it hard, if not nearly impossible to believe.
I want a pole done of those who where the victims, and ask them what they thought of the FEDS, the STATE, and the CITY, and a pole of the people of color, the ones whose faces America saw on TV night and day.
Ask them if someone should be fired, ask them Lou Dobbs, ask them if they thought they were treated fairly, and as quickly as possible. I dare say, that there is a racist element in these poles you showed on TV, tonight (9/08/2005 3:00Am)… everywhere, I turned, I asked, and people want to know what, or who screwed up, black and white people, I ask… and they want heads to roll, right out of office, and very few of them want a City, County, head to roll out of office, or local powers and police… ask them, the victims, what they think of this mess, they were OH so intimate with this tragedy for days, ask them, and them only ask, and lets hear the results, and ask some black organizations to do the same pole, one to blacks, and one to none colored people, and then on air compare the results.
Ask, them Lou Dobbs, Ask them, come on ASK the victims.
I looked at the polls shown and could not believe my eyes, 38% said no one, 69% said no one should be fired.
I watched for days, BLACK faces screaming for help, and descending into madness, and debauchery, 90% of them Black, and I know there were people of all colors, but to see a pole, that says these margins, said what they said, I fine it hard, if not nearly impossible to believe.
I want a pole done of those who where the victims, and ask them what they thought of the FEDS, the STATE, and the CITY, and a pole of the people of color, the ones whose faces America saw on TV night and day.
Ask them if someone should be fired, ask them Lou Dobbs, ask them if they thought they were treated fairly, and as quickly as possible. I dare say, that there is a racist element in these poles you showed on TV, tonight (9/08/2005 3:00Am)… everywhere, I turned, I asked, and people want to know what, or who screwed up, black and white people, I ask… and they want heads to roll, right out of office, and very few of them want a City, County, head to roll out of office, or local powers and police… ask them, the victims, what they think of this mess, they were OH so intimate with this tragedy for days, ask them, and them only ask, and lets hear the results, and ask some black organizations to do the same pole, one to blacks, and one to none colored people, and then on air compare the results.
Ask, them Lou Dobbs, Ask them, come on ASK the victims.
Talking point, keep saying “Blame Game”
by Bruce H, Scroggins
The Blame Game, all anyone dose is PLAY the BLAME GAME, fixing responsibility is not a GAME, the City, the County, the State, all were calling the Feds, and the storm blew right past the three lower forms of government, the storm was over there heads, and the last line of response is the feds/FEMA, and FEMA is backed up, by the President. FEMA is a Federal Disaster response agency, designed for the national level catastrophes, not for City level, or County level, or State level, responses.
So every person who cannot, or refuses to see that the President on down to the feds, FEMA, blew it, they are not seeing the days, of death and dying, by 99% black faces, but America saw it, clear as day or night, on the 24 hour new cycle.
When the tornados, hit Florida, several of them, the FEMA people, and the President was clued in from before to after, and once again Bush declared and emergency, before the disaster, just like in Louisiana, and Katrina.
But in the Katrina disaster, the FEMA level response, didn’t marshal resources, and didn’t act for days, and America watched in horror, as people died right in from of the camera’s.
When you declare, or make a declaration before a disaster, your response Agency, your head of response teams, are put on notice to start MARSHALLING supplies, and people, to respond as soon as the rain and wind slows down. But that didn’t happen, and all America saw it didn’t happen, not for daaaaayssss… now, the Right winger, want to blame the City, the County, the State heads with negligence… America as a whole is looking, and listening to every statement by these excuse makers, and accusers of the lower levels of Government, and are comparing there lower levels, to Florida, and can see only one thing clearly… no comparison, hands down… none.
Point: all the troops, and the trucks, and jeeps, and helicopters, and plans, and supplies… Question,” do you think they just made that equipment, and they just trained these troops over night, and had to wait to get the food, and water, or was it all MARSHALLED somewhere, with all the FEMA responders, watching days unfold, of Americans dying, day in, and day out.
And the organizations, which on the News, we see prominently, where were they, I know some of them were trying to do some things, before day one. Some one needs to ask these questions, ask the police where were the FEMA people, where were all these troops, and where did all the water, and food suppose to come from, and where was it, before it arrived in the disaster zones, of the Gulf Coast
Was all this in a marshaled areas, just waiting to get the word to go in… waiting just outside the area most needing this supplies, it must have been hard to just sit there day in and day out, eating and sleeping, and watching people die on TV, and wondering, why? Are we not moving in, the FEMA people thought to them selves, the doctors on call, watched on TV, day in and day out, eating and sleeping them selves, and wondering why? why? I can’t go in and save these people from there suffering, it had to be hard to watch Americans descend into Madness, and have loads of help, all around them, and in there hands. But NO CALL TO GO IN AND HELP.
The Blame Game, all anyone dose is PLAY the BLAME GAME, fixing responsibility is not a GAME, the City, the County, the State, all were calling the Feds, and the storm blew right past the three lower forms of government, the storm was over there heads, and the last line of response is the feds/FEMA, and FEMA is backed up, by the President. FEMA is a Federal Disaster response agency, designed for the national level catastrophes, not for City level, or County level, or State level, responses.
So every person who cannot, or refuses to see that the President on down to the feds, FEMA, blew it, they are not seeing the days, of death and dying, by 99% black faces, but America saw it, clear as day or night, on the 24 hour new cycle.
When the tornados, hit Florida, several of them, the FEMA people, and the President was clued in from before to after, and once again Bush declared and emergency, before the disaster, just like in Louisiana, and Katrina.
But in the Katrina disaster, the FEMA level response, didn’t marshal resources, and didn’t act for days, and America watched in horror, as people died right in from of the camera’s.
When you declare, or make a declaration before a disaster, your response Agency, your head of response teams, are put on notice to start MARSHALLING supplies, and people, to respond as soon as the rain and wind slows down. But that didn’t happen, and all America saw it didn’t happen, not for daaaaayssss… now, the Right winger, want to blame the City, the County, the State heads with negligence… America as a whole is looking, and listening to every statement by these excuse makers, and accusers of the lower levels of Government, and are comparing there lower levels, to Florida, and can see only one thing clearly… no comparison, hands down… none.
Point: all the troops, and the trucks, and jeeps, and helicopters, and plans, and supplies… Question,” do you think they just made that equipment, and they just trained these troops over night, and had to wait to get the food, and water, or was it all MARSHALLED somewhere, with all the FEMA responders, watching days unfold, of Americans dying, day in, and day out.
And the organizations, which on the News, we see prominently, where were they, I know some of them were trying to do some things, before day one. Some one needs to ask these questions, ask the police where were the FEMA people, where were all these troops, and where did all the water, and food suppose to come from, and where was it, before it arrived in the disaster zones, of the Gulf Coast
Was all this in a marshaled areas, just waiting to get the word to go in… waiting just outside the area most needing this supplies, it must have been hard to just sit there day in and day out, eating and sleeping, and watching people die on TV, and wondering, why? Are we not moving in, the FEMA people thought to them selves, the doctors on call, watched on TV, day in and day out, eating and sleeping them selves, and wondering why? why? I can’t go in and save these people from there suffering, it had to be hard to watch Americans descend into Madness, and have loads of help, all around them, and in there hands. But NO CALL TO GO IN AND HELP.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The Real Looting is just Getting STARTED
The Real Looting is just getting started
By Bruce H, Scroggins
FEMA, Red Cross, just to name a few, our getting in the way of the private concerns, who have a heart to help, there are people bringing people like, the elderly, who need 24 hour care, and they are being dumped on the Churches door step, and the churches are more than willing to help, there are people Federalizing, shipments sent into Louisiana Churches, to help, and some of the shipments, have been seized.
The Big Institutions, are taking over, and blocking the good works done by those, who all along have shown the heart to get in there, from Day One. The only reason things have bend going well, as of two to three days ago is the MILITARIES, can do attitude, and they are the ones, who have ben flooded in to, jump start the effort, that was suppose to START up, ALL on it’s own, at the City, County, Federal Levels
And if you think, 10.8 Billion was enticing to loot on the big stealers scales, wait till Congress allocates 50 plus Billion to this tragedy. I've heard tree firms sending trucks and crews before Katrina hit to the neighboring States, in anticipation of the great deal of work coming in the Gulf States, smart move yes, but they are small opportunist, compared to the Looting Coming, to your TV screen, and in the News papers, in the not too distant future... just watch listen and see, and remember the truth.
The Red Cross, is a fine organization, but they have been shown to be untrustworthy in the past, especially, with money earmarked, to be GIVEN to those directly affected by the Tragedy, (remember 911, money given,) I said earlier, that the Black Churches, who are well acquitted to deal with the seeming 80 plus percent of black people, they have a cultural affiliations, to the people, and have there most honored Black Institutions, in place to spring into action, the NAACP, and the URBAN LEAGUE. And the truth is coming out, ALL the Churches are ready to help, but the Federal level is blocking, and in some cases, STEALING the GOODS sent by good Americans… yes stealing, looting, all in the name of federalization of needs, and then telling the churches , when they ask for help, a big FAT…NO… you b_____ds.
Congress has to get these Black Institutions involved, and you will see, much better results, with talking to the people, who are intractable, and refuse to leave. These people, many of them don’t trust the people, who our now, issuing orders to leave, even the local police, who lost everything, them selves. Remember for days, the lost people, didn't’ see there own police, and fire, many were on duty, in other parts of the city, and many were seeing to there loved ones, many, were killed, many were overcome, and are today down sick, Physically, and Mentally, but for what ever reason, some good, and some not so good, they weren’t there, to PROTECT & SERVE.
After the huge uproar, and all the Media coverage, and the endless Black faces on the 24 hour News Cycle, has put America into a sour, and angry, and flat out pissed off mood, and America is not in the mood for more bureaucratic B_ll S_it.
Remember, when a crisis gets beyond the ability for the City, and the State to handle it, the FEDS, responsibility kicks in automatically, but for some odd reason, Katrina and those at the FEMA level authority couldn't’ get there feet out of the sand, and there hands out of there pockets, they were paralyzed with fear, and all they could do was look at the book on emergency preparedness.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
FEMA, Red Cross, just to name a few, our getting in the way of the private concerns, who have a heart to help, there are people bringing people like, the elderly, who need 24 hour care, and they are being dumped on the Churches door step, and the churches are more than willing to help, there are people Federalizing, shipments sent into Louisiana Churches, to help, and some of the shipments, have been seized.
The Big Institutions, are taking over, and blocking the good works done by those, who all along have shown the heart to get in there, from Day One. The only reason things have bend going well, as of two to three days ago is the MILITARIES, can do attitude, and they are the ones, who have ben flooded in to, jump start the effort, that was suppose to START up, ALL on it’s own, at the City, County, Federal Levels
And if you think, 10.8 Billion was enticing to loot on the big stealers scales, wait till Congress allocates 50 plus Billion to this tragedy. I've heard tree firms sending trucks and crews before Katrina hit to the neighboring States, in anticipation of the great deal of work coming in the Gulf States, smart move yes, but they are small opportunist, compared to the Looting Coming, to your TV screen, and in the News papers, in the not too distant future... just watch listen and see, and remember the truth.
The Red Cross, is a fine organization, but they have been shown to be untrustworthy in the past, especially, with money earmarked, to be GIVEN to those directly affected by the Tragedy, (remember 911, money given,) I said earlier, that the Black Churches, who are well acquitted to deal with the seeming 80 plus percent of black people, they have a cultural affiliations, to the people, and have there most honored Black Institutions, in place to spring into action, the NAACP, and the URBAN LEAGUE. And the truth is coming out, ALL the Churches are ready to help, but the Federal level is blocking, and in some cases, STEALING the GOODS sent by good Americans… yes stealing, looting, all in the name of federalization of needs, and then telling the churches , when they ask for help, a big FAT…NO… you b_____ds.
Congress has to get these Black Institutions involved, and you will see, much better results, with talking to the people, who are intractable, and refuse to leave. These people, many of them don’t trust the people, who our now, issuing orders to leave, even the local police, who lost everything, them selves. Remember for days, the lost people, didn't’ see there own police, and fire, many were on duty, in other parts of the city, and many were seeing to there loved ones, many, were killed, many were overcome, and are today down sick, Physically, and Mentally, but for what ever reason, some good, and some not so good, they weren’t there, to PROTECT & SERVE.
After the huge uproar, and all the Media coverage, and the endless Black faces on the 24 hour News Cycle, has put America into a sour, and angry, and flat out pissed off mood, and America is not in the mood for more bureaucratic B_ll S_it.
Remember, when a crisis gets beyond the ability for the City, and the State to handle it, the FEDS, responsibility kicks in automatically, but for some odd reason, Katrina and those at the FEMA level authority couldn't’ get there feet out of the sand, and there hands out of there pockets, they were paralyzed with fear, and all they could do was look at the book on emergency preparedness.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Warnings, Warnings
by Bruce H, Scroggins
The Mayor of New Orleans is calling for everyone to leave New Orleans, The Water, and the Conditions are a toxic soup, of disease, filled with dead bodies, and dead animals, and decaying flesh, and chemicals.
And Water… water, water, and not a drop of it good, except in a sealed bottle… warning staying in this death trap, is not and option.
And the powers that be have spread these infected people to more than a dozen States more, Adults, Children, Old, and the Young, and the Babies, all are walking time bombs and this is a Public health hazard, of immense proportions, for the USA, like they have never seen before.
Now all of those in the know, FEMA, The STATE, the HEALTH Department, the POLICE, the STATE Board of Health, … What, and When did they know this, and …WHY? Did they not tell the people …BEFORE and AFTER?
They left those people in this mess, for days, and days, knowing and never said a word to the people… Oh well the powers that be, said to them selves, no sense in telling them NOW and many descended into madness, and we know many were mad before Katrina, but be that as it may.
Not helping them right after, and leaving them was CRIMINAL, we know this today, and sending them to other States and not telling the PEOPLE, and the STATES, only compounded the tragedy… the still evolving TRAGEDY, each day a new revelation of the absolute, benign neglect of Americans, and it’s tantamount to designed murder, YES I said murder.
It was and is a death trap, and for days, they knew, ask the powers, who ignored the dying people of new Orleans, they who should know, will have to answer, and don’t let parse words, make them answer, with out explanation, don’t let them Obfuscate, the TRUTH, and don’t let them sugar coat it, ask for independent professional answers, so America, whom they don’t want to ask Questions of, and new talking points, Blame game, THIS IS NOT A GAME, THIS IS LIFE & DEATH.
An Emerging Story in Black America
by Bruce H, Scroggins
The big story in a large part of Black America is the Big Media doesn’t respect the Black Organizations, and Black Churches, and big Media is NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and all of the 24 hour News Programs on Satellite, and Cable, and by Black Organizations, I am talking about the NAACP, and the URBAN LEAGUE these organizations are the oldest, and the most trusted in the Black communities around America, and it’s glaring to us, that on your News Shows, the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army, are the only one’s prominent, and in repeat at the end, and at the start of each segment, as the only organizations America should give to heavily.
Your show will have to stop reinforcing this, belief by your not placing these honorable strong Black Institutions, in their rightful place, with the ones to date you have shown, adinfiniteum to America, by design.
Believe me, I’ am not against these fine organizations, but I’ am also very proud of these Black Organizations, and they have done a great deal for Black America, and if you don’t listen to them, and in turn respect them, we will see this every day and night, and you’ll lose creditability with Black America.
Remember this present Administration, dose not talk with our leaders of choice, and many see that in the Black community as disrespect.
Remember, the Black community is largely faith filled people, and there faith tells them if you don’t respect the Son, you can’t respect the Father, and there is no way to the Father, except by way of the Son, if you understand, we will see a change, and all America will understand.
Bruce H, Scroggins
God Bless
A View from a Black Americans SKIN
9/6/05 10:12 PM
by Bruce H, Scroggins
It’s the seventh day of our American tragedy, and America is swinging into gear, and it’s heart warming to see but I have some strong views about the response to date.
Administrations Response; Racism, and the wholesale scattering, of the residents; murders, rapes, and firing on those who’ve come to help, are just some of things that deeply concern me, and Black and White America, should be upfront with there collective outrage about the events unfolding right in front of our faces. and lastly cleanup and rebuilding.
Lets jump in with both feet and hands, and a must is, we must keep our eyes, and ears open, and believe what you hear and see. Now the Media is and has always been the ones, with a canvas, and they paint, and some times they like what they paint, and some times, before and after painting, make decisions to change course too, as they believe, and are urged to bring “balance,” to what they report, and the Media, has one of the strongest presences in the “views,” and “view.” the World and America views of Americans at there worst and best in tragedy. I have heard, and viewed, on the News programs, (CNN, MSNBC, and Local coverage’s,) what I call, “changing course, and balancing the story.”
The print Media has as far as I can tell to date a magnificent job covering all aspects of this tragedy, but are not with out fault, but have done a yeomen job, to date.
The visual Media has a Bully pall-pit of a different sort, and can shape the news viewed in a more sustaining way, what with there 24 hour news cycle.
The Administration is averse to dealing with the Black communities strongest supporters, and Leadership, and a large part of the Black communities backbone-foundational-structure. And that is the Black Churches, Bush likes Black churches for his Faith-based Initiatives, but he only wants black pastors who agree with his political stances, those who do this, are given face time with Bush, and he and others take there Q, and literally, tells the Black community, "these are who your leaders should be," and that’s not to say, Black Pastors can’t get money to do Non-profit humanitarians works, if they don’t agree politically, no that’s too easy, and Bush is not that opaque, about the practice, but he is Crystal Clear to many in the Black and White communities of America.
Yes, Louisiana has suffered a tragic lost to its State, but Racism, rape, murder, are one set of extremes that are coming to the surface, and many are asking why?, why? Are they doing that, and, don’t they have basic right and wrong learning? the answers to all is “yes,” and the reality is, how can I explain this, listen if your ass hole, before you lose your things, and lets be clear they lost “things,” you’ll be ass hole without the things, and if you know right and wrong, but choose to be a rapist, and a murder, or were, before the tragedy, you can still be one be after, if you “choose” to be… If you’re a racist before, and choose to continue being a racist after, that is a choice… If you choose to show the truth before, and choose after the facts to change course, you choose this change.
In every instance, men/women made a choice to do what they did, and the catalyst for these acts, have been internal, and external. For those trapped, and stubborn enough to stay, it was, the catalyst of, there was no money to leave, and this little pile of bricks is all I got, and I live check to check, and believe me, PRIDE was active in all of these excuses, and there’s, the elderly, and the sick mixed in, and all are vulnerable, too those who have more strength, and less morals, and no hope for there squalid existence before the Tragedy, struck, and they were living a tragedy day in and day out before the tragedy… so a natural, and unnatural response, would be, my life has been taken away, and what little “pile of bricks,” you have, is gone, and your with out hope, and you see no way out, you descend into madness, the young, the old, the sick, the poor, the men, the women, the children, and all around you see death, in unimaginable proportions, your mind goes into survival mode, you try to save your own “skin.”
Example: some years ago a plane cashes on a mountain, the passengers were soccer players, and after being stranded, lost, with no hope, left they descended into cannibalism, and everyone who heard there story, understood the deft, and dept of there position.
Another thing to remember is, the churches, a bulwark in their neighborhoods are gone, there places of refuge, are gone, and there communities familiar faces, are gone and those who are looking lost, just like you, are not familiar, or friendly looking, because there lost, just like you, and your both wondering, will you hurt me to survive, or will I.
I just watched an irate LT. General Honore on TV MSNBS Live (1:57 Pm, CST), lashing out at the Media for asking questions about there late arrival on the sense, he was over the top, because he doesn’t think he should be ask about, the feeble response from the Federal Authorities, I have one response to him, if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, because his anger dose me and the people no good, and your an Arrogant man with Authority, is all I heard and seen, and the Media should cut him no slack, He stepped up with Chartoff, to the Hot seat, and got mad at a perfectly pertinent question. And it’s not secure everywhere, and he lied and tried to paint a picture that everything is secure, and it’s not and the Media has been there far longer that LT. General Honore. Truth in fact, and the Media should light his fire, right under, and in his face.
Bush is one of the most smarmy men I know, and I know something of smarminess, having been young, and thinking at some points of my youth, that I was God’s gift to God knows who, (smile.)
Accountability will come up everyday, and indifference and arrogant outburst from Johnny come very, very lately’s of whatever authority, and political stripes, better get ready, and stand up tall, and suck up there smart ass retorts, because Americas, not even close to being in a mood, of wanting to hear his anger.
What's is lost in all that has happened is, where is America’s faith, this is suppose to be a Christian county, well I can’t tell. The people lost in the south, are relying, many of them on their faith, and that faith has served them well, it gives them hope, not to lash out, but to be strong and to hold on to those of faith who stand in the breach, for them everyday and night, and these everyday first responders, have stayed, and rolled up their sleeves, and worked to the bones to be a servant to there fellow man, did everyone hurting, acknowledge them… were they attached, and some killed and hurt, yes… and a painful yes, for them all, but that did not deter them from living out the faith, and in turn inspiring other to hold on to there faith, and let it stand in them and give, when all they had to give was each other.
So give America, give of your time, and your money, and make a point to give to Black churches, if not money time, if not time, food, if not food, clothes, and if not clothes, give of your mind, and believe what you see, and hear from those who have suffered the lost of all things material, but look at America from there faith, and say, I believe someone, I can’t see loves me, and will help me.
Last be not least, Black America, see's many black people being sent out of there home State, I ask why, when they should be housed right in there home State, and are the very ones who should be involved in helping, everyone whose lost, and needs help, who better to help, than those who’ve been helped, and who better to work rebuilding, their homes, and the homes of there fellow lost. Stop scattering them to the four corners of America, they need wholeness, and work, and money, and a home at home, they want to help there fellowman, and the Feds, and the Military, and FEMA needs there help, and they need to help.
A great lost of man power is taking place, and some want to act like there doing so much, and in this mix of the lost, is Teachers, Security Workers, Janitors, Cooks, Construction workers, Air conditioning specialist, system managers, nurses, Highway heavy Workers, Bricklayers, Electricians, Computer Specialist, Nursing home Attendants, Hospital Workers and a veritable cornucopia of every field needed in this tragedy, and scattering them to the four corners of the States, is putting stress on there neighbors. These refugee’s can build housing, and put in the pluming, and can make everything needed for the rebuilding of there State.
So I ask, WHAT are you DOING, why? Can’t the powers that be VIEW/SEE the immense waste of limited resources, on one hand, and the clear as your face answer, on the other.
And if you’d just ask the NAACP, and URBAN LEAGUE they’d tell you the same, in most cases.
by Bruce H, Scroggins
It’s the seventh day of our American tragedy, and America is swinging into gear, and it’s heart warming to see but I have some strong views about the response to date.
Administrations Response; Racism, and the wholesale scattering, of the residents; murders, rapes, and firing on those who’ve come to help, are just some of things that deeply concern me, and Black and White America, should be upfront with there collective outrage about the events unfolding right in front of our faces. and lastly cleanup and rebuilding.
Lets jump in with both feet and hands, and a must is, we must keep our eyes, and ears open, and believe what you hear and see. Now the Media is and has always been the ones, with a canvas, and they paint, and some times they like what they paint, and some times, before and after painting, make decisions to change course too, as they believe, and are urged to bring “balance,” to what they report, and the Media, has one of the strongest presences in the “views,” and “view.” the World and America views of Americans at there worst and best in tragedy. I have heard, and viewed, on the News programs, (CNN, MSNBC, and Local coverage’s,) what I call, “changing course, and balancing the story.”
The print Media has as far as I can tell to date a magnificent job covering all aspects of this tragedy, but are not with out fault, but have done a yeomen job, to date.
The visual Media has a Bully pall-pit of a different sort, and can shape the news viewed in a more sustaining way, what with there 24 hour news cycle.
The Administration is averse to dealing with the Black communities strongest supporters, and Leadership, and a large part of the Black communities backbone-foundational-structure. And that is the Black Churches, Bush likes Black churches for his Faith-based Initiatives, but he only wants black pastors who agree with his political stances, those who do this, are given face time with Bush, and he and others take there Q, and literally, tells the Black community, "these are who your leaders should be," and that’s not to say, Black Pastors can’t get money to do Non-profit humanitarians works, if they don’t agree politically, no that’s too easy, and Bush is not that opaque, about the practice, but he is Crystal Clear to many in the Black and White communities of America.
Yes, Louisiana has suffered a tragic lost to its State, but Racism, rape, murder, are one set of extremes that are coming to the surface, and many are asking why?, why? Are they doing that, and, don’t they have basic right and wrong learning? the answers to all is “yes,” and the reality is, how can I explain this, listen if your ass hole, before you lose your things, and lets be clear they lost “things,” you’ll be ass hole without the things, and if you know right and wrong, but choose to be a rapist, and a murder, or were, before the tragedy, you can still be one be after, if you “choose” to be… If you’re a racist before, and choose to continue being a racist after, that is a choice… If you choose to show the truth before, and choose after the facts to change course, you choose this change.
In every instance, men/women made a choice to do what they did, and the catalyst for these acts, have been internal, and external. For those trapped, and stubborn enough to stay, it was, the catalyst of, there was no money to leave, and this little pile of bricks is all I got, and I live check to check, and believe me, PRIDE was active in all of these excuses, and there’s, the elderly, and the sick mixed in, and all are vulnerable, too those who have more strength, and less morals, and no hope for there squalid existence before the Tragedy, struck, and they were living a tragedy day in and day out before the tragedy… so a natural, and unnatural response, would be, my life has been taken away, and what little “pile of bricks,” you have, is gone, and your with out hope, and you see no way out, you descend into madness, the young, the old, the sick, the poor, the men, the women, the children, and all around you see death, in unimaginable proportions, your mind goes into survival mode, you try to save your own “skin.”
Example: some years ago a plane cashes on a mountain, the passengers were soccer players, and after being stranded, lost, with no hope, left they descended into cannibalism, and everyone who heard there story, understood the deft, and dept of there position.
Another thing to remember is, the churches, a bulwark in their neighborhoods are gone, there places of refuge, are gone, and there communities familiar faces, are gone and those who are looking lost, just like you, are not familiar, or friendly looking, because there lost, just like you, and your both wondering, will you hurt me to survive, or will I.
I just watched an irate LT. General Honore on TV MSNBS Live (1:57 Pm, CST), lashing out at the Media for asking questions about there late arrival on the sense, he was over the top, because he doesn’t think he should be ask about, the feeble response from the Federal Authorities, I have one response to him, if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, because his anger dose me and the people no good, and your an Arrogant man with Authority, is all I heard and seen, and the Media should cut him no slack, He stepped up with Chartoff, to the Hot seat, and got mad at a perfectly pertinent question. And it’s not secure everywhere, and he lied and tried to paint a picture that everything is secure, and it’s not and the Media has been there far longer that LT. General Honore. Truth in fact, and the Media should light his fire, right under, and in his face.
Bush is one of the most smarmy men I know, and I know something of smarminess, having been young, and thinking at some points of my youth, that I was God’s gift to God knows who, (smile.)
Accountability will come up everyday, and indifference and arrogant outburst from Johnny come very, very lately’s of whatever authority, and political stripes, better get ready, and stand up tall, and suck up there smart ass retorts, because Americas, not even close to being in a mood, of wanting to hear his anger.
What's is lost in all that has happened is, where is America’s faith, this is suppose to be a Christian county, well I can’t tell. The people lost in the south, are relying, many of them on their faith, and that faith has served them well, it gives them hope, not to lash out, but to be strong and to hold on to those of faith who stand in the breach, for them everyday and night, and these everyday first responders, have stayed, and rolled up their sleeves, and worked to the bones to be a servant to there fellow man, did everyone hurting, acknowledge them… were they attached, and some killed and hurt, yes… and a painful yes, for them all, but that did not deter them from living out the faith, and in turn inspiring other to hold on to there faith, and let it stand in them and give, when all they had to give was each other.
So give America, give of your time, and your money, and make a point to give to Black churches, if not money time, if not time, food, if not food, clothes, and if not clothes, give of your mind, and believe what you see, and hear from those who have suffered the lost of all things material, but look at America from there faith, and say, I believe someone, I can’t see loves me, and will help me.
Last be not least, Black America, see's many black people being sent out of there home State, I ask why, when they should be housed right in there home State, and are the very ones who should be involved in helping, everyone whose lost, and needs help, who better to help, than those who’ve been helped, and who better to work rebuilding, their homes, and the homes of there fellow lost. Stop scattering them to the four corners of America, they need wholeness, and work, and money, and a home at home, they want to help there fellowman, and the Feds, and the Military, and FEMA needs there help, and they need to help.
A great lost of man power is taking place, and some want to act like there doing so much, and in this mix of the lost, is Teachers, Security Workers, Janitors, Cooks, Construction workers, Air conditioning specialist, system managers, nurses, Highway heavy Workers, Bricklayers, Electricians, Computer Specialist, Nursing home Attendants, Hospital Workers and a veritable cornucopia of every field needed in this tragedy, and scattering them to the four corners of the States, is putting stress on there neighbors. These refugee’s can build housing, and put in the pluming, and can make everything needed for the rebuilding of there State.
So I ask, WHAT are you DOING, why? Can’t the powers that be VIEW/SEE the immense waste of limited resources, on one hand, and the clear as your face answer, on the other.
And if you’d just ask the NAACP, and URBAN LEAGUE they’d tell you the same, in most cases.
Making a Tragedy Worse
by Bruce H, Scroggins
I watch and, listened, and called phone numbers, and ask people, about loved ones, and have spent time looking for lost family, and heard of friends lost, along the way. And my prayers go out to our fellow Americans who have lost so much, and those who are safe, and those who this day are in harms ways.
I look in horror as those most in need, are displaced again over and over again from not only there homes, and neighbor hoods, but from there state, and are to this day completely out of the mix, of the plan for the very land, they own in some instances, and for those who were renting, they have been shoved, and shoehorned into another State. They’ve lost there voice, at a time when those at the table, will set the future for there home, and may tell them about it, only when and if, it becomes necessary.
America watches the TV News Shows, and wonders to them selves, why? Won’t they leave, with all the destruction, and death around them, Americans, say to them selves, “I don’t get it,” well let me relieve your concerns, and inform your minds, and I ask you to open your hearts, just as your faith, and your Pastor, has this past two Sundays. And please I ask you don’t let the criminal acts of a few sway your minds, get you to focused on what is to date a very small part of the problem.
Most of those who refuse to leave know they will not be at the table, and they don’t trust anyone to speak for there interest, in the development of there homes futures, so don’t fall for the side issue of looting, the News Shows, are trying to fill, and be balanced in there reporting, and that’s it. These issues are important issues, but they are still not the most important story.
The people, who are alive, are the story, and America should never forget it. These people, who have been shipped out of there State to another State, are the very people to help those, who are still there, and in distress, the people who lost everything, want a part in there recovery, and let me tell you what a definition, is of recovery, first to recover, you have to know what you lost, and the LOST, and hurting people of Louisiana, know what they lost, and those who remain and refuse to leave know what they have, and will lose if they leave, and they know that many of the voices that they have come to know and have supported them over the years of there life’s, they don't recognize, or trust, and means there voice has been reduced by death, and by displacement.
The talents in those well over 250,000 people shipped out of Louisiana, could have been brought, just outside of town, and the FEMA, and the FEDS, could of spent some money, to and put them to work, after giving them Medical treatment, building the shelters, and then some, could of assisted in New Orleans, in the search and rescue of there fellow neighbors, and these same people could’ve of been made as whole as humanly possible, and would be a catalyst for positive, upward looking, and hopeful outlook on there future, and they would "BE" there when the "TABLE" is set for all Re-development, of where they lived out there life’s.
Now the NAACP, and the URBAN LEAGUE, has the Institutions available to assist in this kind of plan to give the Lost HOPE, it’s a lot simpler, than it sounds. If they can in a hurry, make homes for the Japanese in Arizona, even thought they were woefully inadequate, they can use the very people who have the talent and the blood bought right to be there at the table of there comeback from the lost.
I watch and, listened, and called phone numbers, and ask people, about loved ones, and have spent time looking for lost family, and heard of friends lost, along the way. And my prayers go out to our fellow Americans who have lost so much, and those who are safe, and those who this day are in harms ways.
I look in horror as those most in need, are displaced again over and over again from not only there homes, and neighbor hoods, but from there state, and are to this day completely out of the mix, of the plan for the very land, they own in some instances, and for those who were renting, they have been shoved, and shoehorned into another State. They’ve lost there voice, at a time when those at the table, will set the future for there home, and may tell them about it, only when and if, it becomes necessary.
America watches the TV News Shows, and wonders to them selves, why? Won’t they leave, with all the destruction, and death around them, Americans, say to them selves, “I don’t get it,” well let me relieve your concerns, and inform your minds, and I ask you to open your hearts, just as your faith, and your Pastor, has this past two Sundays. And please I ask you don’t let the criminal acts of a few sway your minds, get you to focused on what is to date a very small part of the problem.
Most of those who refuse to leave know they will not be at the table, and they don’t trust anyone to speak for there interest, in the development of there homes futures, so don’t fall for the side issue of looting, the News Shows, are trying to fill, and be balanced in there reporting, and that’s it. These issues are important issues, but they are still not the most important story.
The people, who are alive, are the story, and America should never forget it. These people, who have been shipped out of there State to another State, are the very people to help those, who are still there, and in distress, the people who lost everything, want a part in there recovery, and let me tell you what a definition, is of recovery, first to recover, you have to know what you lost, and the LOST, and hurting people of Louisiana, know what they lost, and those who remain and refuse to leave know what they have, and will lose if they leave, and they know that many of the voices that they have come to know and have supported them over the years of there life’s, they don't recognize, or trust, and means there voice has been reduced by death, and by displacement.
The talents in those well over 250,000 people shipped out of Louisiana, could have been brought, just outside of town, and the FEMA, and the FEDS, could of spent some money, to and put them to work, after giving them Medical treatment, building the shelters, and then some, could of assisted in New Orleans, in the search and rescue of there fellow neighbors, and these same people could’ve of been made as whole as humanly possible, and would be a catalyst for positive, upward looking, and hopeful outlook on there future, and they would "BE" there when the "TABLE" is set for all Re-development, of where they lived out there life’s.
Now the NAACP, and the URBAN LEAGUE, has the Institutions available to assist in this kind of plan to give the Lost HOPE, it’s a lot simpler, than it sounds. If they can in a hurry, make homes for the Japanese in Arizona, even thought they were woefully inadequate, they can use the very people who have the talent and the blood bought right to be there at the table of there comeback from the lost.
Putting a Face on Responses
by Bruce H, Scroggins
9/6/05 1:47 PM
Today, we hear and see, that Donald Rumsfeld, and the Military are “putting a face on Responses,” they say here’s what we’ve done, so far, and it’s heartening to hear America coming together, but those responsible for the early days catastrophic, woeful responce, through inept coordination, and flat out not knowing need, and an American dying from, a pencil, or a telephone.
Don Rumsfeld knew the storm was coming, and they knew the aftermath, was full of ALL possibilities, and they knew the plans were supposed to be, already be in place, relief and Aid, was suppose to be in place, days before the known storm hit and fell after coming out of Florida.
The Powers that be understood the possible magnitude of this Katrina, during the first strike, and in the after math of the first strikes, they seen the tragedy unfolding, and they completely, and utterly miss the mark, by not moving forward with the PLANS they say were suppose to be ALREADY IN PLACE, people dying in front of cameras, almost instantly, and the Government KNEW they were dying, and did not ACT, and in the case of the New Orleans poor, they were brain locked, and chased there tails in endless moves, with no resoults.
(I' am watshing Don Rumsfelds Press conference)
The Military says, look America, you have to look at the priorities, the helicopters “they had,” first I ask, who is “they,” and the original question was where were the “YOUR,” helicopters, (meaning the MILTARYS helicopters,) now Rumsfeld, is spewing numbers of what they’ve done to close the breeches to date, and the General is saying nothing, blah, blah, blah… Rumsfeld says, anyone who doesn’t understand, is wrong in there questioning, of are responses, that’s what I get from his spewing.
And the General is mixing Iraq, and a pep talk, (close your mouth, and only open it to answer the question, sir) Question; you talk about how the plan was in place, but the reality was not the same as what you’re telling us today (is what I hear, in answer.) And the response is BLAH, BLAH, BLAH… and the Administration chooses, ding, ding, ding… it’s not my responsibility.
And that is the face, today put on responses… I didn’t do it… RIGHT!
This Administration doesn’t want to place blame… RIGHT now, and even Clinton says the same, well, no one was held accountable after the facts of 911, and most of Americans, don’t raise our children this way, and if you screw up on the job, you get relieved from your position, and someone who can get the job done is put in your place, but not with this Administration, it’s… Stop asking whose the blame, and let the people who are the blame, do the job, (let me add) they should of done in the first place… I’ am sorry did that soud like they don't know S__t , because I know it flat out didn’t make sense, and even if you wait to build up all this good work, it will not lessen the FACTS, that they SCREWED UP ON A MASSIVE SCALE, and no heads were chopped off.
Acess right now what didn’t happen, that was in place to happen. Bush say he’ll lead his own Investigation, right now I don’t trust the man were the buck suppose to stopped, he can look and when he seeg his reflection in the investigation, I wonder what he’ll say to him self, this will be, one more moment of truth, and if his past performance is an indicator, he’ll see very little.
And Bush will pep talk his way through and around the whole thing, and tell us, "look at America pulling together"… take a moment, and don’t let Bush get away with not making himself, THE ACCOUNTABLE RESPONSE.
Bruce H, Scroggins
9/6/05 1:47 PM
Today, we hear and see, that Donald Rumsfeld, and the Military are “putting a face on Responses,” they say here’s what we’ve done, so far, and it’s heartening to hear America coming together, but those responsible for the early days catastrophic, woeful responce, through inept coordination, and flat out not knowing need, and an American dying from, a pencil, or a telephone.
Don Rumsfeld knew the storm was coming, and they knew the aftermath, was full of ALL possibilities, and they knew the plans were supposed to be, already be in place, relief and Aid, was suppose to be in place, days before the known storm hit and fell after coming out of Florida.
The Powers that be understood the possible magnitude of this Katrina, during the first strike, and in the after math of the first strikes, they seen the tragedy unfolding, and they completely, and utterly miss the mark, by not moving forward with the PLANS they say were suppose to be ALREADY IN PLACE, people dying in front of cameras, almost instantly, and the Government KNEW they were dying, and did not ACT, and in the case of the New Orleans poor, they were brain locked, and chased there tails in endless moves, with no resoults.
(I' am watshing Don Rumsfelds Press conference)
The Military says, look America, you have to look at the priorities, the helicopters “they had,” first I ask, who is “they,” and the original question was where were the “YOUR,” helicopters, (meaning the MILTARYS helicopters,) now Rumsfeld, is spewing numbers of what they’ve done to close the breeches to date, and the General is saying nothing, blah, blah, blah… Rumsfeld says, anyone who doesn’t understand, is wrong in there questioning, of are responses, that’s what I get from his spewing.
And the General is mixing Iraq, and a pep talk, (close your mouth, and only open it to answer the question, sir) Question; you talk about how the plan was in place, but the reality was not the same as what you’re telling us today (is what I hear, in answer.) And the response is BLAH, BLAH, BLAH… and the Administration chooses, ding, ding, ding… it’s not my responsibility.
And that is the face, today put on responses… I didn’t do it… RIGHT!
This Administration doesn’t want to place blame… RIGHT now, and even Clinton says the same, well, no one was held accountable after the facts of 911, and most of Americans, don’t raise our children this way, and if you screw up on the job, you get relieved from your position, and someone who can get the job done is put in your place, but not with this Administration, it’s… Stop asking whose the blame, and let the people who are the blame, do the job, (let me add) they should of done in the first place… I’ am sorry did that soud like they don't know S__t , because I know it flat out didn’t make sense, and even if you wait to build up all this good work, it will not lessen the FACTS, that they SCREWED UP ON A MASSIVE SCALE, and no heads were chopped off.
Acess right now what didn’t happen, that was in place to happen. Bush say he’ll lead his own Investigation, right now I don’t trust the man were the buck suppose to stopped, he can look and when he seeg his reflection in the investigation, I wonder what he’ll say to him self, this will be, one more moment of truth, and if his past performance is an indicator, he’ll see very little.
And Bush will pep talk his way through and around the whole thing, and tell us, "look at America pulling together"… take a moment, and don’t let Bush get away with not making himself, THE ACCOUNTABLE RESPONSE.
Bruce H, Scroggins
Should they Rebuild New Orleans?
By Bruce H, Scroggins
Only if they destroy everything down to the sewers, and pile it up for land fill, and bring in a little over one third of a mile of dirt, for foundations, and bridges. But they won’t do this the levees, and walls would be 6 to 8 stories high. And these people are scared for their pets, and they’re little pile of bricks, and their corner of the world. Blame game, in you screw up on your job, you lose your position, if not your job, immediately, and if anyone dies, the re is an Investigation immediately, but this Bush Administration, does not hold any of there ADMINASTRATORS accountable, only the opposition is held accountable for saying whose at fault.
Barbara Bush, says their UNDERPRIVILAGED anyway, woo, she’s tuff. Interpretation to me, She just said, anything you give them will be appreciated, (they, them) have never had much… insensitive yes, out of touch with the suffering, of hard working Americans, who lost all of their pile of bricks, yes. Please stop asking the rich, what they think of anything, and if they start talking about anything not ask them, just let them ramble on, and politely turn away, senility about being poor, and sick, and losing all is out of there reach, at least for many.
And last, if your child screws up, do you confront his screw up now, or say a couple of months from now… your answer, and remember, the children are looking and listening to US ADULTS.
Only if they destroy everything down to the sewers, and pile it up for land fill, and bring in a little over one third of a mile of dirt, for foundations, and bridges. But they won’t do this the levees, and walls would be 6 to 8 stories high. And these people are scared for their pets, and they’re little pile of bricks, and their corner of the world. Blame game, in you screw up on your job, you lose your position, if not your job, immediately, and if anyone dies, the re is an Investigation immediately, but this Bush Administration, does not hold any of there ADMINASTRATORS accountable, only the opposition is held accountable for saying whose at fault.
Barbara Bush, says their UNDERPRIVILAGED anyway, woo, she’s tuff. Interpretation to me, She just said, anything you give them will be appreciated, (they, them) have never had much… insensitive yes, out of touch with the suffering, of hard working Americans, who lost all of their pile of bricks, yes. Please stop asking the rich, what they think of anything, and if they start talking about anything not ask them, just let them ramble on, and politely turn away, senility about being poor, and sick, and losing all is out of there reach, at least for many.
And last, if your child screws up, do you confront his screw up now, or say a couple of months from now… your answer, and remember, the children are looking and listening to US ADULTS.
The Real World, I mean, the one you and I live IN
By Bruce H, Scroggins
No lets not talk about whose at fault, lets look at a part of the Plan, there is a disaster Declaration, that happens before, and some times after the FACTS, you declare before the Facts, to put everyone on ALERT, whose job it is to spring into ACTION, the moment it time to go.
You see ALL the Trucks, Plans, Food, Helicopters, Medicine, Troops, in abundance, and the Doctors, and skilled people around today, and you do not think they just built all that equipment, or they were waiting for it too be built. All of what you see today was available weeks ago.
Let me say what many already know, If your son was responsible for taking the trash out, even if it’s raining, but if it’s lightening, and hailing, and the winds are 100 plus MPH, you defer, even though the smell is high, but as soon as the weather pasts, that morning. Your son knows to get the trash out of the house, so you the father come home that evening, and the trash is still in the house and the house stinks to high heaven.
So you confront your son, and he says, this not the time for the blame game, I’ll take it out but, don’t get down on me know, I’ve got to disinfect, and mop the area, where the trash can was, and burn some incense, and your son tells you I’ll look into why it didn’t get done, but that can come later.
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