by Bruce H, Scroggins
Tell them there’s poisons, and broken glass in the streets, even the parts that were untouched and dry, drag some out, or scare them out, but out! someone! wants them out.
I heard a tearful nursing home attendant describe contacting the loved ones of there patience’s, and out of 59 patience, 32 had someone come and get them, and this home was under mandatory evacuation, but the only was they could be evacuation was if someone came and got them.
I know this Tragedy was a perfect storm, and it was one in a million, and the city had issued the declaration for the City’s people to evacuate, it was mandatory. Now the City was up to, and over there heads in responsibilities, and in some of the nursing home across the City there responsibilities, were to protect and care for there patience, so just calling someone, and telling them to come and get them is not the end of there responsibility, and the loved ones who cared for there loved ones in these Institutions, who lived outside, have a responsibility to do all they can for them.
Those loved ones, out side of the nursing homes, were in a tragedy as well, and were pulled in all directions, and many choose to look after those in there immediate charge and made decisions, to get them out, those that had the capability to do so. And those that choose to stay, could get out them selves, and were lost, some of them, died of acts of criminal intent, while trapped in a flooding city, with there local protection stretched, thin and broken, and crushed by the shear weight of numbers, and there own despair, for there loved one, it was a recipe of catastrophic proportions, and it played out… it played out, at the cost of the least of humanity, the Old, and Sick, and extreme Elderly, and predominately black, being able to do, no more than watch their own demise slowly.
Here’s the story, the City ask for buses, and the City Buses did all they could, but where were the Private BUSES, Private Companies BUSES, they, Instructed there driver to go take care of they families, they shut down there businesses, and parked them in neat rows, and there BUSES, went under the FLOOD as well, hundreds of BUSES, around new Orleans, and in total may per haps, thousands of BUSES.
None FACT, the City dose not have the Power to Federalize private property, like the Federal Government dose, (FEMA) has that federal POWER. So there are some screw ups by the City, but not many, so stop trying to play got you TV, on the Police, got the Horses mouth and ask your pointed questions, ASK the Mayor, ask the Governor, ask the Head of FEMA, ask the President.
I’ am sick to death to see you keep asking, the very people who worked their selves to death in some cases, why they didn’t do more, like they started this whole thing, like because of what you think they (the City, State didn’t do the state Q form the City, and didn’t do right, and the FEMA took there Q from the City, and State and followed some pattern set by the lower levels of Government and that’s how all, the leaving BEHIND started and everything is the City, and the States fault.
Listen… all news media… Katrina was like a run away 1 Million Ton Tank, and the City tried to stop it with police, and the State tried to stop it with the State Troopers, and a few National Guard, soon both lower Governments, called the Army, and the Army came but forgot to bring the Anti-Tank Weapons, and just stood and watched, and ignored what was on TV (the Media,) and still they stared like deer in the headlights, at people screaming for help, and for more days than I care to count, they waited until the Tank ran out of gas, and the Sun started to shine, and still waited a day or two, before the fire, of you inept basta_ds, came cra-shinding down from both Party’s in Congress, along with the raised voices of the Media, together it became defining to the President, and Johnny come lately’s started to move in what was needed days ago.