Republican says; its run away spending, is Republicans in answer to Obama saying; this spending is stimulus, Republican say: Answers and leadership, it failed under our watch and leadership and the American people don’t want it. Well the truth is under republicans, we were not in this position in the economy and he’s right we were spending, or Republicans were spending and foolishly, off the books and budget wars of choice, unregulated spending is the result, none of it for Infrastructure, or Roads and Bridges or Port and Transportation and Border Security, cutting and underfunding Education and Health Care, these are just a few of the wrong headed spending Republicans did and contributing to economy we have today.
Obama and Democrats in the House and in the Senate, knows an economic disaster is looming and, both knows we have to spend in all segments of our economy and for programs starved by the failed Republicans leadership, of the Bush Veto-less, and 110th Rubber Stamp Republican controlled Congress. Reinvestment Stimulus has to occur, Short termed, Middle termed and long termed investing, as the recovery takes hold, is new answers, forward thinking and acting.
Republican says; there is a time honored way, to stimulate the economy, you give the people more of their money, (wait and see) Cuts (tried this, didn’t work). The only problem with these, TRIED and FOUND failing policies is, this is not Reagan’s economy, or Kennedy’s economy, or frankly Bush’s economy, although it is Bush’s economy creation and it will take bold and new policies to bring all segments of our economy out of this morass, created by failed Bush and Republican controlled leadership and policies.
Republicans say; the center piece of any effective Stimulus Bill, they say, done (Republicans name for the TARRA of 2009 Bill), by Congress, in the recent pass has been Tax relief. Once again Republicans believe, just cut the taxes on the rich and they’ll spend, in turn, or in return and bring the economy out of the spiraling down turned economy. This is wrong on so many levels today, first the little tax cuts you give to the middle classes down is not enough to spend, on goods and services, that have remained high, because, no one is spending and the rich will not spend the tax cuts, to bring a huge unemployed labor force back in America, it’s not enough bang for our tax bucks, the rich will only increase off-shore savings and apply the extra money to investments more profitable out side the US, as they did in each of the past tax cuts, given by Republicans, or Democrats, targeting the rich.
Bush gave massive tax cuts to the rich and business community and a tiny tax cut, in proportion to the middle and working poor’s proportion of Bush’s tax cuts, the upper classes and rich, in turn Down Sized and Out Sourced high paying jobs, Businesses then lobbied Republicans and Bush, in control of the 110th Congress for more H1B’s and hired heavily in the Service Industries, is all Americans got, who once has a middle class job and life style. The working poor, in turn spent there little tax cut money on the wealthy owners of Banks, Credit House, Food, Health Insurance, Mortgages, Rents and Energy, only to met with a continually raising prices, eating up the little increase, only the rich could save.
And to add insult to injury, the working poor watched their Pensions disappear, 401k’s devalued and all of their Savings disappear, all under Bush and Republican Policies and leadership. There was deregulation, corruption from ENRON and massive spending that was not Stimulative, except to the Military Industrial Complex (CACI and Titan, 1 and 2, , Bechtel 3rd, Aegis 4th, Custer Battles 5th, General Dynamics 6th, Nour USA Ltd. 7th, Chevron, ExxonMobil and the Petro-imperialists 8th, 9th and 10th and lets not forget the perennials; Fluor, Rayton, Black water, Halliburton. http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/41083/ )
Again Republican say; it’s a matter of how you get Americans to spend, do you do it in a way, that allows them to invest in small businesses and have confidence, little or all tax cut will be enough. Democrats say, lets give them more direct relief and dollars, more and larger tax cuts for the middle class masses down to the working poor and poor, who do the massive Spending Stimulus, the spending the masses, now have no confidence in spending out of a stagnated pay check, eaten up by rich business owners who increased, 10% each year over the last 8 years the workers cost of health insurance, all remember with an increasingly shrinking pay check.
Republicans says; we’re not going to force lay-offs of teachers and fire-fighters in the states, with these cuts in this Senate Bill. A lie from the pit, Republicans want small ball. Republicans don’t want this Bill to fail, they don’t want it to succeed, over whelmingly or massively, they don’t want it to start a driving recovery. Republicans want to stunt it, slow it down, in implementation, just so it’s a slow recovery, so they can complain about it not working and it’s all to slow a recovery.
Gregory picked all the fringe voices about short termed and targeted Conservative economist, feeding the Republicans talking points, listen the majority of economic voices say, this Bill. Democrats say; this Bill, it has to be large and Short, Mid and Long termed in it approach and implementation, there must be parts of this, or the original White House and House of Representative Bill, that keep kicking in, over the course of our Nations RECOVERY, once this AMERICAN RECOVERY and REINVESTEMENT ACT HR1 of 2009, delivers and including the recent Senate cuts, put back in the BILL, it is essensecial Spending Stimulus and is set in motion, that means, the Reinvestment Stimulus part of the Spending Stimulus, happen, implementing along the course, along side the incremental Recovery as it grows larger.
Gregory continues to interrupt certain Democrats, when they speak, but never, or little interruptions can be heard from Gregory, when any of the Republicans speak, even if a Republican jumps in and says, I got to speak, I got to answer, here. He once interrupted the Republican so far, on his panel and talked over him.
Barney Franks; talking about the failed reasoning, not to give bankers more tax payer’s money, with out conditions. MTP/2/08/2009
“Heads I win, tails I break even, it only encourages people to flip more coins”
Republican says; its run away spending, is Republicans in answer to Obama saying; this spending is stimulus, Republican say: Answers and leadership, it failed under our watch and leadership and the American people don’t want it. Well the truth is under republicans, we were not in this position in the economy and he’s right we were spending, or Republicans were spending and foolishly, off the books and budget wars of choice, unregulated spending is the result, none of it for Infrastructure, or Roads and Bridges or Port and Transportation and Border Security, cutting and underfunding Education and Health Care, these are just a few of the wrong headed spending Republicans did and contributing to economy we have today.
Obama and Democrats in the House and in the Senate, knows an economic disaster is looming and, both knows we have to spend in all segments of our economy and for programs starved by the failed Republicans leadership, of the Bush Veto-less, and 110th Rubber Stamp Republican controlled Congress. Reinvestment Stimulus has to occur, Short termed, Middle termed and long termed investing, as the recovery takes hold, is new answers, forward thinking and acting.
Republican says; there is a time honored way, to stimulate the economy, you give the people more of their money, (wait and see) Cuts (tried this, didn’t work). The only problem with these, TRIED and FOUND failing policies is, this is not Reagan’s economy, or Kennedy’s economy, or frankly Bush’s economy, although it is Bush’s economy creation and it will take bold and new policies to bring all segments of our economy out of this morass, created by failed Bush and Republican controlled leadership and policies.
Republicans say; the center piece of any effective Stimulus Bill, they say, done (Republicans name for the TARRA of 2009 Bill), by Congress, in the recent pass has been Tax relief. Once again Republicans believe, just cut the taxes on the rich and they’ll spend, in turn, or in return and bring the economy out of the spiraling down turned economy. This is wrong on so many levels today, first the little tax cuts you give to the middle classes down is not enough to spend, on goods and services, that have remained high, because, no one is spending and the rich will not spend the tax cuts, to bring a huge unemployed labor force back in America, it’s not enough bang for our tax bucks, the rich will only increase off-shore savings and apply the extra money to investments more profitable out side the US, as they did in each of the past tax cuts, given by Republicans, or Democrats, targeting the rich.
Bush gave massive tax cuts to the rich and business community and a tiny tax cut, in proportion to the middle and working poor’s proportion of Bush’s tax cuts, the upper classes and rich, in turn Down Sized and Out Sourced high paying jobs, Businesses then lobbied Republicans and Bush, in control of the 110th Congress for more H1B’s and hired heavily in the Service Industries, is all Americans got, who once has a middle class job and life style. The working poor, in turn spent there little tax cut money on the wealthy owners of Banks, Credit House, Food, Health Insurance, Mortgages, Rents and Energy, only to met with a continually raising prices, eating up the little increase, only the rich could save.
And to add insult to injury, the working poor watched their Pensions disappear, 401k’s devalued and all of their Savings disappear, all under Bush and Republican Policies and leadership. There was deregulation, corruption from ENRON and massive spending that was not Stimulative, except to the Military Industrial Complex (CACI and Titan, 1 and 2, , Bechtel 3rd, Aegis 4th, Custer Battles 5th, General Dynamics 6th, Nour USA Ltd. 7th, Chevron, ExxonMobil and the Petro-imperialists 8th, 9th and 10th and lets not forget the perennials; Fluor, Rayton, Black water, Halliburton. http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/41083/ )
Again Republican say; it’s a matter of how you get Americans to spend, do you do it in a way, that allows them to invest in small businesses and have confidence, little or all tax cut will be enough. Democrats say, lets give them more direct relief and dollars, more and larger tax cuts for the middle class masses down to the working poor and poor, who do the massive Spending Stimulus, the spending the masses, now have no confidence in spending out of a stagnated pay check, eaten up by rich business owners who increased, 10% each year over the last 8 years the workers cost of health insurance, all remember with an increasingly shrinking pay check.
Republicans says; we’re not going to force lay-offs of teachers and fire-fighters in the states, with these cuts in this Senate Bill. A lie from the pit, Republicans want small ball. Republicans don’t want this Bill to fail, they don’t want it to succeed, over whelmingly or massively, they don’t want it to start a driving recovery. Republicans want to stunt it, slow it down, in implementation, just so it’s a slow recovery, so they can complain about it not working and it’s all to slow a recovery.
Gregory picked all the fringe voices about short termed and targeted Conservative economist, feeding the Republicans talking points, listen the majority of economic voices say, this Bill. Democrats say; this Bill, it has to be large and Short, Mid and Long termed in it approach and implementation, there must be parts of this, or the original White House and House of Representative Bill, that keep kicking in, over the course of our Nations RECOVERY, once this AMERICAN RECOVERY and REINVESTEMENT ACT HR1 of 2009, delivers and including the recent Senate cuts, put back in the BILL, it is essensecial Spending Stimulus and is set in motion, that means, the Reinvestment Stimulus part of the Spending Stimulus, happen, implementing along the course, along side the incremental Recovery as it grows larger.
Gregory continues to interrupt certain Democrats, when they speak, but never, or little interruptions can be heard from Gregory, when any of the Republicans speak, even if a Republican jumps in and says, I got to speak, I got to answer, here. He once interrupted the Republican so far, on his panel and talked over him.
Barney Franks; talking about the failed reasoning, not to give bankers more tax payer’s money, with out conditions. MTP/2/08/2009
“Heads I win, tails I break even, it only encourages people to flip more coins”