Thursday, January 11, 2007

The explosion in Athens, at US Embassy, proves the war is not in Iraq;

Bush has the bulk of our Forces, bogged down in a Civil Conflict, all to save face.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Afghanistan and now Athens, is were the war on terror is showing the ugliest face and Bush is not paying attention, Bush is trying to provoke a reaction from Iran, America must call and write your representatives, tell the President too stop this ESCALATION in the Iraq’s Civil Conflict. Bush is continuing to pushing the Political solution, farther and farther out of sight, Bush is in absolute malfeasants, in his job as CEO, he is forcing Congress too micro manage.

Bush has not planned the fight, in Iraq, nor in Afghanistan and Bush refuses to plan and exit. Bush will keep saying Iraq is the central front on terrorism, that is not true America, Bush is going to and has told the Generals in charge in Afghanistan, he wants their troops to leave Afghanistan and go too Iraq, Bush has sent a second Carrier Battle Group into the Gulf, off Iran. Our President is out of control and putting our country in DANGER, forcing Congress to act.

America Russ Feingold CENCORSHIP BILL looks good now, Congress must act before we’re in another war, Bush wants perpetual war, with anyone and he will be belligerent and refuse to talk too any one, even allies. Bush has refuse to listen too the will of the Nation. Rice has set a new low in parroting failed explanations of Bush policy, she simply make me want to throw-up, whenever I hear her speak.

Not one thing Bush has said in the last two days makes any sense, what so ever, nor have his spinners, apologist, supporters and Pundits, since the speech. And Chris Matthews was so disappointed last night, he made the asinine statement, that Bush has one more chance in six months, I always knew he was a Bush gamer, Keith Obermann, out reasoned, out-analyzed and thoroughly out summed up the Bush speech to the point, Chris’s was absolutely deflated in his partisan response, too the point of Chris making his totally out reasoned Hail Mary statement, every News annalists on the show with Chris, came too an absolute different conclusion, as did nearly all of Congress and so far the ones who do not agree with the almost universal conclusions, are so small, as to be insignificant.

Chris Matthews, is marginalizing his whole career, by making these statements about Bush having still another chance with the American people, he acts as though, every one else, including himself sea’s Bush walking like a DUCK and then every so often, Chris say; Bush does not walk like a DUCK, Chris be consistent, you lose creditability and sound mentally imbalanced, but as I watch Chris’s Hardball show less and less, because of Chris’s skit-zoid behavior on air, he sounds like he’s on the beat of the Nation most of the time and out of the blue he goes and says things like he’s clearly rooting for Bush’s continued irrational leadership and behavior.

Chris looked so sick in that four-picture panel, as Keith just shined like the Super Star he has become on MSNBC. Funny how reasoned analysis and reason debate and deft a grasp of details, is wielded in the hands of a raising master News Show Host, Chris is good but in certain arena’s, Keith is better at immediate grasp of facts. Keith reminds me of some great Attorney, bringing together all the pertinent details, in any case filled with details spanning years to decades, it an ability to see through the Bull-crap and bring the smell test to the surface, in crystal clear and cogent and a voiced conclusion.

Keith Special comment: bring it on, Keith.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

When is America and Congress going to be SICK and TIERED, of DEAD American troops and DEAD Iraqi’s? WHEN… WHEN is ENOUGH, Enough!!!

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Come… on, more of the same America Bush is Lucy, holding the ball and always encouraging Charlie Brown too run up and kick the ball, but time after time, she pulls the ball away and Charlie kicks air and falls.

Bush would have America believe the Generals failed, let examine that, everything the American troops set out to do, in Iraq and were ask to do, has been done, the troop won, the troops were Victorious, the troops have completed everything, the troops have gone above and beyond what was ask of them, not one thing have they not accomplished, listen America, we… America won, stop and think America, it’s over… we’ve won. Bush just told America we won.

Bush is the one who has failed and lost, not the troops, not the American people, we’ve given treasure, we’ve given, money, we’ve given, Taxes, we given Time, we gave plan A, B, C, D, E, F, E1, E2, E3 and on and on, we’ve given chance after chance, after chance, America we’ve given blindly. No more troops to make Bush look like a winner, Bush has fumble flopped his way through Iraq and is telling:

America, you don’t tell me, I Bush tell you, your going to give until, I BUSH say I won.

Bush say it’s unacceptable to Americans, no Bush it’s way beyond unacceptable to America, the election tells you Bush and US, it beyond acceptable.

Congress, reverse the Resolution for going to war with Afghanistan, which Bush co-opted to go into Iraq. Bush does even not acknowledge He and Iraq has lost the backing of the American PEOPLE, Now. Bush said in his speech, if Iraq does not, stand up and beat back the Civil war, they will lose the backing of the American people. The audacity and arrogance of Bush, to IGNORE the November election and the mandate sent to Bush.

Tomorrow the Administration will be out in full force selling the give me another chance to hold the football and You see Iran is the other boogie men in the region and we have to dissuade Syria and shore up our allies, who will be affected by my losing the conflict, don’t believed the horse cookies, Bush failed and that’s what needs to be what leads our actions. Bloody and violent is what Bush says will happen, when he sends more troops into the caldron.

Can you say DAJAVUE America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

SEN. Lindsey Graham "think," Most Americans, will agree, Supposition:

That a failed Iraqi State, will be a disaster for America, FACT and TRUTH: Iraq is a failed State period.

Meet the Press 01/07/2007

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush says, the Generals, Abizaid, Casey, will best “decide how to win,” the key word Bush is using is, I’ll listen as long as they tell me/Bush they will “win,” Bush’s listening is contingent on only one thing, “win,” Bush refuses any position by anyone, or any General, say; “I can’t, or we can’t win.”

Now the current Generals have been saying, we can’t win, were not wining, Mr. President and that was enough for Bush to SACK the Military leaders and bring in inexperienced, military leaders, this has brought Bush the time and the cover to “surge troops into the caldron.”

Senator Lindsey Graham, what will happen when we leave is, is exactly what’s is happening now, only more of it, the US Military will not be completely out of Iraq, we will be however re-positioned to the borders and to Defensible positions, not walking streets and kicking in doors. The present Iraqi administration has to form a POLITICAL DECISION and if not they’re going down and another strong man will emerge and the US will have to deal with him, whom ever he is.

The US will defend the borders and stop the influx of outside agitators, insurgents, Iraq has to get in the streets and bring independent militia’s too HEAL. There are not many other options and no power but Maliki and Muqtada, Mr. Graham, the Iraqi Judge and the Policeman the Fireman, the Hospital workers, the Civil Servants, the fractured Military Units and the Officer Corp. HAVE NO POWER, JUST AS SENATOR JOE BIDEN SAID. All you advocate is “what’s going to happen when we re-position,” not leave altogether.

Admit it Senator Lindsey, you want the US to stay in Iraq trying to correct our mistakes, at least until Bush leaves office, so the failed war won’t be, put on you and your rubber-stamping Congress who refuse to listen to the Democrats, Republicans had Bush’s ears all through this and didn’t push for more troops all through out this, Mr. Graham you and your party, could have been much more forceful, together with Democrats, but you chose to be Partisan and weak and let Bush, micro manage, Iraq into a mess. Now you want the US to stay and continue to try and “WIN,” there’s that word again, you still think we can win, after screwing ids up.

I made a decision to start using drugs and 33 years later, I came to the conclusion that I could not fix my habit of using, in the drug life, I had to get outside of it, so God lead me away from the drug life and I had to stop trying in the DRUG LIFE, in the mistake and ask God to save me, but I Had to stop trying to fix, my mistake and except it had FAILED.

Senator you do not want to admit it’s failed and you made a statement that no American should say it’s failed, or we lost, well I’ am going to be the Statesman, I thought you and Republicans and Democrats should be, say it, I will if you refuse, we lost, it’s failed and I want my Treasures home, or at the very least, re-positioned to defensible positions. In 08’ Republicans will lose office in DROVES all because they refuse to ADMIT, America lost Iraq, based on Bush’s mistakes and then backing Bush’s mistakes blindly, all because you don’t want to say, Bush and Congress lost Iraq, we failed.

America is caught in Trap and many Republicans and one Independent democrat in half of a name, wants America to keep chewing until our leg is chewed through, then and only then, will they begrudgingly admit the war is lost, but this admitance can't happen while Bush their, Leader is still in office.