Thursday, January 17, 2008

Arrogant Hilary and Bill twisting Obama's words

Arrogant; win at all cost, the Clintons have devolved and shown their true face, all because Obama is in the RACE and can WIN


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Bill Clinton is unhinged about the culinary workers, the State allowed more caucus stations, for workers serving the huge hospitality Industry in Las Vegas, proper and yesterday Hilary was twisting Obama’s words, both have made the worst possible mistakes, all around black and brown people, win at all cost I call it, is what I see, it polarizing and I had dropped Hilary too third, in my list of democratic Presidential contenders, I now will not vote for Hilary, my list consist of two democrats, Obama and Edwards.

Dennis Kucinich is a better candidate than Hilary. I was taken aback when I heard Hilary twist Obama’s words from the Last debate; she made Obama’s words sound like he would be a figure head, instead of a leader, Obama would delegates authority to trusted advisors and leaders, capable administrators who will carry out orders and vision, just as Hilary would and Bill did.

I cannot wait for the Black caucuses Debates in the South Carolina, black people will see Hilary at her worst and the next day Bill will attack again and the dye will be cast, black won’t be so undecided after the S. C. debates.

Hilary and Bill know, that Obama, running as a black only candidate, is a no winner for Obama, so they tried to maneuver, through the back and forth to frame Obama as a black candidate only and then, they themselves, come out, one in a very emotional moment, this would freeze some blacks and un-decided voters, too get them to , either return too Hilary and Bill, or at the most freeze them again, until they could twist a few more positions and draw a false contrast.

This Bill and Hilary strategy, is backfiring with blacks, browns and Independent, watch and mark my words, in South Carolina and in Nevada, blacks, browns and Independents will vote overwhelmingly Obama.

Obama will unite the American people, Hilary will divide and polarize, she and her husband are doing exactly that today, now what do you actually see and hear from both candidates

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Question: Who started leading the Civil Right movement and who reacted to it

Question: who was more important Pharaoh, who eventually let the Jews/Hebrews go, or Moses who told Pharaoh,” too let my people go,” who was more important, President Johnson, who signed the eventual legislation? Or Martin Luther King who started the Civil Rights, movement of the 60’s … I’ll give you a few words and a moment to think about those questions.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

With the media, playing up the race issues, between Clinton and Obama, I had to chime in, it seems, the Clinton’s want to remind, Black folks of all they’ve done for them and they were instrumental in many advances, but they were not the only ones involved and they sure are not the only ones who can, make all the issues facing the black community whole, in the coming 21st century, remember, the drug problem rose to some of the worst heights, under Bill Clinton, we had more police on the streets, but we were sending black males to jail, for petty crimes at an alarming rate under Bill Clinton’s leadership as well. Yes there were plenty of jobs and Education opportunities were more available, during his administration, these on just a few of the facts, of an admittedly great administration.

Great is not always good when you look at the big picture of Civil Rights and the black community, there has been many gain, retarded and canceled by the Bush, Republicans and, the Plan to spend all the treasuries monies and in the out years, cut all the domestic safety nets and hollow out the governments structures, leaving a Government, incapable of protecting the least among us.

Remember, it was Clinton, who signed the legislation, that changed Welfare and for me I think, that was a good thing, but today, with the safety net, all but gone, it doesn’t look, or feel so good for the working poor, Homeless among us. Just saying your ready and tested is not reason enough to just vote blindly for anyone, nor is just saying change, without dept of hope, but let’s look deeper at the issues and what their going to do, their plans.

And when we look at their Plans, remember, it was those who brought the issues to the forefront, not the ones in charge who make change and if it was the ones in charge who started and finished the change, then the President at the time of the Civil rights Movement, or before the movement began, they would of called for and led the movement, last… it sure wasn’t Pharaoh who called for letting my people go, so don’t be fooled by those who tell you I’ am tested and ready, or change for the sake of change… give us facts and a plan, make your promises if you must, but you’d better deliver, because, it’s the failed plans and promises, that are the reason people won’t buy EXPERIENCED, one quality, should be remembered, consistently making the right decisions and making the change necessary, to bring their plans and promises to reality, that doesn’t means they haven’t made mistakes in the past, but when it came time to grow up and make decisions for others, take a close look at that record the present Democratic controlled grown-up Congress is evidence of sayings, promising one thing and doing another.