What you don’t hear is anyone stating a Plan to solve the round up statement.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
And because no one has offered and answer to these extreme statements, they leave the hearer, with perception, there’s nothing anyone can do, that’s false premise and the Media, is the prime ones, leaving it there, no answer, there has been many who offered answers, but the Media refuses to give air to any PLAN to do exactly what the Statements say, can’t be done.
It’s like the drug problem, in poor communities, the community is left with, we, (meaning law enforcement,) cannot round up all the drug dealers, or the suppliers, too the street drug dealers, we cannot do it, it impossible, you cannot imagine how that leaves a community invaded with a foreign substance, a plague, from outside, it’s like law enforcement, is saying to the community, you have been invaded and we, Law enforcement cannot eradicate them from, your community, we don’t live there, but we will send police, we don’t know the difference between, citizens and dealers, so we, (Law enforcement) living outside, we will profile, everyone, in your community.
These poor communities will live from that day forward, under occupation, and policed like, the community is the problem and the law enforcement, treats, it like Animals in cages are treated, Police cars, drive into the community and react to what they see, instead of proactively arresting the Suppliers, cutting off the flow, into that community.
Illegal Aliens are being treated the same way, there here, you have to tolerate them, even though the citizens, did not ask, or help them across the Border, but there here, you cannot do anything, too arrest them all, if you ask why this is as it is, they tell you about the Border and Law enforcement, not doing what was on the Books, so most Americans say, enforce the Laws, arrest every violator, when you find them, pass a law saying, if you are here illegally, you must come forward and be documented, if you do not come forward, by this date, you can only be a Temporary Worker, you will never receive legal Worker status, or Guest Worker status.
This kind of law will be the base, for illegal aliens to first ROUND THEMSELVES UP. Second, do not put citizenship at the end of the process, this will still gives illegal aliens hope, of a either Legal, Temporary, or Guest status. And for all those concerned about the children of the illegal aliens, those children are US citizens, there parents, can remain, now their status, depends on the parent, stepping out of the shadows, they will not be deported, in most instances, but their, status is dependant on them, the parent will have US citizen in their family, their children, so the parents are role models, for them, at retirement of the parent, the US can make adjustments, to there status, that all can be worked out later.
I have offered a more detailed Plan for Illegal and legal Immigration, on my Blog, I sent this plan to all my elected representatives and Kennedy & McCain and the Networks, Print media, except RNC fox, sorry, I don’t consider fox a legitimate news organ.
Believe me I do not believe any of these ideas will be given air, most New Show host lack the freedom to pursue any ideas, outside their producers, line of propaganda, just count how many times you hear, the above headline, stated, without pursuit of any Plan too answer, the statement, it has been impossible, by some one any of the viewing public, we had to listen to the repeated statements, over and over, pounding into their consciences, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, no it’s not.
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