”Is Barak Obamma, black enough.” Janet langhart Cohen, together with her husband William Cohen former Secretary of State, book; “Love in Black and white.” Is not a focus of black people in America?
By Bruce H, Scroggins
I won’t say no one is talking about it, but there are very few, blacks, I know, posing this question, this is a media manufactured and driven question and it’s not important to blacks, were not monolithic, in our thinking. White America is pushing this question, because they want to hear what black people have to say about Obama.
Black America, is listening to all agents, vying for the Presidency, and have reserved there collective judgments as too who, will best lead the Nation into a 21ts Century, in need of course corrections and real change. Black people as a whole knows that, a man, any man is not Black people’s savior, we have commonsense enough to know, our future is tied, inextricably to all Americans, we want better schools, secure job, affordable health insurance, Immigration, Ports, Borders and a secure Nation, many want the conflict in Iraq ended as it is today, they are not cut and runners, but they know, who and were the majority of our enemies our and there not in Iraq.
Blacks want New Orleans rebuilt, Affordable Housing, and a clean environment, lower prices for Energy; blacks want the deficit cut and aid restored to the States. Higher Education made affordable for our youth and access opened for Americans, of all colors, especially those who have suffered, from an un-level playing field in institutions and businesses, for centuries. Black America seeks a real conversation about America’s racism.
There are much, much more, issues touching America’s Black population, all the very same areas, that all of America is interested in seeing, our beloved Nation raising to the heights, of Peace and Prosperity, we are capable of, but we must address, the gap between the rich and poor and that takes, people coming together, together we must come America, all of America, must come together.
Black America is deeply interested in Darfur and the Congo, we see, genocide and our country, bogged down in Iraq, yes we want our enemies brought to justice and we want no more failure by our leadership, plain and simple, these and more are the interest of black America, whether Barak Obamma is black enough, or some such derivative questions, is not even on black America’s radar, at least in the circle, I circulate in.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Chris Matthews, on Hardball…
he says: Re-deploy to the desert, what, just waiting in the heat, He says; “deny the troops re-enforcements.” Chris Matthew says.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
Chris, Bush lied to get America’s treasures, into Iraq, bad Planning has kept them there, exposed and dying, Bush has surged up and down, he has failed up and down, repeatedly… America is tiered of failure. Literally every Administration prediction, has been wrong, Bush & Cheney deny they did anything wrong, “Last throws, assumptions, were winning in Iraq,” is still wrong.
Re-deploy is the right first step in, getting our treasures out of line of fire, in what is mostly a Civil conflict, look Chris, “Iraq for the US, after Bush’s repeated failures, has put the US between a Rock and a Rock Hard Place.” Bush and Cheney, never planned to secure the borders of Iraq, that failure, has left, open access, for “Insurgents, weapons,” human Iraqi US soldiers lives are on the FIRING LINE DAILY and Bush wants to “stay to course and surge in more soldiers.”
America has too, get out of the middle of the Civil conflict, in Iraq and the best move is to secure the borders and retire to bases, were they can, form quick strike forces, and finally crush the remnants of Alqeada. Re-deploying to the borders of Iraq in addition, will reassure our allies in the region, were committed to securing Iraq, it puts Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia, all on Notice, were not leaving, at least not right away. These moves will free-up troops for Afghanistan, as well as, an all-out hunt down, of Osama Ben Hidin’, remember Osama.
“This will also put Iraq’s Government on notice, it’s time to stand up take the weight, and fight to the last man for their country, Iraq must put all on the line, now.”
And the statement about Denying the troops in the field, re-enforcement and that this Resolution, will lead to the next step, cutting funding, or setting in place, standards, that any troops sent into the field, must be fully equipped and trained and have the proper, rotation for rest and family.
This Resolution is the right first step, it’s respectful of the President, it says, we have heard your Plan, Mr. President and we are not convinced, we have no confidence in your plan, please bring us a another plan. Now Bush chose to force his plan down Congresses and America’s throat.
Bush has deployed the troops in the field, to circumvent Congress, there is no urgency for Bush’s action, but to set in motion, his repeated failed Plans. Congress has the power to set in place benchmarks, to this willful action, by the president. And when this action by Bush, FAILS and it will FAIL, Congress will have to take steps to get Bush to come back too congress with a better plan.
Bush’s job is to make and lead a plan, Congresses job, at the point of making Plans, Congress, can have confidence, or not have confidence, Bush can blunder ahead, or redraw his planning, to gain support and confidence of Congress and the People. Chris, you clearly know, Bush has chosen to ignore Congress and the American majority and fail forward again. Bush has the Power to move forward, he has the pentagon budget, to make moves, Congress has the power of legislation and of the purse, Bush wants to play his hand, he says, I don’t need your approval and Bush is right, but he makes this move at his peril.
Congress can however, move to the extreme and de-fund future Plans and short of this extreme measure, make benchmarks and standards and much more, so that Bush must be meet these steps, too proceed. And that is not denying re-enforcements too troops in the field. Bush can continue to leave, troops in harms way, after Congress, set parameters and be impeached for maleficent in office. The ball is in Bush’s court, be it known Chris, Congress will no longer, rubber stamp failure, no more. Now every Congressman who argues for this failed Plan of Bush’s, only looses votes and widens the take over on Congress and the presidency, can you a veto proof majority in both Houses of congress, in 09’.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
Chris, Bush lied to get America’s treasures, into Iraq, bad Planning has kept them there, exposed and dying, Bush has surged up and down, he has failed up and down, repeatedly… America is tiered of failure. Literally every Administration prediction, has been wrong, Bush & Cheney deny they did anything wrong, “Last throws, assumptions, were winning in Iraq,” is still wrong.
Re-deploy is the right first step in, getting our treasures out of line of fire, in what is mostly a Civil conflict, look Chris, “Iraq for the US, after Bush’s repeated failures, has put the US between a Rock and a Rock Hard Place.” Bush and Cheney, never planned to secure the borders of Iraq, that failure, has left, open access, for “Insurgents, weapons,” human Iraqi US soldiers lives are on the FIRING LINE DAILY and Bush wants to “stay to course and surge in more soldiers.”
America has too, get out of the middle of the Civil conflict, in Iraq and the best move is to secure the borders and retire to bases, were they can, form quick strike forces, and finally crush the remnants of Alqeada. Re-deploying to the borders of Iraq in addition, will reassure our allies in the region, were committed to securing Iraq, it puts Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia, all on Notice, were not leaving, at least not right away. These moves will free-up troops for Afghanistan, as well as, an all-out hunt down, of Osama Ben Hidin’, remember Osama.
“This will also put Iraq’s Government on notice, it’s time to stand up take the weight, and fight to the last man for their country, Iraq must put all on the line, now.”
And the statement about Denying the troops in the field, re-enforcement and that this Resolution, will lead to the next step, cutting funding, or setting in place, standards, that any troops sent into the field, must be fully equipped and trained and have the proper, rotation for rest and family.
This Resolution is the right first step, it’s respectful of the President, it says, we have heard your Plan, Mr. President and we are not convinced, we have no confidence in your plan, please bring us a another plan. Now Bush chose to force his plan down Congresses and America’s throat.
Bush has deployed the troops in the field, to circumvent Congress, there is no urgency for Bush’s action, but to set in motion, his repeated failed Plans. Congress has the power to set in place benchmarks, to this willful action, by the president. And when this action by Bush, FAILS and it will FAIL, Congress will have to take steps to get Bush to come back too congress with a better plan.
Bush’s job is to make and lead a plan, Congresses job, at the point of making Plans, Congress, can have confidence, or not have confidence, Bush can blunder ahead, or redraw his planning, to gain support and confidence of Congress and the People. Chris, you clearly know, Bush has chosen to ignore Congress and the American majority and fail forward again. Bush has the Power to move forward, he has the pentagon budget, to make moves, Congress has the power of legislation and of the purse, Bush wants to play his hand, he says, I don’t need your approval and Bush is right, but he makes this move at his peril.
Congress can however, move to the extreme and de-fund future Plans and short of this extreme measure, make benchmarks and standards and much more, so that Bush must be meet these steps, too proceed. And that is not denying re-enforcements too troops in the field. Bush can continue to leave, troops in harms way, after Congress, set parameters and be impeached for maleficent in office. The ball is in Bush’s court, be it known Chris, Congress will no longer, rubber stamp failure, no more. Now every Congressman who argues for this failed Plan of Bush’s, only looses votes and widens the take over on Congress and the presidency, can you a veto proof majority in both Houses of congress, in 09’.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
House Debate, Resolution 63;
By Bruce H, Scroggins
House Debate, on Resolution 63, Why Trust, Bush again, failure is all he has delivered, Republicans want Dems. Majority to drive the conflict in Iraq, just take over, Republicans say; “it’s silly, it’s a joke”… When Republicans were in power, they debated nothing, they rubber stamped every utterance from Bush, and denied amendments and debate… Now we will have full debate and a vote, one step at a time and Republicans hate being put on the record, without a chance to twist and muddy the discussion and vote, they hate not being in control.
Republicans simple hate, being put on the record, one step at a time, this keeps their rhetoric clean. Rep. David Dreier wants to ignore the majority and blindly continue to follow the failed Presidents, ever-repeated plans. Republicans rant and rave about, winning and finishing the mission, the truth is the troops have won their mission; they have completed the task set before them admirably, the mission they were sent into Iraq to complete, the victory has come, they are done, Bush refuses and Republicans refuse to announce their Victory.
The next mission is to secure the borders and crush the remnants of Alqeada. Iraq’s job is, to start reconciliation talks and command and control their countries land and cities. The Troops must re-deploy, to defensible positions, first with in Iraq and the borders, then many troops can go to Afghanistan, and hunt down, Osama Ben Hidin’.
It’s a phony argument, Democrats do not support the troops in the field, by this resolution Democrats, will not take bullets out of the guns, in the middle of a fire fight, we will however, not fund more troops going into Iraq, we will force Bush to remove our troops from harms way.
Congress is sending a message, NO CONFIDENCE IN YOUR PLAN BUSH… come back to Congress with another Plan and we will look it over, do not force Congresses hand, let’s work together, not dictate to the Congress, do not ignore our, confidence. The plan is to leave Iraq, eventually, Republicans Plan is to stay the course, until we win… win what. Republicans want Political Government to replace a religion, Muslims will never trade, their faith for our Government.
It’s illogical to say, the only way to support the troops, is too blindly continue to follow a failed Plan, during the first and second World Wars, Dieppe was a mistake, a failure, lives were lost, in a failed Military mission, fail it did. Through out the wars, we supported the troops. Now today, we have had one failure after another, Bush refuses to acknowledge, his abject failures, this debate is exactly the debate we should have had, before we went into Iraq, it is an embarrassment, to have this now, with troops in the field.
That is the fault of the Republican controlled Congress, who refused to have oversight and accountability, repeatedly rubber-stamping every failed appropriation, one after another. The Democratic Minority could not even bring an Amendment, a Bill, or Resolution to the floor prior to 07’; the Democratic Minority were shut out of the policy making, from start to finish, all rush to a vote-into-IRAQ, based on fixed Intel.
Republicans want to stay the course, or prefer Democrats, now in the majority, take over the war, anything short of a Binding Resolution, cutting funding, which leaves democrats holding the failure, which is Bushes COMPLETELY.
America Voted, no confidence in Bush and Republicans. No more troops, no more phony Intel, no twisting the truth, the majority spoke loudly on November 7th, 06’ OUT OF IRAQ.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
House Debate, on Resolution 63, Why Trust, Bush again, failure is all he has delivered, Republicans want Dems. Majority to drive the conflict in Iraq, just take over, Republicans say; “it’s silly, it’s a joke”… When Republicans were in power, they debated nothing, they rubber stamped every utterance from Bush, and denied amendments and debate… Now we will have full debate and a vote, one step at a time and Republicans hate being put on the record, without a chance to twist and muddy the discussion and vote, they hate not being in control.
Republicans simple hate, being put on the record, one step at a time, this keeps their rhetoric clean. Rep. David Dreier wants to ignore the majority and blindly continue to follow the failed Presidents, ever-repeated plans. Republicans rant and rave about, winning and finishing the mission, the truth is the troops have won their mission; they have completed the task set before them admirably, the mission they were sent into Iraq to complete, the victory has come, they are done, Bush refuses and Republicans refuse to announce their Victory.
The next mission is to secure the borders and crush the remnants of Alqeada. Iraq’s job is, to start reconciliation talks and command and control their countries land and cities. The Troops must re-deploy, to defensible positions, first with in Iraq and the borders, then many troops can go to Afghanistan, and hunt down, Osama Ben Hidin’.
It’s a phony argument, Democrats do not support the troops in the field, by this resolution Democrats, will not take bullets out of the guns, in the middle of a fire fight, we will however, not fund more troops going into Iraq, we will force Bush to remove our troops from harms way.
Congress is sending a message, NO CONFIDENCE IN YOUR PLAN BUSH… come back to Congress with another Plan and we will look it over, do not force Congresses hand, let’s work together, not dictate to the Congress, do not ignore our, confidence. The plan is to leave Iraq, eventually, Republicans Plan is to stay the course, until we win… win what. Republicans want Political Government to replace a religion, Muslims will never trade, their faith for our Government.
It’s illogical to say, the only way to support the troops, is too blindly continue to follow a failed Plan, during the first and second World Wars, Dieppe was a mistake, a failure, lives were lost, in a failed Military mission, fail it did. Through out the wars, we supported the troops. Now today, we have had one failure after another, Bush refuses to acknowledge, his abject failures, this debate is exactly the debate we should have had, before we went into Iraq, it is an embarrassment, to have this now, with troops in the field.
That is the fault of the Republican controlled Congress, who refused to have oversight and accountability, repeatedly rubber-stamping every failed appropriation, one after another. The Democratic Minority could not even bring an Amendment, a Bill, or Resolution to the floor prior to 07’; the Democratic Minority were shut out of the policy making, from start to finish, all rush to a vote-into-IRAQ, based on fixed Intel.
Republicans want to stay the course, or prefer Democrats, now in the majority, take over the war, anything short of a Binding Resolution, cutting funding, which leaves democrats holding the failure, which is Bushes COMPLETELY.
America Voted, no confidence in Bush and Republicans. No more troops, no more phony Intel, no twisting the truth, the majority spoke loudly on November 7th, 06’ OUT OF IRAQ.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Condi sound like, she's been bitch slapped, by the Unitary VP. Cheney from the Start
Condi sound like, she been bitch slapped, by the Unitary VP. Cheney from the Start, if she were a man, we’d call it “Punked.”
By Bruce H, Scroggins
More importantly, George Bush really thinks he a President, Cheney has Punked Bush as well and holds unilaterally much of the Presidents Power. The “Unitary Vice President,” we have all been pointing to Bush and it’s been Cheney all along, pulling strings and twisting Intel.
Richard Armitage sounds like he had more power than the faces out front, of the Administration, or at the least, what America has been led to believe, are the Bush leadership. Bob Woodward had more knowledge then Congress ever had and that’s not saying much, even Bob Novak had more inside knowledge, before the War.
Libby’s defense is falling short, if he is depending on Tim Russert, the time line doesn’t fit and besides, the truth of the run-up to the attack on Iraq is coming clear and Impeachment is even clearer, impeachment of both Bush and Cheney and at the least, the censorship and even impeachment of Alberto Gonzales.
If you can keep count, the Republican Controlled Congress got repeatedly Punked, Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearl, Rove and by the FBI, the CIA and even the Defense Secretary, including the Attorney General and the National Security Advisor, are the only ones left, who still believe they not being used. I for one don’t believe a word coming out of the mouths of this administration, not one word.
Please tell me these Corporate Bought and paid for leaders have a real Plan to fully protect America, hell we still have one of our greatest cities in shambles, all under the their collective watch.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
More importantly, George Bush really thinks he a President, Cheney has Punked Bush as well and holds unilaterally much of the Presidents Power. The “Unitary Vice President,” we have all been pointing to Bush and it’s been Cheney all along, pulling strings and twisting Intel.
Richard Armitage sounds like he had more power than the faces out front, of the Administration, or at the least, what America has been led to believe, are the Bush leadership. Bob Woodward had more knowledge then Congress ever had and that’s not saying much, even Bob Novak had more inside knowledge, before the War.
Libby’s defense is falling short, if he is depending on Tim Russert, the time line doesn’t fit and besides, the truth of the run-up to the attack on Iraq is coming clear and Impeachment is even clearer, impeachment of both Bush and Cheney and at the least, the censorship and even impeachment of Alberto Gonzales.
If you can keep count, the Republican Controlled Congress got repeatedly Punked, Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearl, Rove and by the FBI, the CIA and even the Defense Secretary, including the Attorney General and the National Security Advisor, are the only ones left, who still believe they not being used. I for one don’t believe a word coming out of the mouths of this administration, not one word.
Please tell me these Corporate Bought and paid for leaders have a real Plan to fully protect America, hell we still have one of our greatest cities in shambles, all under the their collective watch.
A Fair Plan for Illegal Aliens/Immigration
By Bruce H, Scroggins
I write this as a Plan for the Illegal Aliens and the Border Control problem, in America we are engaged in two conflicts, one a legitimate war, in Afghanistan and illegal conflict in Iraq.
First, the Borders Ports and Air and ground transportation; locking down the access and entry points is paramount, during a time of war, but should be thought of as crucial for the integrity and security of the Nations people, porous access points undermine commerce and employment, compromising trade and a host of issues related to health and human services.
America has a Immigration system in place that works, but is slow and needs, staff to step up too the 21st century problems, Immigration Control officers need help in enforcing border and Port security, Structural enhancements can work with facility increases in bed space and enlargement of Court facilities to handle adjudications.
Second, be it known, America is not stupid, they know, both parties want the votes of these Illegal aliens, now estimated to be around 12 to 20 million people in the USA and America knows, they have come illegally and once here, compounding the laws, by the breaking and entry into the US, by having children, obtaining Housing, illegal Social Security Numbers and taxes paid and more, much more.
These problems for the US and the Illegal aliens are not insurmountable, as many in Congress and in the news, want America to believe. Many say no to Amnesty and that is the right step, but what do you do about the illegal, underground population. Some want a Guest Worker Program, to allow, each year workers to fill jobs, many say Americans “won’t do, or won’t take,” both of these statements are untrue, there are no jobs, Americans won’t do, or take, There are however Jobs, not offered at a living wage.
Evidenced by LA County, alone, there are near 200,000 homeless and an untold number of unemployed in that California County alone, they will work any job, offered, even Agricultural Jobs, the Right and their allianced business community wants America, to think, they want America to think, Americans won’t do these jobs and that is not even close to being true. Wages are the only factor in these jobs, a living wage offered will be accepted and I believe, even a low wage will be accepted, no one has offered these jobs to the Homeless and unemployed.
Now extrapolate these two segments of the US Citizenry, across the nation and you have more than enough workers for American business.
American business since the 1987 Amnesty, together with Congress and law enforcement, have collectively turned their backs on illegal Aliens, streaming into America, that is a crime, there has been tacit, suppression of wages, by American Businesses.
Solutions, a PLAN;
First, what to do about all the illegal Aliens in the US? Much has been said about not being able to “Rounding up millions of Illegal Aliens and besides that would be breaking up of families, that is wrong.” First you’re talking, or arguing to Americans, about not following the law, by trying to “GUILT AMERICA INTO A FALSE PREMISE AND ARGUMENT.” When, anyone breaks the law, in America, American know, you have to be adjudicated Husbands, Wives, Children are all effected by, say the father, or Mother, or both breaking the law, they can be found guilty and sentenced to fines, probation and jail time, or both. Now American Citizens and families, go through this every day, unfortunate as it is, it is the law Americans have come to know. And if charged and convicted, families are affected, one or more, of the adults can go to jail and families survive.
It is this conclusion of facts, that Americans believe and know are facts, for there citizenship and are why, many want the laws followed and do not want Amnesty, given to those, who have openly and blatantly broken numerous laws, of the USA.
How does America get the illegal Aliens to come forward?
First, Offer a Resolution, or Bill, that states: All illegal Aliens, in the US, must come forward and be documented, starting a date certain and from this date certain, until a date certain, they will have this time, to come out of the shadows.
During this time, all illegal aliens will be documented using the McCain & Kennedy Bill; all but two provisions in that bill will be utilized, the 11 years of Classes, Fines, back taxes arriving at one of three, or four final positions. One their will Temporary Guest Workers, Guest Workers and Legal Guest Workers, seeing as these individuals have broken the law, compounding those broken laws, fines and back taxes are not enough, however classes as good, they will show to their families, good behavior, a model worker, their children born in the USA, will become citizens, they will be the only Citizens, this will alleviate, both side desires for voters, which is unfair, to the legal US citizens and too all those standing in line for entry, LEGALLY to immigrate into the US. Now simply retiring to the borders and applying for entrance is ok, by not to gain citizenship, once having broken our laws, before having legal status, is what prevents, ever obtaining Citizenship.
Now, the three statuses, with in the McCain & Kennedy Bill will work, but creating a Yearly Guest Worker Program is not necessary, America has 12 to 20 million ILLEGAL GUEST NOW, they can be documented and set in differing, Guest Worker capacities.
WE still have B! And B2’s and more for other immigration purposes, in place and working. No form of Amnesty, outside of National Security is needed, or fair to US Citizenships. For all Illegal Aliens who refuse to come forward and be documented, upon revealing there presence, they will be treated as illegal aliens under normal immigration statues, they will be adjudicated and have a status of Held, or Bound Worker Status, especially for those with children and families, this status is temporary and can be followed with deportation at it’s extremes.
This is no perfect but, US Lawmakers and the Illegal Aliens and American Buisnesses have compounded the problems, we face.
The law passed by Congress will force the majority of Illegal Aliens too, “Round Themselves Up,” this law will make it too problematic for most to remain the shadow’s, most will come forward as I say, seeing they will be documented and it is fairer for The present US Citizens and for those who are applying to come the US legally.
This is the best Answer, I could come up with for all, neither Political Parties has what it wants, VOTERS beholding to them and the US Citizens, get a fair answer for what is a perplexing problem, one that does not compromise the Laws, Americans have had to live under, all of their lives.
Keith you may want to modify these ideas, but at no point, should any form of Amnesty be allowed, even after jumping through 11 years of hoops, however their children can and our CITIZENS, the ONLY CITIZENS.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
I write this as a Plan for the Illegal Aliens and the Border Control problem, in America we are engaged in two conflicts, one a legitimate war, in Afghanistan and illegal conflict in Iraq.
First, the Borders Ports and Air and ground transportation; locking down the access and entry points is paramount, during a time of war, but should be thought of as crucial for the integrity and security of the Nations people, porous access points undermine commerce and employment, compromising trade and a host of issues related to health and human services.
America has a Immigration system in place that works, but is slow and needs, staff to step up too the 21st century problems, Immigration Control officers need help in enforcing border and Port security, Structural enhancements can work with facility increases in bed space and enlargement of Court facilities to handle adjudications.
Second, be it known, America is not stupid, they know, both parties want the votes of these Illegal aliens, now estimated to be around 12 to 20 million people in the USA and America knows, they have come illegally and once here, compounding the laws, by the breaking and entry into the US, by having children, obtaining Housing, illegal Social Security Numbers and taxes paid and more, much more.
These problems for the US and the Illegal aliens are not insurmountable, as many in Congress and in the news, want America to believe. Many say no to Amnesty and that is the right step, but what do you do about the illegal, underground population. Some want a Guest Worker Program, to allow, each year workers to fill jobs, many say Americans “won’t do, or won’t take,” both of these statements are untrue, there are no jobs, Americans won’t do, or take, There are however Jobs, not offered at a living wage.
Evidenced by LA County, alone, there are near 200,000 homeless and an untold number of unemployed in that California County alone, they will work any job, offered, even Agricultural Jobs, the Right and their allianced business community wants America, to think, they want America to think, Americans won’t do these jobs and that is not even close to being true. Wages are the only factor in these jobs, a living wage offered will be accepted and I believe, even a low wage will be accepted, no one has offered these jobs to the Homeless and unemployed.
Now extrapolate these two segments of the US Citizenry, across the nation and you have more than enough workers for American business.
American business since the 1987 Amnesty, together with Congress and law enforcement, have collectively turned their backs on illegal Aliens, streaming into America, that is a crime, there has been tacit, suppression of wages, by American Businesses.
Solutions, a PLAN;
First, what to do about all the illegal Aliens in the US? Much has been said about not being able to “Rounding up millions of Illegal Aliens and besides that would be breaking up of families, that is wrong.” First you’re talking, or arguing to Americans, about not following the law, by trying to “GUILT AMERICA INTO A FALSE PREMISE AND ARGUMENT.” When, anyone breaks the law, in America, American know, you have to be adjudicated Husbands, Wives, Children are all effected by, say the father, or Mother, or both breaking the law, they can be found guilty and sentenced to fines, probation and jail time, or both. Now American Citizens and families, go through this every day, unfortunate as it is, it is the law Americans have come to know. And if charged and convicted, families are affected, one or more, of the adults can go to jail and families survive.
It is this conclusion of facts, that Americans believe and know are facts, for there citizenship and are why, many want the laws followed and do not want Amnesty, given to those, who have openly and blatantly broken numerous laws, of the USA.
How does America get the illegal Aliens to come forward?
First, Offer a Resolution, or Bill, that states: All illegal Aliens, in the US, must come forward and be documented, starting a date certain and from this date certain, until a date certain, they will have this time, to come out of the shadows.
During this time, all illegal aliens will be documented using the McCain & Kennedy Bill; all but two provisions in that bill will be utilized, the 11 years of Classes, Fines, back taxes arriving at one of three, or four final positions. One their will Temporary Guest Workers, Guest Workers and Legal Guest Workers, seeing as these individuals have broken the law, compounding those broken laws, fines and back taxes are not enough, however classes as good, they will show to their families, good behavior, a model worker, their children born in the USA, will become citizens, they will be the only Citizens, this will alleviate, both side desires for voters, which is unfair, to the legal US citizens and too all those standing in line for entry, LEGALLY to immigrate into the US. Now simply retiring to the borders and applying for entrance is ok, by not to gain citizenship, once having broken our laws, before having legal status, is what prevents, ever obtaining Citizenship.
Now, the three statuses, with in the McCain & Kennedy Bill will work, but creating a Yearly Guest Worker Program is not necessary, America has 12 to 20 million ILLEGAL GUEST NOW, they can be documented and set in differing, Guest Worker capacities.
WE still have B! And B2’s and more for other immigration purposes, in place and working. No form of Amnesty, outside of National Security is needed, or fair to US Citizenships. For all Illegal Aliens who refuse to come forward and be documented, upon revealing there presence, they will be treated as illegal aliens under normal immigration statues, they will be adjudicated and have a status of Held, or Bound Worker Status, especially for those with children and families, this status is temporary and can be followed with deportation at it’s extremes.
This is no perfect but, US Lawmakers and the Illegal Aliens and American Buisnesses have compounded the problems, we face.
The law passed by Congress will force the majority of Illegal Aliens too, “Round Themselves Up,” this law will make it too problematic for most to remain the shadow’s, most will come forward as I say, seeing they will be documented and it is fairer for The present US Citizens and for those who are applying to come the US legally.
This is the best Answer, I could come up with for all, neither Political Parties has what it wants, VOTERS beholding to them and the US Citizens, get a fair answer for what is a perplexing problem, one that does not compromise the Laws, Americans have had to live under, all of their lives.
Keith you may want to modify these ideas, but at no point, should any form of Amnesty be allowed, even after jumping through 11 years of hoops, however their children can and our CITIZENS, the ONLY CITIZENS.
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