Monday, August 31, 2009

It’s not, or ever/never was, just about “individual Reforms,” or that “We the Democratic Supporters,” are more passionate about

Just the “Preexisting Conditions”, or… we’re really more interested in eliminating… just “Rescission”, or even… just the “Robust, Strong Public Option,” it’s all or, don’t come back to me about support or help. All of the above are one thing; a “Package of REFORMS” and its called Competition and it will bring REFORM, to a broken, inefficient, unsustainable Health Industry, left on its own, has only exploited millions of Americans, using these morally bankrupting practices.


Liz Cheney has no creditability, she knows nothing and when the Networks book her on, she is not a principle, or in the know, she has no knowledge of the even the information, that was “Redacted”, so why are we the people daily bombarded with her, lose uninformed arguments, she argues, about menusha and the unfounded and un-provable

Both Dick and Liz and , even Ron Christy, say they have been investigated by ”Career Prosecutors”, they conceive, no possibility, they could have been wrong and on top of this song and dance, there has been new information.

On the Ed Show/MSNBC/8/31/2009; Ron Christy, believes, the Bush Administration did the best job, they all to the man, or woman, totally ignore 9/11 happened on their WATCH and excluded and only want Credit for the 8 years since and even that, claim is a bear faced lie, we were attached, during those eight years, right here in America, by the Anthrax attaches alone and no one in the Cheney Bush Administration have brought anyone to justice, or from the attaches on 9/11, or the subsequent attaches during the 8 years of their absolute inept leadership.

But, Cheney and the interfering Liz family Business imp want America to believe, it’s all political, when it’s not even close to Political, or even politicized. Dick and Liz are the only one POLITIZING anything, thus protest to much, me thinks. Dick Cheney, if the facts and the truth are on your side, REALLY DICK, LIZ what are you afraid of? No one is going to give Dick Cheney cover for his illegal acts of malfeasants in Public office and a big fat no, to your telling us what ever you did, we have to be ok with it, so you say Dick.

Oh and the biggest Competition and Reform is the Public Option, get it done!


First Question: Please Liz, please tell everyone who in the Government you worked for and what your work entailed, everyone does not know what you did and what your expertise is?

Second Question: Liz, have you seen and read all of Public released Documents and the full report from the Investigations?

Third Question: you have repeatedly told and your father, the career prosecutor, did a n investigation and, there’s nothing new and there investigation, found no wrong doing, is that what you want the American people to believe?

Fourth and fifth Question: Could the Career Prosecutors be wrong? Or have made mistakes in any parts of their Investigation?

Sixth and Seventh Question: has any judge ruled against any parts of your father’s involvement and leadership in the CIA interrogations? and is it true near 100 Prisoners died, while under Interrogation, while being held under your father Administration. (I want this question worded this way, so Liz has to include, or deny Bush was the head and start minimizing her fathers, intricate involvement)

Eighth Question: Have you read the Redacted parts of the publicly released documents?

Last Question: Have you seen the new Information?

Throw away reply to Liz (Family Business) Cheney uninformed arguments and truly vacuous detail-less and little miss-direction campaign. Tell her she knows nothing of substance and are in fact flaking for her dad, with a little inside baseball from her dad.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi the announced delay today… is Bullshit, unadulterated HORSE CRAP,

No more farting DELAYS, it’s time to VOTE, whip these whiners to the VOTE.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

The opposition is gaining ground and eroding confidence, you cannot wait for another MONTH.

160 Amendments were offered and accepted, from Republicans and many, many from Blue dog Democrats, in one, or more of the BILLS. Democrats in the Senate and in the House need to get it together. Tell President Obama, the House will not wait and you Harry Reid, you have to whip what you have and get on with it, each day thousands of Americans get put Danger, losing there Homes, Families, Jobs and Health Care, along with there security and retirement.

The POLLS are not the Presidents friends, he knows he cannot wait, until the end of the month to just consider voting, that’s a lose, lose, losers proposition.

Your opponents are gaining on you quicker, all because President Obama’s own party is killing what they all knew was the platform two years ago, these are Blue Dog Democrats, causing all of this indecision and it scaring off the large Independents who supported Obama, believing we were, as his party together on what they bought from Obama, over two years of campaigning.

Obama told us it wouldn’t be easy, but I as a life long Democrat, never, ever expected Democrats to sand bag and delay and play right into the advertising campaigned, designed to kill Reform.

No more Vacations, no more Delays, no more talk, no more Amendments. Every Republican and Blue Dog Democrats, who ask for and got an AMENDMENT into any BILLS, in Committee, must… they HAVE to… assure their VOTES, or the amendments will be dropped, make that clear, the House especially will not deliver another slap in the President face and go along with any and all Amendments from Conservative Republicans, to boot.

Screw them and the horse they rode in hear on. Michael Medved, say Democrats have up till now, resisted real compromise, that untrue, when you have 160 amendments in Bills, Democrats in Congress have been compromising. It un farting believable, our own Party members want to kill there own Parties Major legislation inside the FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE, of the Architect, of the coattails, have of the DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY RODE INTO THE MAJORITY ON.

Mr. President, you’ve fought valiantly, it’s time to have the REFORM VOTES and all who are not on board, can sink with there votes, or swim and grab the American hands, hurting deeply and bring America, desperate Americans, losing there very LIVES, every day, Congress has no margin, if you all in Congress and in the Democratic Caucus, tell us and can make us believe, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act HR1 of 2009 and the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, has to be done now and then not Republicans, but Blue Dog Democrats drag out and delay and water down, the one Bill that will in large part transform our Nation and American lives and the dying Economy and all we hear is DELAY, WAIT, DELAYS, SLOW DOWN, DELAYS.

Mr. President, respectfully, I know you’re trying not to big foot this, but the knives are out and it’s Americans who are getting cut to the bone and it’s costing them EVERYTHING. The emotional cost is great and loss of FAMILIES is incalculable, but it’s too valuable, to left dragging any further, you have pass it anyway you can and get pass it, there are many and much important work to do and Congress has spent enough time on this and it DIVDING THE COUNTRY the more this delays.

This is the time you have to take what you got and get on, pass a Strong Public Option and be done for now, you can change it later. Mr. President please listen to me, we cannot go back down the road to growing division, this has to stop and get it DONE NOW, NO MORE DELAYS and if you wait until the end of August to think about setting a vote date and then drag it out till the end of the year, you will have lost big time, either Blue dogs believe in what they done and contributed until now, or they don’t then tell them, this vote is on them and the American people will know it was BLUE DOGS who weaken the Bill and then didn’t vote for it… just like the majority of CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS, who BLUE DOGS have been seen as aligning themselves with… against the interest of their own Party/Platform and President, on KEY, KEY Legislation and the nations future.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What is unsustainable? Is Republicans & Democrats believing, thinking and making statements based on keeping the current expenditures $2.2 Trillion..

... A year status quo and making noise that they want change, but defend the status quo.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Health Care Committee Meeting/Senate/6/17/2009/C-SPAN

By-Partisanship would be nice, but all Americans are not saying we have to have by-partisanship, the Majority of Americans want, Single Payer and or a Strong Public Option, so Republicans and some Democrats, frame there position wrongly to the American people, as if by making Press release statements, that those statements makes their words true.

No elected Representatives… by-partisanship is not the target… strong Health Care Reform is the TARGET.

So until a bill is presented, more over the Bills available, in committee have been presented to the House, stop telling the American people, what you want them to want… LISTEN too the American people, elected Representatives, stop ruling in, or out Reconciliation, you have no right to make unfounded statements, because you want your crap legislation done according to your will.

Stop ruling in, or out Reconciliation, in those weak, lobbyist, serving prepared statements.

Reconciliation, if done right, in all-words, if the Health Care bill is done right from the start, there will not be much need for changes later, at the very least, the changes will be minor, so your job is, get it done the first time, get it right the first time.

Most Republicans and a few Democrats, have tried mightily, too shape the discussion, ruling in and out this, or that, we the people, the majority have spoken, in an Elections and in our majority elected Representatives. Those in both Houses of Congress, who ruled out Single Payer, were wrong and will pay at the next election for their treacheries.

We the people… know we as a people spend 2.2 TRILLION dollars each year on Health Care and we demand, we not spend that 2.2 Trillion again, without a Strong Health Care Reform this year, not weak reform, not watered down reform, or reform that dose not cover all Americans, so lets be clear, this is not a political football game and your lobbyist donations, do not rule, you all have been charged to reform Health Care and get all the American people covered.

We the people… know, we as a people spend $2.2 TRILLION dollars a year.

Let be crystal clear, we the people are not looking for a… difference… we are looking for a STRONG CHANGE, of REFORM. Any bill that merely makes a difference and not a strong change and is not acceptable, that is not solving the Health Care inefficiencies and current unsustainable cost, there must be a Strong reversal of how Health Care is administered and it must cover all Americans, this year, not incrementally different Care.

As Senator Mike Enzi R-Wyoming says, he wants a difference, we want strong change, start there. Obama did say; those who want to keep their Insurance, the bill should not interfere with their Insurance. I agree on one thing, their private insurance, must compete and if the Insurance Companies have to change their Insurance to compete, we the people, shouldn’t have to accept, no change in Private Insurance for others to keep and stay at status quo. The private Insurance has to compete, with the changes, the reforms that will deliver Health Care to all Americans, so Senator Mike Enzi, you want the status quo at the expense of those who have no insurance, the model you want to stay in place, has no competition and incentive to close the Health Care gap.

Obama did say; if you like your Insurance and your Doctor, keep them, he did not say; that your Private present Health Care Providers, do not have to compete, they do have to compete with the Changes, that have to be made to provide Health Care to all Americans.

You all keep working by-partisan, that’s good, but know this, by-partisanship, in and of itself, is not the TARGET.

Now what is unsustainable? is Republicans and Democrats believing and thinking and making statements based on keeping the current expenditures status quo and making noise that they want change, but defend that status quo.

Let be clear, there can be no change, with out a Strong Public Option, that competes and that… competition change… will drive down cost, we can no longer keep spending 2.2 TRILLON dollars a year, without the current Private only Insurance system, there has to be a New STRONG Public Insurance bought forward and the current inefficiencies in the present expenditures to private Insurance, is unsustainable and must except the change in business.

CBO is not a compete picture, so stop beating it’s inconclusive and incomplete conclusions, they are indefensible, an all who engaged in it’s conclusions, are engaging in fear and divisiveness, a miss-direction of sorts, we are not unaware of those who would make this a deterrent.

Present Health Care Premiums, must be re-regulated and cost lowered, to then provide Health Care for all American, that is a tall order and, Congress, must leave their Lobbyist donations at the door and create a Strong Public Plan of coverage for all Americans, no more status quo defense statements on the floors and in Committee, you will be called out, each time you defend, the in-defensible and unsustainable current inefficient Health Care expenditures.

Everything is on the table, nothing is sacrosanct… nothing.

Senator Gregg R-New Hampshire, stop making disparaging arguments about the bill, that is before you, lacking this and that, make the change, adding and making it better is what your on the committee to do, your criticism of the bill is crap, you did offer some additions, that would make this and other bills better, but shut the fart up about how bad this bill is, you do us no service with your crap critique, this is precisely the pup-butting, we don’t need, offer additions, amendments and changes and move on, we don’t have the time for your grandstanding crap fest.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How many American NEWS VIEWERS?

Just How many American, NEWS VIEWERS, Know what the Principles of Good Journalism are?

I know, I know, I’ am being childish to do this, but the truth is, there’re varying degree’s of Quality and integrity and personal responsibility and here’s the rub, each man, or woman, seeks to be famous, I know, big let down, but that is what has fueled the raise of the Opinion Analyst, like Lou Dobbs and Bill O’REILLYs and the Morning Joe’s crew of conservative Republican, libertarian prevarications, these three, are examples of taking it beyond BALANCE and to lesser degree’s the Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and The Ed Show, each has a niche, it’s the heart and the ego that determines the, Truth in men and women who employ Opinion Analyst to the News and factual Truths of the news, require a heavy price be paid, if you are partisan.

Some can ignore their partisan side and employ a twisting of the facts, even in the airing of the facts, they purposely leave out all uncomfortable details, which do not fit, or cloud their Spin mastering. Number nine, in this list is where many go wrong, when wrong, in what they say and allow others to say, unchallenged, show heavy partisanship and alack of home work, both are deadly to a New Organ, whether, Network, Press, or Media in General.

Principles of Good Journalism

NewsCloud will strive to uphold the values of good journalism for an open society.
The following principles of good journalism are from
The Elements of Journalism by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosentiel. Special thank you to Chuck Taylor for passing these on to us.

1. Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.
2. Its first loyalty is to citizens.
The owner/corporation must be committed to citizens first.
Hire business managers who also put citizens first.
Set and communicate clear standards.
Journalists have final say over news.
Communicate clear standards to the public.
3. Its essence is a discipline of verification.

Do not add.
Do not deceive.
Be transparent in purpose.
Do not mislead sources.
Be original.
Be humble.

4. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.
5. It must serve as an independent monitor of power.
6. It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.
7. It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.
8. It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.
9. Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience. *

Media balance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Balance is sometimes used in reference to political content in the mass media. This usage began in Britain in the early part of the 20th century when the conservative Tories were unpopular and receiving little coverage through the BBC. In order to provide an intellectual rationalization for an increased level of Conservative content, John Reith, the BBC's founder, promoted a concept called balance.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Networks Bought the business, the Cheney family Business, locked, stocked and Lies.

Networks, Media, Press, acting like, Liz Cheney, knows our Top Secrets and are actually, questioning seasoned props, in the Media and inside and outside the government. America, through the Media has been fed a bunch of crap and CNN, MSNBC, abc, CBS, NBC and the fixed automaton fox swill, will gives staged, platform and Echo the lies around the world, until, your discussing Nancy Pelosi, instead of the TRUTH and reason all this came up, Bush & Cheney illegal Drowning Torturing.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

If any more Network Journalist, Analyst, surrogate, Spin Masters ask, or have Liz Cheney on and actually believe she knows all the inside baseball of our Nation most precious Top Secrets, they will be continuing to be and have been far to gullible to watch, this disseminating of the non News, with out a factual, provable point.

Each Network alone has given voice to the un-informed Liz Cheney, of the Cheney Family Business and Liz played them all like cheap dime store Kazoos. Made them all look like fools, questioning every Democratic party member and each Liberal, Liz and Dick turn the media, so far off topic and focus, the Nation actually believe Liz Cheney, knew more than George Bush, Condi Rice and George Tenant and Don Rumsfeld, put together, even Collin Powell is not foolish enough to, play, with the un-inform, word smith-ing Liz spewed.

When the Networks actually started focusing on Nancy Pelosi and the “he said, she said” and not the known illegality of settled LAW, which is Drowning Torture. We were all screwed for weeks, by a Cheney family business, we were given the business, bought what the media was selling and to think, we know for FACT:

Nancy Pelosi, did not drown, or Torture anyone.

Ed Schulz and Lawrence O’Donnell, of MSNBC were the only ones who, took Liz to task and treated Liz as the novice she is and treated her, like she knew nothing and was playing at being informed, when she knows nothing, as a matter of fact a cub reporter, knows more about the facts, that she does, she like a chicken, on the outside, saying;, release more document, just certain ones and it will prove me and my Dad right, but don’t release the one, I tell you not too.

Morning Joe and his entire crew were deep in the bag for her and actually acted incredulous when Ed Confronted her on Morning Joe and Mika, even sniped an acted like she was upset, when Ed tore her, a new one.

When the Networks, Media and Press, acted like she was creditable and gave voice and platform for Liz to spew her lies, the Media, Networks and Press bought and sold the Nation those lies. Each show she went on now will be proved, in complicit complete compliance of those lies and they are lies.

Just look at the News, even Anderson Cooper finally, smelled a rat and confronted Liz Cheney, on his Show. The Cheney Family Business will only show on MSNBC, Morning News and Fixed fox, from here on if the networks, know what’s good for them.

America, was lessoned by the Dick and Liz Cheney blitz and pushing of the family business, lies, upon lies, to save Dick from possible prosecution and it not unusual, George Bush was silent, through it all, Dick knows he’s on his own and Dick was a lose cannon, all during the administration, hiding in a bunker, you say, more like, stay the fart away from me, was George Bush’s watch word for “DICK’” and he did serious crimes under Bush’s nose and miss used the Top Secret clearance he was abdicated by Bush, or put on loan, in any event it cost Bush and he had to rain Dick in.

Any time, you take 100% raw, Intel, straight out of ALL your Intelligence Agencies tasked to do the job and set, Karen Hughes, Mary Matalin, James R. Wilkinson, and Nicholas E. Calio in the W.H.I.G.S. out of Dick Cheney’s Unitarian vice presidential offices and have your chief of Staff, outing career professionals, when the truth was about crash Dicks carefully laid plan to get the US into Iraq, even Bush was stunned and said, if there were any wrong doing, he’d deal with it, wow, when he found out what Dick had been doing, he was pissed and no fartin’ Pardon would be coming for Libby, so out of pure vengeance, Dick attacked Valarie Plame and we all know you and we had been HAD.

Now back to the; who, what when and why?

And George silent and with Dick far from just, off the reservation, little did George Bush know, the Cheney family business, was Drowning Torture. And Liz is out defending it, trying to make the name change stick argument, deflecting, like, no it was not torture, it was EIT, really!! a rose, is a rose… you know the rest.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Let’s be Crystal Clear, Both parties have KICKED THE CANS, down the Roads for the last 40 plus years

In the most important issues facing America today… Energy Independence and Health Care for all Americans.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Jindal’s private health Care system, has had nearly a century to do what he says, it will do… well Bobby, we the people, have given you and your tax cuts are always the answer, Let’s be clear here, we tried less Government, less regulation, free markets ran amuck and drove like money drunk, greedy bastards, until the reckoning and markets sped south and debt piled up.

6 straight years of Republicans leading and Bush afraid of a veto, 6 straight years of Republicans driving, 6 straight years of Republicans writing Bill, after Bill, resulting in debt, after debt and failure after failure.

And Bobby, believes Tax Cuts is the soul answer, for what ails our Nations economy, just cut the taxes, just cut the Revenue, cut the tax receipts, shrink Government, let the people in need, let them die, those unemployed, wither with no hope from the elected leaders, those hungry, let them starve, just cut taxes and wait and wait and wait some more and cut some more taxes, starve the Government and the people, make the rich, richer, even though we’ve tried this plan, over and over and Republican never account for the Corruption and greed and crime and lack of Education and the Outsourcing and Downsizing… cutting taxes hasn’t spurred Savings, ever or solved a Depression, or even a deep Recession, never.

Jindal believes in unemployed people, he believes they should never receive more unemployment, or even a raise, in hard times, when they have run out of something and have a ton of nothing. Bobby believes in more nothing for those who have lost their Job, Home and Families.

Bobby believes in a High Speed rail, that doesn’t exist, but it is bad, it builds a rain and employs people, people out of work, it pays a salary and put people back to work, with health care for a husband, or a wife and feeds a family, with the dignity of work. THE AMERICAN RECOVERY and REINVESTMENT ACT HR1 of 2009, dose have money for High speed rail, in the West, the Mid West and the East, so how is putting people to work, a bad thing, well for bobby and his fellow Republicans, who hate work, like a rail job, it’s bad, it’s horrible.

I’ am sick of “negative talk” and no’s and “0” votes and “wait” and do a little and wait and see, just cut taxes and wait, “no” to more unemployment funds, for those who have nothing and just ran out of the last of something.

To the President:

Thank you for saying so many of things that needed to be said to us all, especially about the quitting on your country. I have known for some time now, I've quit on myself, thank you sir and God bless you and your family.

Sunday, February 08, 2009



Republican says; its run away spending, is Republicans in answer to Obama saying; this spending is stimulus, Republican say: Answers and leadership, it failed under our watch and leadership and the American people don’t want it. Well the truth is under republicans, we were not in this position in the economy and he’s right we were spending, or Republicans were spending and foolishly, off the books and budget wars of choice, unregulated spending is the result, none of it for Infrastructure, or Roads and Bridges or Port and Transportation and Border Security, cutting and underfunding Education and Health Care, these are just a few of the wrong headed spending Republicans did and contributing to economy we have today.

Obama and Democrats in the House and in the Senate, knows an economic disaster is looming and, both knows we have to spend in all segments of our economy and for programs starved by the failed Republicans leadership, of the Bush Veto-less, and 110th Rubber Stamp Republican controlled Congress. Reinvestment Stimulus has to occur, Short termed, Middle termed and long termed investing, as the recovery takes hold, is new answers, forward thinking and acting.

Republican says; there is a time honored way, to stimulate the economy, you give the people more of their money, (wait and see) Cuts (tried this, didn’t work). The only problem with these, TRIED and FOUND failing policies is, this is not Reagan’s economy, or Kennedy’s economy, or frankly Bush’s economy, although it is Bush’s economy creation and it will take bold and new policies to bring all segments of our economy out of this morass, created by failed Bush and Republican controlled leadership and policies.

Republicans say; the center piece of any effective Stimulus Bill, they say, done (Republicans name for the TARRA of 2009 Bill), by Congress, in the recent pass has been Tax relief. Once again Republicans believe, just cut the taxes on the rich and they’ll spend, in turn, or in return and bring the economy out of the spiraling down turned economy. This is wrong on so many levels today, first the little tax cuts you give to the middle classes down is not enough to spend, on goods and services, that have remained high, because, no one is spending and the rich will not spend the tax cuts, to bring a huge unemployed labor force back in America, it’s not enough bang for our tax bucks, the rich will only increase off-shore savings and apply the extra money to investments more profitable out side the US, as they did in each of the past tax cuts, given by Republicans, or Democrats, targeting the rich.

Bush gave massive tax cuts to the rich and business community and a tiny tax cut, in proportion to the middle and working poor’s proportion of Bush’s tax cuts, the upper classes and rich, in turn Down Sized and Out Sourced high paying jobs, Businesses then lobbied Republicans and Bush, in control of the 110th Congress for more H1B’s and hired heavily in the Service Industries, is all Americans got, who once has a middle class job and life style. The working poor, in turn spent there little tax cut money on the wealthy owners of Banks, Credit House, Food, Health Insurance, Mortgages, Rents and Energy, only to met with a continually raising prices, eating up the little increase, only the rich could save.

And to add insult to injury, the working poor watched their Pensions disappear, 401k’s devalued and all of their Savings disappear, all under Bush and Republican Policies and leadership. There was deregulation, corruption from ENRON and massive spending that was not Stimulative, except to the Military Industrial Complex (CACI and Titan, 1 and 2, , Bechtel 3rd, Aegis 4th, Custer Battles 5th, General Dynamics 6th, Nour USA Ltd. 7th, Chevron, ExxonMobil and the Petro-imperialists 8th, 9th and 10th and lets not forget the perennials; Fluor, Rayton, Black water, Halliburton. )

Again Republican say; it’s a matter of how you get Americans to spend, do you do it in a way, that allows them to invest in small businesses and have confidence, little or all tax cut will be enough. Democrats say, lets give them more direct relief and dollars, more and larger tax cuts for the middle class masses down to the working poor and poor, who do the massive Spending Stimulus, the spending the masses, now have no confidence in spending out of a stagnated pay check, eaten up by rich business owners who increased, 10% each year over the last 8 years the workers cost of health insurance, all remember with an increasingly shrinking pay check.

Republicans says; we’re not going to force lay-offs of teachers and fire-fighters in the states, with these cuts in this Senate Bill. A lie from the pit, Republicans want small ball. Republicans don’t want this Bill to fail, they don’t want it to succeed, over whelmingly or massively, they don’t want it to start a driving recovery. Republicans want to stunt it, slow it down, in implementation, just so it’s a slow recovery, so they can complain about it not working and it’s all to slow a recovery.

Gregory picked all the fringe voices about short termed and targeted Conservative economist, feeding the Republicans talking points, listen the majority of economic voices say, this Bill. Democrats say; this Bill, it has to be large and Short, Mid and Long termed in it approach and implementation, there must be parts of this, or the original White House and House of Representative Bill, that keep kicking in, over the course of our Nations RECOVERY, once this AMERICAN RECOVERY and REINVESTEMENT ACT HR1 of 2009, delivers and including the recent Senate cuts, put back in the BILL, it is essensecial Spending Stimulus and is set in motion, that means, the Reinvestment Stimulus part of the Spending Stimulus, happen, implementing along the course, along side the incremental Recovery as it grows larger.

Gregory continues to interrupt certain Democrats, when they speak, but never, or little interruptions can be heard from Gregory, when any of the Republicans speak, even if a Republican jumps in and says, I got to speak, I got to answer, here. He once interrupted the Republican so far, on his panel and talked over him.

Barney Franks; talking about the failed reasoning, not to give bankers more tax payer’s money, with out conditions. MTP/2/08/2009

Heads I win, tails I break even, it only encourages people to flip more coins

Saturday, February 07, 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act HR1 of 2009 2009

A Stimulus Spending Bill that Spends to Recover and Spends to Invest in ALL “RISK TAKERS
ALL US CITIZENS, Large Businesses
The American People, labor, Small Business and Main Street Filled STATES.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Democrats recognize the whole of our economy, includes Wall Street and Main Street. Banks, Mortgage Houses and Finance Houses, are not the only “Risk Takers,” all of America’s and its people are “risk takers,” and all deserve to be… INVESTED IN AND ALL AMERICANS DESERVE TO BE RECOVERED.

America cannot look back and go back to failed answers, let’s face the facts, the 110th Republican controlled Congress, refuses to let go of their failed answers and wants to hold hostage the America people to force more failure.

Obama won the election, he’s looking forward and the looking included, working together, with both side of the isles, in a by-partisan way, we all know how the Limbaugh Republican led House, did with that by-partisanship (Dems compromised and cut and added Tax Cuts, after all that by-partisanship, the President and Democrats got their hand and face slapped, in the vote, we won’t do that again) all that by-partisanship, led by Obama so we could develop new ways out of this morass together of this abyss, this ditch, that has and still is bleeding Jobs and confidence, that was waiting for Obama and Democrats, when this election was over and changing course was the rule of the day.

The Bleeding of jobs has continued and confidence is rooting around in the ditch of the failed leadership, that drove the US people and it economy, into the ditch, the election voted to change course and come out of.

Republicans demand, we demand you cut the “Spending Stimulus,” we Democrats and the Election wining Majority, believe Republicans warmed over thinking is corrupt and failed and only keeps us in the ditch, the American people voted and voted in a mass and in a majority voice, to stop following that failed leadership Like “Food Stamps, Housing, Building Education,” are what Republicans want cut… are you farting kidding me, cut the “Spending Stimulus.”

Republicans, believe, only the rich, the upper crust are the “risk takers,” Republican have no confidence in the un-washed masses, or care about them losing their Homes, Jobs and families.

Republicans believe all of these Americans, out of work, have needs, have not lost in their “risk taking,” and Republican demand, no REINVESTMENT in those and other “RISK TAKING AMERICAN.” Republican demand we cut the “Stimulus Spending,” for an AMERICAN RECOVERY.

Republican believe only Reinvest in The upper businesses and Classes, only invest in Small Businesses, only invest and set in place recovery for these few American… STOP INVESTING in the Main Street, stop RECOVERY efforts for Schools and the States, who have been bled starting 7 years ago.

My Rant:

Stop Food Stamps, they only spend it for food, Republicans say, Stop Building Schools, the School district, only spend the money to build schools and the contractors, only hire out of work Americans and buy materials to build from American manufactures.

Stop Spending money on Health Care, they only Spend the money, to pay for Child health and Adult Americans health, stop Spending money on Cops and Fire fighters, they only hire more out of work Americans and once hired they only work and pay taxes and buy food and rents and Homes, stop Spending money, stop Spending money on Pell Grants, why would we republicans want money spend to pay for Colleges, the Colleges, only spend that money to hire and keep teachers, do research, build buildings and all of pays taxes, stop helping the States, they only keep Libraries open and the Safety Nets open for all the out of work, stop Spending money for Worker Un-employment, they only keep up some of their Credit obligations and pay rent and keep their Homes and families together and look for work… we Republicans don’t want all this Reinvestment and Recovering Spending Stimulus, stop it, we want many to fail and get out of the way and we will delay, slow it down, piss and moan, cry, whine and talk tuff for just a few Americans and there are not the American unemployed, or the American middle class, losing there Homes and families and there not America’s Poor, we want them disappear and stop being Americans.

STOP ALL THIS SPENDING STIMULUS, we Republicans have determined the name of the Bill and we Republicans want only “Tax Cuts,” it’s not “Stimulus,” but we don’t want this change, voted and passed, e want to re-enforce the losses.

We Republicans Don’t Like the;


The Spending to Stimulate, in all of these starved areas will only recover them for Americans who have great need today. Spending to Stimulate, Reinvestment is only helping the most vulnerable of Americans and we Republicans don’t want that and we will demand you go back to our FAILED WAYS AND ANSWERS, we Republican demand, more failed policies. The Republican name for the this bill is; “Stimulus Package” only and only stimulate with Tax Cuts and more cuts of all that the Majority of Americans need, we refuse to call it by its name, or discuss what it is written and designed to do, we don’t want Recovery, or Reinvestment and we don’t want to talk about either.

We Republican demand you stop Investing and Recovering, stop it, no more, stop it. We lost $Trillions and gave away, out of the Midnight Treasury’s discount window $2 Trillions before the Bush/Paulsen $850 Billion give away/no accountability Bill, for a reason and we don’t want it recovered, or reinvested… on the winner of the elections watch and we will… Obstruct, Slow down and Delay as in Tom Delay… no that was… no, I mean it, he was a bad joke, no really, like Abramoff, they were both really bad jokes, our bad, I mean my bad.

Why won’t the masses consume: short answer is; Jobs, Homes lost, Families broke up, Savings gone.

American confidence in Consuming is down for a couple of large reason, the American consumer, from the middle class down to the working poor. We saw the price of gas go out of sight and were told/sold, it was “supply and demand,”, then when the price went down, the cost that had risen along with the high Fuel and Home Heating cost and Interest rates, never went back down, so the American consumer has said, were not going for it again.

The prices of “goods and services” has to adjusted down to reflect income… we consumer believe is valued, based our… our take home pay, not your Business, or economic gobble gook, macro, micro talk and explanations, you can explain till the cows come home, we will buy when prices reset, got it… RESET VALU and Prices, that will help spur consuming.

Friday, January 02, 2009

How much can Americans HATE CHANGE

Republicans and Democrats are acting like obstructionist… Partisan Norm and Republicans and Democrats and what I call the threeB”.
By Bruce H. Scroggins

As a Democrat, let me start with three “B’s”, this acronyms stands for; Blagojevich, Burris and Bobby, all opportunist of low estate and all of these men have done some very good things in their public service, but have as of late fallen, ethical, opportunistic and illegally challenging times.

Blagojevich, never, ever should said what he said and on tape, it is exactly what he said and he cannot now say, I did nothing wrong and every time someone anyone, even Blagojevich advances this statement, too the face of all American, someone should have the gonads to retort strongly and tell him… too his and anyone else face, sir, Governor Blagojevich, you have clearly from and elected position of Authority, made grossly unethical and possibly Conclusional, conspiratorial statement, which shows your Moral Turpitude, for which we here today hold you fully cognizant and fully responsible.

You can not un-ring the bell you sounded loudly and act as if we must, or are now required to recognize your legitimacy.

Illinois Legislators should come out together and say; you may still hold the office Governor Blagojevich, but we do not recognize your Authority, or acts in the very Senate positions, you on tape tried to sell, not until you have restored your morality in our eyes, will we recognize your Authority in this matter.

Democrats should immediately, form the Special Elections they say they do not want and end Blagojevich’s protestations in this matter, forthwith. Prepare the candidate and move on, stop this charade now, Democrats, or be seen as WIDE VARIETY of possibilities. I know Democrats don’t want to chance losing this seat, but they need to cut this off, quickly and get behind someone the State will get behind and take away Blagojevich’s directorship and revenge play position. And do not give Fitzgerald any more time to bring charges, he’s had since 2002, that’s enough time to investigate and bring charges.

It is not what Democrats in Illinois or in the Senate want, but it is clearly the only way to cut this crap move off at Blagojevich’s knees.

Burris and Bobby will have to campaign for the spot, to which both of them wish to demand, only their outcome, all conveniently after reversing their clear position statement about Blagojevich’s acts, on tape.

Burris and Bobby’s previous positions:

Bobby’s Statement after, hearing arrest warrants taped accounts:

I believe that the acts that are alleged to have been committed by the Governor are so heinous that he has forfeited his right to appoint someone to fill the seat of President-Elect Barack Obama. My bottom line is that the Governor should not be the one to make the appointment to this important office.

And Burris before, statement about Blagojevich’s taped Account and arrest:

On December 13, Roland Burris said Blagojevich should be forced from office, calling the governor's actions "appalling" and "reprehensible."

Courtesy of Dailkos.

Really these two “B’s” somehow lost their, positions and my respect, at least about this matter, their both smug men today, preening, Peacocks with sneers on their lips and spouting, its racism, its racism.

Now for the Republicans crap assisting, Norm (Rubber Stamp, truth Squad) Coleman

In many ways, the Republicans are more simple and straight forward, they are simply the opposition and are playing their role, the part I want to point out is they are playing with our Nations future.

Al Franken is in the legal lead and it is a forgone conclusion he’ll be the winner, so Norm who made it very public, he wanted Al to concede, when he was in the lead, is now only ready to drag this out through legal proceeding and courts and Republicans in Congress want to keep Democrat in the Senate in flux, denying them more power, so as to derail Obama’s leadership and fulfilling the promises to the nation, slowing, or stopping the turn around of country, which is in Strategic and Economic peril at this time.

Both Democrats and Republicans, and their factions to some degrees, want to prevent change and have only their narrow change, while denying the Nations electorate, it’s Constitutional outcome.