Saturday, March 20, 2010

You say today Mr. President; we made Historic Votes for Social Security and Civil Rights and the Voting Rights Act, one making sure our elderly can live out their year… not in poverty and the others, making sure all Americans are treated equal in the eyes of the law… well, well, well, so what was the recent Senate vote for the present disparity of the American law for Powder Cocaine and Crack Cocaine, how has that LAW, LAWS ever been equal in the eyes of the law for all… all Americans?

Bruce H. Scroggins

I ask this and I want an answer, please sir, please answer this, it important and the right thing has been long in waiting for thousands of Americans and millions are waiting for equal JUSTICE.

At last count 75 Thousand Americans have been unjustly sentenced, under these unequal Laws and minorities have been, grossly subject too these disparity in American LAWS.

I ask you, no, no I demand the Laws be equal, no more incremental changes like the 100 to 1 disparity suffered by Americans, to the unequal 18 to 1, it is still a weak continuance of UNEQUAL JUSTICE and it shall not stand any longer, I’ am holding my elected representatives too this equal justice for all standard, for every American under LAW.

Unequal justice for one, for any American is Injustice for ALL Americans. If you’ve come too, 18 to 1, from 100 to 1, you can got the rest of the way too EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL AMERICANS, the 17 points to equal and it petty if you cannot go the whole way too equal justice.

Get the 17 points done, NOW
Health Care is a learned behavior, just like academics


Health is learned and is a Preventative exercise when your young, therefore when you are young, preventative Health Care has to be the focus and when you reach the ages of 40 to 45, Health care must be Medicare to keep a health learned population healthier.

Preventative medicine must be the practice, Arrestee Medicine Model, this Sick Care Model isn’t working and we see it’s not working. We have to have after 40 or 45 what has been learned and practiced from our youth, it will make Health Care out comes less expensive.

When I was in school from pre-school and kiddy garden and yes there was Thither Ball, Kick Ball, Dodge Ball, Rope Claims, the practice was to get the children, youth out side, or in the gym to exercise, a simple practice that instilled in me working out my body.

We all know those practices were casualties with Politicians and Politics, School Boards and City Councils. We now have little no Physical Education, I was fortunate to still have Phi-Ed, in high schools, I swam, ran track, played Football, Tennis and later after attending my 12th grade, I worked out and still played Basketball and Tennis and swam.

But work and building a life all of these became too expensive to afford, so I did as much excises at home as possible, but time and families left little and with life and vices, it diminished to little and none.

We have to get our Treasures back into Physical Education, we must do this, by any means necessary, we must do this for our Nations survival, it is imperative we reverse this decline in HEALTH.

Education is backwards

We put the OUTCOME all on the Teachers and Money and that’s wrong headed. I say this because the Child is forced to go to school, or be schooled, even in Home schooled, but you as a child are legislated to attend for more hours in a day, then you interact with your parents.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Let the HATE Rip

Let the HATE Rip

Let’s be real about the leaked campaign, by Michael Steel and Republicans and Conservatives, they are behind the scenes, saying: they hate Obama and Democrats and want the strongest possible campaign to reflect that, so Steel pulled out a few stops and let the HATE RIP.


Bruce H. Scroggins

I’ am going to ask, how many believe it’s something like I’ve described, or a close approximation.

Dick & Liz Family business Cheney’s have no such filter, they let their disgust and contemptuous hatred go at every interview and get plenty of air time to do exactly that, hate on Obama and Democrats.

Glen Beck, Pope Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Conservative Talk Radio and then theirs the back benchers, like Palin, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, John Kyle and the like.

Next we have the low life’s, whose every word is tinged with pure Racist hate, with a smile on their faces, Like Tom Tancredo and Tea Party members, mixed with their Haters and Para Military’s groups, Militia’s and all of them have lobbyist supporting this and throwing bombs, like Dick Army.

I’ am positive I left out many others players in this clear concerted effort to destroy anything Obama and Democratic Party.

The collective PUSH to, scrap Democrats and Republicans Amendments in the HCR Bills, passed by both Houses of Congress, is not a mistake. The United No and doing nothing but blocking, slowing done, weakening and watering down HCR, was a effort, The Nation, did not see was done by both Parties, both parties. Think, think, the Nation, only see’s the Bills as Democratic Bills, when the truth is; Republicans have hundreds of Amendment and planks in both Bill that passed Congress, but no one makes the case about the by-partisan make up of the Bills, they only see democrats getting them passed.

FACTUAL TRUTH: The Media, has not made the point of Republicans shaping the Bills, only that Republicans refused to vote for their passage, this has to change and the case made, at every Media, stop, by DEMOCRATS, so the Nation, see’s and hears the TRUTH, Republicans are hiding from, stop letting Republicans hide from their full responsibility.

Republicans, Have shaped the Bill’s as much as Democrats, but by, refusing to vote for even their own input, Planks and Amendments and Uniting to deliver no votes on passage, they have put all the bills on Democrats. Republicans have weakened the Bills and made them, unpalatable to the American people while selling the Bills as all

Democrats and one sided and not Republicans, don’t we get that and why aren’t, we selling Republicans input and responsibility.

“Republicans have hundreds of Amendment and planks in both Bill that passed Congress, but no one makes the case about the by-partisan make up of the Bills, they only see democrats getting them passed.”

And each time these Conservatives, decry HCR, we should make it clear they have as much responsibility for the Bills as Democrats and if they persist, Democrats should suggest, we take out all the planks and amendments, Republicans wanted and got in the Bills… then and then only will Democrats have a PURLY DEMOCRATIC PARTY BILL, it’s NOT, stop acting and reacting like it is.