Monday, October 25, 2004

Election: from The Truth in LOVE

The Truth in LOVE

By: Bruce Scroggins

My fellow Americans this year 2004, this election is the most important event in the entire world, we as Americans cannot get this wrong again. There is at risk, the future of America, as all Americans know it, we as a free people, must return to the position of being the leader of the free world, and not an arrogant big brother, with a badge to police the world and make enemies of our allies, the present Administration has instead made allies of the power elite of American Business, and then together, they back them in there power plays, and all for the sake of a well healed few of the world, ignoring the vast majority of the underserved, and underclass of poor, and disenfranchised.

In America we have a new powered elite, in Energy, Insurance, Communications, Health Care, and huge Corporate Farms, and Multinational Corporations, all bolstered by favorable tax laws, and deregulation, and greed like the world has seen in the past, but not like in this new 21st Century.

America’s traditional allies of old, forged out of like trails, and a past filled with death and blood, have been fractured today, and divided, why? Because the moneyed elite of the world has changed, and in there 21st Century, these Partners in Oil, and Finance wanted to turn America in a new direction, in part to head off a change in monetary position fast approaching on the world stage. Now lets talk about OPEC, and China, you say why? OPEC an China quite simply, they hold far too much Americas debt, and America knows that is it’s a precarious position, Americas an China are packed with problems, now and in future for America, and China has a will today to continue to use larger, and larger amount of oil, and these events, and more will dictate all free trade agreements. And OPEC has and was leaning towards taking only euro dollars for a oil, this would effectively push America to what I call a “first world third world country” (by hastening the most sever shrinking of the middle class) and in this time, it would raised Europe, China, and India to the top of monetary power overnight, and Saddam, in the early “90’s” was actively, instigating not taking US dollars for oil to OPEC and, OPEC was listening, at lease a large number of OPEC was listening.

China’s economy is also tied to oil, how and why? Because they are using oil, at and ever increasing rate… listen China’s economy is growing at leaps and bounds in the manufacturing sector, armed with free trade, and the new power that WTO trade agreements has brought, and more importantly the US led entrance into the WTO (World Trade Organization) together with, have started a economy like the world has never seen, and there thirst for consumer products is just getting started, and there is no sign, or signs of a decrease, now together with, and with China holding huge amounts of American debt, and having one of the largest workforces in the emerging world economies, and along with India, and the European Union’s burgeoning juggernaut of a economy, America and the world is in for a race for the use of resources like no other in world history, and all this is goings on, right out in the open, on the world stage, and all this is not with out a dire plan, from America’s big businesses interest.

The present administration, is packed with Idea logs, called neo-cons, and the plan is one, that more than one American President has heard, and seen before, and this plan was floated to President Clinton back in the early to mid “90’s.” It’s name, Project for the New American Century, PNAC it’s a template, and upon a closer look at the present administration, you’ll see some familiar names and faces, and upon a clear look at what’s happening around the world, and in this administration. You see a conspiracy? No… fact is what you’ll see… just takes your party blinders off and look.

1 There is $7.34 trillion worth of petroleum and another $3 trillion of natural gas in the Caspian Basin. A pipeline across Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India could bring it to market. (Included in this market are a number of gas-fired power plants in Pakistan, owned by US corporations, and, at the time, an Enron project in Dabhol, India.)

In 1995 the Bridas Corporation was negotiating with the Taliban in Afghanistan to build the pipeline. The U.S. Government and the Unocal Corporation were pressing the Taliban fiercely to decline. In January of 1996, however, Bridas signed the contract to proceed: it now controlled the flow of Caspian riches.

Fast forward to 1998. The Project for a New American Century is staffed by a group of “meoconservatives,” starkly rightwing political thinkers and activists. It is committed to maintaining the military and economic supremacy in the world accorded the United States by the collapse of the Soviet Union. On January 26, 1998, PNAC sent a letter to President Clinton urging the removal of Saddam Hussein by military means, if necessary. Should he remain in power, much would be put at hazard, including “a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil.” Signing the letter were Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, James Woolsey, Zalmay Khalilzad, John Bolton, Richard Armitage, and Elliot Abrams.

Fast forward now to 2000, an election year. Eleven members of the PNAC would assume prominent roles in the upcoming administration of George W, Bush the signers of the 1998 letter to Clinton, plus Richard Cheney, Douglas Feith, and Lewis Libby. In September the PNAC made public another document, a 90-page report entitled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” The new document advocates pre-emptive war—something never done in the history of the nation—but it realized how sharp a departure this would be. The “transformation” would be long and difficult, in the absence of “some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Peal harbor.” President Bush, early in his Adminastration, formally adopted the concept when he signed and issued the National Strategy document.

One more fast-forward: to January of 2000. The Bush Administration has taken office, and the linkages with the oil industry are intimate, historic, and huge. The President and the Vice President are just the openers: eight cabinet members and the National Security Advisor were drafted directly from the oil industry, and so were 32 other officials, in the Departments of Defense, State, Energy, Agriculture, Interior, and the Office of Management and Budget.

Vice President Dick Cheney convenes his supersecret “Energy Task Force.” Its membership and deliberations remain deliberately obscured, but Mr. Karl Schwarz is certain the forced removal of the Taliban and the Bridas Corporation was discussed. The citizen group Judicial Watch did force the release of a few documents, however with a lawsuit. Prominent among them is a map of the Iraqi oilfields, pipelines, tanker terminals, and oil exploration blocks: the Cheney Task Force had more than a passing interest in Iraqi oil, as well.

The war was a set up for several reasons. Yes Bush wanted to whack the man who tried to kill his father, but Bush knew getting Saddam was a given, what with the assurances of the strength of US Military by the General Military staff, but getting in office… now that was a trick of a different sort, getting in office was the first step in executing the plan, execution of an all out efforts by operatives needed to get to Florida, and handle the voting from start to finish, and what a vote it was, poor Floridians got antiquated vote machines, mostly in the central parts of Florida, and the more affluent in the pan handle, and the south where most of Bushes supporters live, in these counties America now knows the most up to date vote machines were secured, and with the help of the Secretary of State (Katherine Harris Head of the GOP re-election committee in Florida) together with Jeb Bush on board, the Bush machine was ready to go, and when more troops were needed, the Republicans, simply imported Republican stalwarts from out state re-election committees, and Bush did know he could count on the Supremes, but I don’t think he thought it would come down to them, and when they stomped in with their decision , it was done deal, it was over for all intents a purposes, Bush then ran with the victory, all the way to Iraq, even though at least half of America thinks the attach by Osama was were we were going to get America some pay back, for the Pearl harbor of New York, but all it turned out to be, was a catalyst PNAC needed to push forward their plan.

Osama was never the focus, but he was just what Bush and Cheney, and Pearl, and Wolfowizt, and Rumsfeld needed, and what had been there plan all along, even before entering the White House, now on this statement history and the records will prove this to be the facts, O’Neil, and Conndi Rice, both testified to the Bush administrations immediate obsession with getting to Iraq, the Bush administration was tied up with PNAC’s agenda, before entering the White house.

The war was also, the way to repay big business big time, all those who backed Bush to the tune of a 200 hundred million dollar war chest to get Bush in office. Going to Iraq was the plan, and paying back big business, was set up in part after entering the white house by Vice President Cheney, in his now widely known private meetings with big energy, and others, but not the only reasons… America had been losing their allied bases, and their ability to control, and protect the oil, that’s part of the reason the troops stayed in Saudi Arabia, and they stayed on two state of the art Military bases, 25,000 thousand US troops, but to the middle east extremist Muslims an affront to their faith, and defiling of their wholly land by infidels, it was more than the muslin world as a whole could take. America spent big time to build these base starting back before the 91 gulf war in Saudi Arabia, and one of these bases was designed to be the command and control center for all middle east military activities for the future, but with increasing Intel of hostilities, America knew their position was becoming untenable, but America still needed bases in there plan for middle east, US Hegemony.

Now the G-8 Countries including America made deals with Iraq, while the UN sanctions where in place, and France, Germany, and Russia, and American businesses made deal after deal, and if you just look a little closer at the just released UN, and CIA reports prove this out, you see all the deals made under oil for food, and Halliburton’s part, in their deals were central in selling the necessary parts to keep Iraq oil flowing during this oil for food program, and other American companies profited as well, in the oil for food program, and Halliburton’s involvement and others were left off the reports leaked the news, which certain news network wants the American people, as well as the world to believe is all the Europeans fault, as well as the UN’s alone.

America had been controlling 2/3 of Iraq, with “NO FLY ZONES,” and sanctions, up to the war, and America hasn’t controlled that much of Iraq since the war began, why? Because of extremely arrogant, bad planning, from Rumsfeld, and Bush and Cheney who all thought, it would be a cakewalk, they were led to believe they’d be welcomed as liberators, and the paid operatives, like Ahmad Chalabi, led them on, down the road Bush wanted to go any way Ahmed wanted hid country back any way he could get it and for their own selfish reasons, and Ahmed knew Iraqi, being and old batthist himself, he knew full well Iraqis would not go for democracy like we have here in America.

Bad planning yes the worst by an invader, since Napoleon. Just to let you know, that there was an agenda other than just deposing Saddam… think back upon entering Iraq and taking the southern most parts of Iraq, where some oil was the first concern of the troops, and the military commanders was to guard the oil, and not the cashes of weapons, or the chemical plants, or WMD’s, or the nuclear plants, and the Museums… all were left unguarded from the start, for WEEKS.

OH’ by the way, America are signatories of a document called “The Geneva convention,” and it say you are not to bomb, water treatment plants, or hospitals, or anything needed by the civilian population, for their pursuit of life, in war (not sure of the wording, or of why you can not bomb these facilities), but it has to do with placing the population, and non combatants in a position, of extreme hard ship, but the coalition of American led military bombed 28 Hospitals, and if you look, and listen, ask the news media you’ve heard, nor been informed that this took place, and they reported nothing about re-building the hospitals, but you have heard only about Power Plants, and schools, and electricity, and getting the oil, and pipe lines up and running, now the Iraqis, didn’t blow up there own hospitals, or there water treatment plants, and these are reasons they were not at all in a hurry to have the UN go in with them, and didn’t protect the UN when they came in after pressure from the US populist and others in the world, and now today, there is big money to be made in Iraq, by privateers, and profiteers, but in the eyes of the Iraqi people, they look like foreign carpet baggers, backed by invaders.

Now does Iraq want freedom? Yes from Saddam? Yes from any oppressor? Yes but does Iraq want American style democracy? No… Iraq will take some of the freedoms, but not the trappings of our style of democracy, what with, alcohol, outright prostitution, liberal TV, and equal rights for women, yes some of these are good for a Democracy, but some and others are not freedoms Iraqis want at all, and some, are not even wanted in our country.

America is my country, but we have a administration that has a plan for continual war, and not for peace, and we as a country have to stop backing dictators, and despots, around the world, and stop backing big business who get us into wars, for greedy, selfish reason. And do you think the Iraqi people want there country to be the center of terrorism, stop and think what the Iraqi people must be thinking about America, every night the president keeps saying “I’d rather fight them over there than here in America,” America has for are intent and purpose turned Iraq into a terrorist heaven, and they are killing Iraqis at a terrible rate, as well as men, women, and children, and all combatants on both sides are suffering, theirs kidnapping, ransoming, and rape is underreported, if at all, ericaceous family killings, and outright murders.

America has enough oil undeveloped, to maintain our country for hundreds of years, but has refused to develop it, why? Because, they simply want to use up middle east oil first, and America, and France, and Germany, and Italy, and Russia put in the infrastructure, to get the middle east oil out of the ground, a long time ago, so every time there’s a price increase per barrel of crude, they all get paid from royalty’s, and in some cases, these royalties have been paid for decades, that’s why? You never hear the oil companies complain, when the cost of home heating, or gasoline goes up, and it’s at a record high today, this winter Americans will pay on average 28% more to heat there homes, why? Has America protested this?

Oil in America and energy power plants: Lets take oil first, the big oil companies, bought oil exploration leases, years ago from the government, for leases off shore California, and in the Gulf, and in other places, but these major oil & energy companies refuse to develop them, complaining about the cost to explore and develop new fossil fuels, and as it stands, if they started today, it would take 20 years to bring any appreciable amount of oil on line to help, and it would still be not enough, WHY? Because it would take another 20 years after that, to make a real dent in Americas needs.

Energy: In the past when energy and power plants were built, America, and the states learned years later that the past practice of letting these energy companies build, unregulated, was a bad idea, and the big energy companies took advantage, and the states let the big energy companies build a power plants, unabated by environmental rules, and regulation, to protect the environments, and as we all know the taxpayers and the states paid the cost for clean up, big time. Well the tax payers, and the states learned, from this and regulated for there clean-up, the next time around with new rules, and regulations set-up to cover all environmental damage and clean up, and set it at the feet of big energy, and big energy in turn refuse to build plants, and this was an underlying fact in the California energy crisis, so this crisis in California played out, with big businesses still making obscene profits, and they still to this day have not built ONE NEW POWER PLANT in CALIFORNIA.

Big energy also let the power grid get into disastrous conditions, and hasn’t started to fix the problems yet, but legislation is in the works in congress to address this problem. But it’s a dirty game that big energy is playing with America, and America has to hold big energy to account.

How does America change the course we’re on, four ways, change administration, and change administrative procedures, and that will change the direction, and with the change of leadership, America has to stop allowing any administration to put in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency EPA, some one who was oppose to the environment, do not allow any administration to put in charge, any one who was in bed with the energy companies, this will be a start… and we as a people will have to hold the new administrations feet to the fire as well, why? Because big business, is backing both parties as Nader has said, and big business has some powers, as you’ve seen with not building, and developing energy, we as a Country have to push alternative sources for energy, big time and never let up, never ever let up.

America has to demand of our leaders fair free trade with the developing economies, stop paying for business to out source jobs, fully fund No Child Left Behind, and roll back the tax cuts on every one making over $200,000 and fix the tax code, and put back as much money into the social security truth, opps’ (trust) fund, lower taxes on capital gains, and small business’s, and hold Insurance companies accountable, for accelerating the cost of insurance. The insurance companies have unilaterally raised premiums 10% plus for three straight years, is unacceptable, and with a big investigation on all Insurance, it will be a very good start.

Now helping Iraq, and helping is all we can do, Iraq has to fix it self, as the rightful leader of the free world, we have to start acting like the free world leader, we have to sit down with our traditional allies and the Muslim countries in the region to secure the cities and bring them all into the cost, and profits of rebuilding the country of Iraq, first to secure the borders, and then help in building some freedoms for the peoples, and these Muslim countries will then have a first hand experience in working to free some one from oppression, a way of life of freedom, this will be demanded by their own countries as they get more involved.

Is there more we all can do yes, we have to hold our media accountable for abdicating there responsibility to ferret out, lies, and prevaricators of miss-direction, and smear, and start being the 4th estate, and not partisan hacks, with a agenda other than the news, and the facts, news papers do a better job of calling a liar a liar. Congress has to look deeply into the FCC, and the SEC, and get them onboard for all America, and not just for big business, and partisan agendas. Now we have to stop gutting the environment, and make big energy pay for refusing to build power plants, and not searching for oil, they have brought America no good for years, and the pharmaceutical companies are in co-hoots with the insurance companies, and in an investigation, of the Insurance companies, it will be revealed their duplicity, then Americans can bring down the cost, and it will have a ripple effect through out the world, we can bring down the cost of medicine as well, and the cost of health insurance. Frivolous law suits, or tort reform is needed, but not the way republican want, America should never stand for, no patience rights, or no consumers right to sue, for what ever amount is fair, and if you cap awards across the board, Americans will find one size only fits all, does not work as a deterrence for those who have to pay for their transgressions, and out right frauds, and malpractices, a reasonable amount of settlements, can be worked out by both sides.

I love my country, and my people, the native people, white and Black, and Irish, and Jewish people, all have given, and gone through a lot to get where we are today, we’ve fought wars for independence, a civil war, and I want to say to the world and my country that “righteousness exalts a nation: but sin a reproach to any people,” and it says in my Bible that “if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from there wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive there sins, and will heal their land,” All of America… Democratic, Republican, Conservative, Independent, we all needs to pull together and stop with the divisive and derisive, talk, by all the actions of our leaders, and stop with the working to make half of Americans, the half who do not agree with a policies… stop forcing the other half to live the way your narrow ideological administration and congress, who are in power, has legislated… and when the powers change hands, and there will be a change… at this time, we all have to sit down, and come together, and work together, and not work for retribution, especially against those who did not vote for you, for the leadership of the USA, this time, no more wedge issues, no more saying one thing, and doing another, America will have a true statesman, able to work out the complex positions of true leadership of the free world, and will work towards energy independence, and alternative fuels, and not go about with more nation building, in places other than, Afghanistan , and Iraq, where the commitment is set for years to come, we as the leader of the free world will make it, as right as humanly possible, with the help of all our friends.

1 Richard W, Behan: ‘A Republican businessman vilifies George Bush’

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Sinclair Boycott

The Truth in LOVE

by Bruce Scroggins

If this show goes on, I' am going to start a BOYCOTT of WB, FOX, and other network that shows it, and I mean all of the programming, even SPORTS, a boycott of programming, Prime Time programming as well, and if this is started and carried out, even by just the Kerry supporters, it would have a STRONG effect on the Free Networks, just as they did, when they didn't want the airing of the show about Reagan. I’ am putting this in the BLOGS first, and to the NEWPAPERS, and this boycott will include advertisers as well.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Truth in LOVE

The Truth in LOVE

Sandi M. Saunders: 'The right's empty harangues are getting tiresome'
Date: Sunday, October 10 @ 09:46:35 EDT
Topic: Conservatives And The Right

By Sandi M. Saunders, Roanoke Times

The right-wingers have perfected the old saying about "a lie told often and well." No one can argue that the right has been anything but a raving success with its politics of denigration.

If you are not pro-life, you are pro-abortion; if you are not pro-death penalty, you are pro-criminal; if you support civil rights for all, you support deviants; if you respect all religions, you are anti- Christian; if you support women's rights, you are a femi-Nazi; if you are concerned about saving our one Earth, you are an environmentalist-wacko. Last but not least, if you are a Democrat, you are a Demo-crazy.

No gray; just black and white. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Michael Savage and Bill O'Reilly have long daily rants of nothing but hatred, distorted or out-of-context "facts" and insulting comments, yet they label the left as hate-filled.

Their base may consider them the Holy Grail. But the next time you hear any of this bunch hurling invective and insulting anyone who dares to disagree, stop and force your brain to imagine your child on the receiving end of their diatribe. If you wouldn't want someone you loved to be treated with such disrespect, maybe you can start to see the forest for the trees and realize that disdain and contempt is neither enlightening nor inclusive.

The next time Hannity uses various phrases to describe the "evil" of our/his enemies, you might recall our own history and admit that evil has existed and even thrived here in America during our comparatively short history.

Remember that once people of a different race were chattel to be sold, abused and even killed without so much as a thought. Remember that once people held a lynching and then took pictures and had a picnic. Remember that even after a horrible civil war, we still chose to separate, denigrate and devalue those who were "different." Remember that even today in America, a black man can be dragged to death behind a truck, that a young gay man can be beaten and left on a fence to die.

Remember that Timothy McVeigh looked red, white and blue to everyone - until. Remember that if you do not support tax cuts for the wealthy and loopholes for corporations, you are anti-business. Remember that if you do not believe we should be in another ill-fated quagmire, you are unpatriotic.

Obviously, the right believes you can support our troops only by believing they should be in harm's way because the president says so. Such support and respect was never evident during President Clinton's two terms.

The right never let up on "Slick Willie," not for war, not for a personal matter, not for a moment, not even now. President Clinton needed to be investigated back to his youth at taxpayer expense, but President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should be followed blindly because they say so. We are just hatemongers whenever we ask for the truth or full disclosure. Hypocrisy is by far the biggest Republican value.

Sen. John Edwards had a very valid point about the two Americas. No surprise that the right has chosen to present a perverted version of his meaning. But the truth is simple: The America you live in will affect your choices.

In my America, I go to the doctor when I can afford it, not when I want to. In my America, I go to the dentist when I can afford it, not when I have a toothache.

In my America, I juggle the electric, phone, insurance, house and car payments. In my America, "the bills" decide how much I can spend on groceries, dinner out or a movie; "the bills" decide if I get to take a vacation, buy a new outfit, get a check-up or do without. In my America, my beloved son-in-law from Pakistan has to explain to the FBI why he bought a camera and a printer at an electronics store.

Don't misunderstand me, I have a good and happy life, and I wouldn't be wealthy for more than a minute if I won the lottery tomorrow. What I am saying is that my life experiences impact my decisions on who I believe would be the best person to care for my county or my country.

If you live in the other America, if you have never had to do without real needs and not just the extras, if you have never felt disrespected for being poor or different, then you have no real concept of the other America, and you should not assure me that the best choice for you is also the best choice for me. I know better.

Everyone should feel confident that the "news" one gets is as objective and fair as is possible. If you listen only to conservative radio, watch only Fox News or read only The Wall Street Journal or other right-wing vendors, you cannot say you are truly informed or remotely objective.

It doesn't take a genius to recognize the most egregious right- or left-wingers for what they are. But it is not always as easy to separate the propaganda from the truth. Distorted facts, out-of-context quotes, dishonest ads and dishonest candidates are not rare, but they are dangerous.

Caveat emptor - buyer beware - is truer in politics than in used-car purchases. We are on our own, we must stay vigilant and we must not let the slick ads, spinmeisters and pundits convince us that the emperor's outfit is flattering.

While he is not perfect, he is figuratively and literally head and shoulders above Bush, and my bottom line is that John Kerry will be a better choice for my America.

Saunders, of Hardy, works for a construction company.

© Copyright 2004

Reprinted from The Roanoke Times:

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Military Cover up

by Bruce Scroggins

If you want to stir up a hornets nest, start pressing the press to ask the Military, on what records did the Military give a Honorable dicharge to Bush, and ask for the records of the investigation from Bush's not taking the requiered Physical, by Military LAW, there has to be a investigation of why? Bush did not take a requiered Test, and if you don't recieved the records, or they can not produce them, then you can say there is, and was a cover up of Bush's service record, and it all started with the Military, and watch the Military cover there ass.

When the press start reporting the Military has covered up Bush's record, see how fast you get some sound proof of what actually happened with Bush, in the service.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bush and Allawi's Press conference

The Truth in LOVE

By: Bruce Scroggins

Bush and Allawi

Both are not being truthful to America, Bush is our President, and should level with us, and tell us the truth, he diminishes the attaches, around Iraq, Civil War is now in the near future, Bush and Allawi both know that the cities of Iraq, are under fear, at an all time level, and Iraqis soldiers, and America’s soldiers can’t go into some cities, and both have given up control of the outlying territory’s vast plots, and regions of the country side are open to insurgency, whole highways can’t be traveled day or night, and the untruthful words of both men are an affront to America, and Iraq, and our soilders.

Elections in Iraq are a joke, and will not happen at the barrel of and American or Iraqis puppet gun, and the majority of iraq's will not vote. Neither President will admit there is serious, serious problems, and both are putting on a “HAPPY FACE” for the coming American Election, and that is as far as they are both concerned, and Allawi's speech was written by a speech writer in the white House, so Allawi is a prop in Bush's relection. America is holding back our troops by order to keep down casualties, and Iraq is paying the price for our Election today, and Bush wanting to LOOK good, and he acts as though he's leading America the right way, he is not leading America the right way, or the right direction, America needs a change in Administration.

Here in America it is not by accident that Iraq’s Military, and Civilians death toll is not kept track of, side by side, with America’s Military, and Privateers, and Profiteers and foreign, and civilians death toll, so we don’t see the toll, the REAL toll of our misguided, and poorly led miss adventure.

Bush you have FAILED in Iraq, miserably, you can’t force Democracy Down the troths of 25 million people who have “NOT” said, they want Democracy, they wanted Sadom out but they have not said they wanted, or need our form of Democracy.

A leader must be 1st TRUTHFUL, and when FACTS change, adjust his decisions to reflect the NEW information, this simple behavior taught by parents and teachers, and Churches, is a staple of good solid reasoning, but Bush refuses to understand, or show he thinks this way, he refuses to be anything but intractable in his wrong track for America, and he totally ignores Half of America, and there leaders, Bush flatly refuses to acknowledge our Black leadership, all of our black leadership, and Bush will pay with his short live, but all to long, and miss guided presendency.

I’ am watching Bush on Television right now and Bush is not answering the questions, he responds, with “Any one who think were not better off, with Saddom out of power is wrong,” but the question was “Can you understand why? America dosen’t not believe you when you say, Saddom had no WMD’s, and was never a treat to America.”

Allawi is lying when he says 15 provinces are safe, and only three are problems, that’s a lie, and him calling our Media irresponsible is real nerve, he knows the truth, and more important, America and the Media knows that the VAST majority of Iraq is not safe.

The Iraqis people, do know, Allawi is a puppet government head, he is not a representative of the Majority of the people of Iraq, they both lie when say this, and Allawi is and was a hard nosed Bathis him self.

The commentator Jim M, believes Bush and Allawi is right about the three provinces being the only troubled spots, he dosen’t know his own ass from a whole in the wall, and has no knowledge, of what's truly going on, on the ground, or in country.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Bush in Denile

The Truth in LOVE

by Bruce Scroggins

Bush is in denial, and we know it's not a river, he's a dry drunk if you will, and if and, when you ask him a question that requires Bush to think and fathom detailed information, he'll freeze up and say nothing, or answer in a pattern answers, and many Drug therapist, and counselors… people in the know, have observed Bush's behavior, and come to these conclusions and more.

If you will look closely at the last 35 years of Bush and Kerry life's, and compare them year by year, side by side, as to what each has done with there lives, you’ll see a stark difference in just what they’ve accomplished over this space of time, and then tell me who has the make up to lead the Nation.

Bush is part of a plan that includes Big Business, the Military, International American Oil, among other Neo-Conservative/Republican agendas, including bringing America to the point of bankruptcy, why? You ask, the Republican Party is tired of Fighting the Dems over domestic spending, the new strategy is to, divide the Country with a couple of Religious Principles, and then just cut, cut, cut the programs, and when there's no money left, or not enough, except for defense, and what ever the Party has always believed Government should be, "small.", then they can take the Dems social engineering out and drown it, and the Country will have to live the way the Republican Party has always said America should be, schools for those who can afford it, and schools for those who can’t, with no complaints, less Taxes, small Government, including no more Social Security, Why? no Social Security, well both parties and the independents have taken Trillions out over the years, and both want to eliminate, at the least, reduce it to a manageable program, but the Republicans believe that if they can cut out The Democrats Domestic programs, and cut down, in some cases to the bear minimum, this will serve there agenda, and before the bill comes due, and there is a Bill, that say that at a certain point all the money taken out of the SS Trust Fund, must be put back, and were talking about 26 trillion plus, neither party wants this Bill to come due.

Look once they get rid of the Social Programs of the Left, the Rich will be richer, and the poor will be dying out slowly, but not completely dead, but cut to a controlling number, and at the complete control of the wealthy, we will be two America’s, no more middle class, no more people with there Unions to worry Business, or hear crying about the cost of living in America. There will be two America’s the “Rich” and the “Poor’, a first world third world Country… and this is a Democracy, "NO it's not," it's a Republic, that uses democratic principle.

Just take look at and READ “The Project for a New American Century,” recognize any names there, Oh yeah this is real; I did not make this it up. Now this will answer a lot of question about what is going on in America and around the world. Please remember these men tried to float this to Clinton and he turned them down flat.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Kerry Hit's a Home RUN

The Truth in LOVE

I’ am listening to the debates, and Kerry look’s and sound good, Kerry is strong in his statements, and His education shows, and I believe he can get the job done, and minimize mistakes. Bush turned hard from Iraq, and Osoma, to Iraq, and did not let the Inspections continue to uncover every possible weapon, and shine a light on Iraq’s inability to hurt anyone but it’s self. But Bush saw OIL, and avenue to enrich his supporters, and he knew he couldn’t continue to rely on the Saudi’s for a steady flow of OIL or a permanent Military Base, and Bush also seen a more secure chance for Permanent base’s, in Project for the New American Century Hegemony in Iraq.

Listen France, Germany, Russia, and Italy, and America, all were selling weapons, enriched uranium, security photo’s at one time, and nuclear technology, and they ALL were righting Contracts for future service’s with Sadom, France signed a Contract back in 1927 to fully develop their OIL fields, and was owed big money, Germany was owed big money, for weapons, and wanted to buy OIL, 40 Billion worth of OIL, and America and other countries sold CHEMICALS to make WMD’s, yes and Cheney, and Halliburton were instrumental in theses WMD’s.

Bush ran a end run on Iraq to get control of the Land, and the OIL, and then kick Sadom out of control, but BUSH thought it would be easy, but he figured wrong, and America got burnt bad, and is now fighting a enemy were not fully prepared to finish off, and is getting stronger, every day in Iraq, and if Bush had done this to any American… listen put your self’s in these Allies shoe’s, for one moment, stop hating them for not going with us to do something they knew was wrong. And here’s another reason American OIL Companies wanted to go into Iraq. Sadom had started to refuse to accept US Currency for his OIL, and wanted the EURO DOLLAR, instead, and he had been telling a lot of the other countries to stop taking US money, and this would have been disastrous to America, and American OIL Companies, the EU, and INDIA, and CHINA, these emerging economy’s would of leaped to the forefront of world Monetary POWER, and America overnight would of fallen to a First, Third World Country in the twinkling of and eye.

Bush knew we had to fight Terror, he also wanted to get the MAN, at first who tried to kill his Father, and all these reasons and more came together in Bush, and Cheney’s mind, but they forgot that Al-Qeda is all over the world, and America has to fight Terror ALL over the world, and you need the WORLDS support to fight terror, all over the world. Bush alienated our allies, who ON 911 were ALL Americans, and with us, but here’s what Bush did, refused to listen to his Allies, America’s long time Allies, who would of gone with America to clean up Iraq, and as this was happening, here at home he slammed, 2/3 of America, in the tax cut they received, and it was very little Tax cut, and we started down hill into debt, from a surplus. Bush lead America to massed on Iraq’s border, and cohered as many Nations as Bush, and Cheney could before going in, they stopped the Inspections before they finished, but Sadom did tell the world come, I have no weapons, and we did not find any, even up to today, NONE, NADA. Now what does American have for all Bush’s work, Our Ports, and our Borders? First, listen 95% of the Containers, NEVER searched, and 90% of the drugs that come into this Country, are NEVER caught, NEVER caught.

Bush has left America open to attach, in the worst way, Bush has MISS LEAD AMERICA, and the SENATE, and Congress as a whole, and he refuses to correct his FINAL decisions, even in the face of withering TRUTH, even by his own supporters, let along half the country, who VOTED against him, he flatly refused to listen, Bush calls his stance RESOLUTE, but it’s arrogance, and Bush calls anyone who adjust his thinking and reasoning, or later comes to a Better decision, a FLIP-FLOPPER, listen when the lives of America Soldiers is put in Harms way, for all the wrong reason, America has to wake up and change course NOW, What do you mean?, were fighting in Iraq, and terrorist are pouring over the Borders, to kill Americans, and any Iraqis that get in the way.

Bush keeps saying Sadom wouldn’t disarmed, Sadom had no weapons Bush, get it, NONE worth fighting about, we should of gone to the Mountains of Afghanistan, and got the people who KILLED American, here in America, and Bush should NEVER have stopped until every man was captured, or killed. NEVER STOP, NEVER GIVE UP, UNTIL THE FIGHT IS DONE UNTIL THE MURDERING MEN ARE BROUGHT UNDER ARE AMERICAN SWORD, NEVER TO DARKEN OUR SKYS, OR OUR LAND AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Bush is Clear if you read

Bush is a the figure head for this New Republican party's Ideology, and those from the upper middle class up, are the only one who won't see what this Ideological direction is doing to the rest of America, Bush dose not have a clue as to how his, bait and switch Administration policy's have had a devastating affect on family's, and workers, the environment, energy, and the States, as well as Education, and I believe he dose not care.Look some Americans think let's stay with Bush, even though he not too bright, but he'll be better if we just let him finish what he started… "NO" let not and say we did. Bush can look America in the eye and tell a bold face LIE, and do it convincingly, Bush in the eyes of the World is a figure of distain, and hatred, He’s wasted our good will, he’s destroyed our allies confidence in seeing America as the Nation who could do the very best at the very worst of time, and situations, it’s painful to the World, who use to look up to America. Bush’s slow recovery policy, with tax cuts for the Very well off, leaves the middle, and lower classes in a lurch, and he has the nerve to say we all have to contribute to this maniacal policy’s, look, he says, give the tax money back, and the very rich will start Hiring and employing people, well Americans have waited, and waited to be employed, and this is what’s happened, jobs are headed out of America, when Bush made these tax give back’s real, outsourcing continued, energy cost went through the roof, and the cost of Insurance went up 10% plus for three straight years, small business, and big business have had to pass the raise’s in cost of Insurance right alone to the worker…OH yeah!, on average the wages of worker in America have gone down for three straight years, and so has the SAVINGS of Americans.More Bush policy’s, Please No MORE… 2/3’s of America cannot afford this direction, with no relief in site.America suffers from necked human greed, it’s money stupid, the business principles of American business’s has raped the American worker, and the world has said, bring me your work, and we will do it cheaper, and American business’s, has said yes… profits first. But what about the American workers, big business say’s… well it’s to costly to my bottom line, what with Unions, and benefits, the worlds workers don’t ask for benefits, and they don’t have Unions, once America has been brought into line with the EU, and the emerging China, and India, Americas workers will be back in the late 18th century, and early 19th Century, when there were company towns, everything was owned by the business community.Bush’s ownership society will look good for a few years, and when the workers who bought homes lose their jobs, and then their homes, they will say, wow! Bush’s plan really was no good.I do care who’s wins this election, and I want some one in power who FIRST looks out for America’s security, then LOOKS out for American workers, and Looks out for fair free trade, and looks out for the LIFE, LIBERTY, the PURSUITE of Americans Happiness, that may sound Nationalistic, but our Constitutions is a NATIONALISTIC document.