Sunday, September 10, 2006

This Administrations main brag is; "We haven't been Attacked in five years, so we must be doing something right."
By Bruce H, Scroggins

This tired reframe, dose a disservice to Bush & Cheney's supposed "collation of the willing," let look at a couple of the main allies in the collation, Spain and Briton, both have been attacked over the last five years, so Bush saying, america hasn't been attacked sounds really good to these two countries and their respective people. Madrid was rocked by a bombing attack, as was briton, they have suffered for there partnership, with Bush's failed military policy. I believed military action was warranted, but the way Bush carried out his policy was flawed from the start, if you remember, the whole world was american after 911, and was with America, Bush leadership wasted all our good will with the entire world and we were left with a collation of the willing, they all had economic gains to be made in this collation, America's main exploiters, too name a few, Bectel, Fleur, Kellogg,Brown and Root and let us nor forget Halliburton, there are Spanish and british versions of these Huge Multinationals.

The world has paid a huge price, for the free worlds leadership, North Korea has more Nuclear weapons, then five years ago, Iran will have a nuclear weapon, sooner than the west thinks, Hezbollah is stronger than every intelligence service could imagine, all in the last 6 years, there are potentially more murdering terrorist per capita around the world with training, laying in wait to do murder, even of there own people, all over the last five years and all Bush can do here in America is, state fearfully, stay with me and my administration, because if you change too the democrats, you will be killed. Bush and his surrogates, keeps re-enforcing Bush's labeling of dissenting americas main stream view of his failed policies, by calling americans, emboldeners, and appeasers, Hitlerism and Stalinist sympathizers.

The ABC docudrama is a form of swift boat attack on democrats, just before the 06' mid-term elections and all the while stating ,it's based on the "official 911 Commission report." Knowing many americans have not read the official 911 Commission Report, Republicans are hoping to swayed the electorate back, to staying the republican controlled congress and administrations course, of more failed leadership, based in fear mongering the American public.

America has had it and after tonight they will question Bush & Cheney even more, the gloves were off, when the downing Street Memo's came out and AMerica's main Stream voters are through drinking deeply the KOOL AID this group of CIA outers are selling. In any events the world is not better off and you have but to ask the people of any collation country, especially the ones attacked over the last five years.

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