Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Moral Questions, We can’t win and we can’t leave

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Who’s going to be the last to die, for Bush’s WAR? This is a horrific question and terrible position to be in and America has to ask and answers, the hard questions and the only way to ask and answer, is to have the truth of why are we there? Who profited from the Iraq war? Who is quietly leaving Iraq? And who was in Iraq and avoided all the past, absolutely criminal lack of oversight and scrutiny? And who is being covered for today?

These are a few of the questions that need to be ask and answered by the American electorate. A Democratic Congress, is just getting started, there will be questions ask and information, painfully brought forth, America, its time to listen to the awful truth and listening will require a response.

More questions, what is and has our government been doing in our name? What is Domestic wiretapping really collecting? Why are so many of the no-bid contracts in Iraq gone unfulfilled? Where is the 100 Billion dollars, held for the Iraqi gone?

And the big question, “How do we get OUT of IRAQ? Now the Republicans want the answer now, and most of the Right leaning News show Hosts, like Chris Matthews and the Rights extremist, like Sean Hannity, they all want to know what are your plans and when no one will tell them, they make reasons up, like the Democrats are all waiting for the Baker Iraq Group, to do the work for them. Well not one Republican, or these self serving pundits, has came up with one plan, not one between them, not one of them has picked up a gun and stood opposed, or in the breach for America and has not a one in their families is in, or going too Iraq.

Let’s start were America should of started, but the President did not, lets come clean and make a clean breast of this matter, along with the Press, they did not tell all the truth, or connect the dots, they and America were fearful, of being labelled UN-PATRIOTIC so no questioning of the facts and about the Real Iraq, well America the history must be known first, America needs the real history of Iraq, so they can see the parallels, to today’s Iraq, we need to see how, Bush & Cheney and the Neo-Cons led us into a horrible pit, of money-grubbing-carpet-bagging-profiteers. And at the foundation was OIL and the control there of, there I said it. In Iraq today, America asks your selves, whose left? Who escaped scrutiny? Who has made, obscene amounts of money and used the US Military for protection? Who has hundreds of thousands private military working in Iraq, with a license to kill?

I could go on, but I believe America needs to read and listen to some of the truth tellers, in order to put together a PLAN for Out Of Iraq, who are truth tellers in the congress, it will be many Democrats, in the press, it will be people like Keith Obermann MSNBC, now there are some Republicans, but they are not inclined to rock a sinking boat, but here’s some truth tellers:

Congressman to listen too and read: Sen. Joseph Biden,

Books to Read: OUT OF IRAQ, George McGovern and William R, Polk; SIMON & SHUSTER

JAWBREAKER, by Jerry Berntsen


The Official 911 Commission Report, on DVD as well

DVD’s; to watch: IRAQ for SALE the WAR PROFITEERS; Brave New Films a Robert Altman Film

911 PRESS for TRUTH DVD; and



Fahrenheit 911; Michael Moore

Google: Downing Street Memo, WMD’s DVD; Complete911timeline and his look into Afghanistan, and how all the leaders escaped by Paul Thompson; NIE Ben Ladin determine to attack inside the US; Operation Bujenca, (spelling) Plan to hijack planes and fly them into CIA, World Trade Center, Pentagon; PDB of August 6th, 2001; Project for the New American Century.

And any History books on Iraq starting around 1910 on to the present, be very sure to get some British authors, as well as some Middle Eastern History writers. Now I’ am not telling you to read, insiders from past administrations, foreign, or domestic they have secrets to protect. America, be very sure to check out your Public Libraries, they have a creditable cornucopia of truth and remember the best seller list, is not where the only truth lies.

America the Plans for getting out of Iraq, will require some assembly, oh and listening to the FACTS… WHAT WAS 911? Really… why are we in IRAQ? really.

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