Saturday, December 15, 2007

HOW too begin to break the TWO PARTY strangle HOLD on the electorate…

Everyone who has the guts… turn INDEPENDENT and not the Independent Party that exists today, Independent of all Party Affiliations and watch the two party system wither and die in there precincts Caucuses.
By Bruce H. Scroggins

Face it America, since Democrats regained the Majority in both Houses of Congress, in November of 06’, the American people have watched in horror, as Bush and Republicans triumph over both Houses of Congress, again and again, just by threatening to VETO 50 plus time, Bush did not actually Veto 50 Plus times, he just threatened to Veto and Republicans in Both Houses of Congress, have stalled, and use every parliamentary tool, too avoid standing on the floors of congress and filibuster their standing positions behind Bush, it’s like having a gun fight, but never stepping into the street and actually drawing, they just wave their guns at the Democratic majority and the Majority of American people and many a Democrat, just un-balls his, or her fist.

This untenable situation is going to continue until, the American electorate, stops aliening it self with either Party.
The corporate elites’ have all bought and paid for both Parties and those who run for office and refuse corporate money either lose or if by a miracle, gain elected office are soon, forced to accept money to stay in office, each elected official has an ego and once in office, soon comes to believe… they are indispensible and begin to believe, what many are telling them.

No more organized caucuses, under a Parties affiliation… no more financing running for office, with donations from PAC’s set by and for Corporations, The black community should divest it self, entirely from the Democratic Party and from the Republican party, COMPLETELY and be an independent voice from that day forward.

America can then be govern from the party-less independent position, each of the Now weak two party system will be forced to come too each Independent and make their case and then can be held to their promises, too deliver.

As more and more blacks speak up and say were now independent and not aliened with any party, the shift in power will be pronounced and liberating at the same time, try it, just say, I’ am an Independent and not affiliated with any party, just say it and see how Pollsters and the two parties react to your position.

Monday, December 10, 2007

ON Iraq Spending, In exchange for more money and no strings, or firm Dates for re-tasking of US Troops in Iraq, you begged for more Domestic Spending

ON Iraq Spending, In exchange for more money and no strings, or no firm Dates for re-tasking of US Troops in Iraq, you’ve ask/begged for more money in Domestic Spending… tell us before making the deal… WHAT Domestic Spending, so we can tell you YES, or NO, or even MORE.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Seeing you’re not afraid of those who elected YOU, but are afraid of BUSH… before making any deal Democrats, in CONGRESS… TELL US what Domestic spending, before making any deals, tell us, so we… can tell you… we want this… or don’t want this, got it.
If you make this deal, without allowing your electorate to know, you’ll be sealing your demise as elected officials, because we will campaign against your re-election, on every vote.

Now I hope, I’ve made that PLAN, is it CLEAR… we want to know what your planning to do, no more making deals, then, mealy mouthing WHY? You did it, or sending form letter, with (opening exactly the same statements and the seemingly contrived middle, with same close).

Then when we get a personal appearance, you sheepishly give us; there was nothing else you could do, or I won’t give Bush a chance to do the wrong thing, if I don’t fund and I won’t hurt our troops in the field, when we know you’re in fear… of being blamed and Bush being successful in blaming you.

The fear you keep showing stinks, to the Moon, you talk tuff, about a bridge collapse and talk about tuff about Bush, possibly lying about knowing this, or when he knew that, or about his breaking the law, but when it comes time to put your vote where your mouth is, you collectively find a way to FOLD, CAVE, CONPITULATE, COMPROMISE and then want us, who elected you to KEEP YOUR PROMISES, you want us to accept your deal making and quietly be still, while the very thing we don’t want… YOU KEEP DOING, stop it, just STOP DOING WHAT WE DON’T WANT YOU TO DO.

Let’s see, Steny Hoyer has EARMARKS, PORK:
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer the Maryland congressman has included $96 million worth of pet projects.

How much EARMARKS, or PORK Amy, do you have included in the exchange, this sell out and if no pork, whose Back are you scratching? I’ am asking for details, for Minnesota?

Oh, by the way are you dopes, going to close down and let Bush MAKE RECESS APPOINTMENTS, or are you going to keep a crew in place, I hope you are not stupid enough to allow Bush to undermine you.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Everyone has sacrificed, US Troops have big time, the Iraqi People big time, the US Taxpayer huge time,

but Contractors got rich and Iraq’s Government sacrificed only by carrying heavy bags of US Money.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Got reconciliation, got Oil revenue sharing, Police free of corruption and death squads, got un-baathification, is there any Iraqi Government agency, free of corruption, malfeasance, or graft. Bush and Cheney have sacrificed nothing, not one thing has this present administration sacrificed, except the US Constitution and the Bill of Right’s. They have complete destroyed the Civil liberties we use to enjoy, before Bush fell asleep at the switch on 9/11.

Between Bush & Cheney, the freedom’s we use to enjoyed, have been systematically dictatorially stolen, or signed away and they had plenty of help, from both sides of the isles in Congress and I got screwed in the tax cuts, I can’t even claim myself alone and pay in enough taxes, I have to have extra money taken out each pay period, just to make sure I pay enough… tax cut my behind, I sacrifice everyday, show me where Bush, or Cheney, or Rice, or any Republican, or Democrat in Congress is sacrificing, for the last 7 years, show me.

The US Citizen, the man or woman on the ground, the wage workers of America, they have watched since 2000, Medical benefit’s go up 10% plus each year, while wages have stagnated, the cost of Living, the every day cost of good’s and services, has gone up, State Governments have employed stealth taxes, to make up for huge cut in LGA Funds, the States service fee’s have tripled and quad-druppled, a simple marriage license, that cost $30 bucks back in the 70’s, cost well over a $100 dollars today (MPLS,MN).

The American citizen, has little, to no Savings, and the only involvement in the Stock Market… the Republicans favorite sign to point to for a growing economy, is a Pension if they have one, the new trend is to start new employee’s in a 401k and not offer Pensions.

I see sacrifices all around me, except by the leadership and the rich, they have been recipients of Bush’s Corporate tax give backs, the virtual draining of the United States Surplus and you can’t blame, 9/11… Bush and Republicans, in the last Congress, have hollowed out the Government; they have gutted FEMA and placed it in Home Land Security, a balloted beuaracy of Conservative making, now show me the sacrifice?

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The 10 – 20 Plan, a Truly Energy Independent America

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Answers to America’s Energy future are not, nor ever will be simple, but they are necessary. The Answer will be painful, constricting and precedent setting; they will involve conservation, higher fuel standards (CAFA Standards) clean factories emissions and Clean Coal, lots of environmental standard being raised and an investment in Strategic Reserves, as well as, a complete review of NAFTA and CAFTA.

But here’s an idea, whose time has come and America is, extremely late getting started, it’s the Government, investing tax dollars in building Refineries and Storage and Drilling for energy on North America’s side of the Planet. No more excuses from Big OIL & ENERGY. They have stated, it too expensive to build Refineries, in the billions of dollars and it takes 5 years to build.
Well then the Tax payers needs too build the Refineries, five of them, over the next ten years, Big Oil, has said this will come to no good, when the market has more refining compactly, no that’s not even close to true, but the US will then have a choice, too sell refined energy to the entire North American continent, all excess refining compactly will be put into use, this will keep the markets fluid. And the Big Energy companies will be clamoring to buy these state of the art refineries.

With the Foundation, of a Plan of tax payers investments, in refining and Conservation, higher fuel standards (CAFA Standards) clean factories emissions, lot of environmental standard being raised and an investment in Strategic Reserves, as well as, a complete review of NAFTA and CAFTA, the USA will then top this new plan for ENERGY INDEPENDENCE, with Alternative Energy Sources and Fuels, including Bio Fuels, this is the 10 – 20 PLAN, we start in 08’, by raising the investment in alternative fuel research and plan to be at the half way mark, by 2016 supplying half the cost of energy consumption in America, used by cars, trucks, Plants and homes.

By 2026, the US should plan to be energy independent of Middle East OIL. This present reliance on OPEC’s generosity, is one fraught with insecurities and our National Security can no longer be held hostage, let’s be perfectly truthful… America no longer wants to be DEPENDANT on the Middle East, or OPEC, or Venezuela, for our energy future. Big Energy has no answer, but slow plodding research and TV commercials; we need a Race to Energy Independence, like we had a race to the Moon.

Short and to the point, America’s leadership has to change and then America must hold the new leadership’s feet to the fire and demand a Plan for Energy Independence, in 20 years, we have to get off the Middle east Tit and develop our own breast, if you will.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Majority, the Main Stream today is, The Left and the Center of the electorate, in all words… Democratic in 08’.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Republicans, Conservatives, Right-Wing-Neo-Christians and everything Congressionally Republican, your position… STANDING behind, without saying Bush’s name is NOW the identifiable standard as a party, you’re the group who is blocking the will and legislation of the Majority in Congress, and covering for lies and corruption, from Federal beauracry and insiders, to foreign deals to sell our Ports and Security to questionable middle eastern Business concerns, all for a dollar. America knows, our borders are open to business first and our enemies, with the help of some Democrats, you have been labeled all, as obstructionist.

I just described a reality the WILL of the Nation sees, all too clearly and the memories of the American electorate is long, Bush and his “Compassionate Conservatism,” never, ever was firmly in the minds of even the RIGHT.

America recognizes why America’s is suffering with energy, our very Security Bush has continued to base our economy on OIL… unending and relentless, Bush has played, not paid lip service too the royal family and OPEC and we are today no safer, enemies without and within, transportation and vital Power and food source’s weakly protected.

And hears the factor, that speaks loudly, our greatest enemy, still running around harassing America at will, taunting America from a CAVE, this sticks in the majority’s gut, Osama Ben “hiding’” has sent killers, murders, into America and he has not been brought before the well of American’s Justice... JUSTICE is what we want here at home and abroad and your entire Party, is seen as the road block.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Nancy & Harry, it's coming down to a 24 hr Stand

Every time you break, Bush undermines your authority, with appointments and the Pentagon has, 400 plus billion dollars, they have more than enough money to fund the troops, don’t think about folding to BushSTAND YOUR GROUND STAY IN SESSION, it eliminates, a key undermining of bush’s tricks.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

He’s a whining, petulant child and if you even listen to his horse crap, your enabling him, so don’t listen and act like the grown ups in Congress, we elected to office.

No more off the books billions, no more capitulating, after talking tuff, no more … NOT… making Republican and Bush continue to argue their case, before the PUBLIC, stand firm and let them EXPLIAN their positionBEHIND BUSH.

I want to see Republican FILLABUSTER, I want to see them STANDING FIRMLY BEHIND BUSH, at every step of the way. That is the position, from now through the primaries, right on through to the election, in November, 08’.

America can see clearly if Democrats are working and standing their ground to get the US out of the conflict in Iraq, we know… you’re working to re-task our troops in Iraq. We know Al-Qaeda is a small remnant of it’s self and the real problem is the Iraq government, making the necessary concession for real peace, between warring factions.

Along with America, Democrats in Congress, must watch as Bush makes speech after speech, about how he wants this now and that now and as he cannot get any distracting and undermining, out of session appointments, Bush and Republicans, in and out of Congress will grow shrill and the US public, the Main Stream majority will, see clearly there’s no there, there. The Generals, will have all they need to protect the troops, don’t fall for the Bush crap, if you even contemplate, backing down, you’ll lose the majority, let me say you’ve said the right things, in counter to Bush, now don’t fold.

MSM (Main Stream Media) hates Blogs...

Why? One reason is, MSM, abdicated their responsibility, in 2000 and it got worst from there, just one of many reasons.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

The Media, dose not want any credit, or any blame for Polarization of the America, much less the two party systems. When the 2000 election played out, along with Conservative bomb throwers, like Grover Norquist preceding and the MSM’s raise of the Opinionated news mixed together, with the clearly GOP TV network, parading as a legitimate news network, fox’s noise, the die was setting and the Nation was divided.

The election speaks for it self; just the canceling of poll watching alone had a disastrous effect, on reporting and allowed unscrupulous Right-wing shenanigans, which played out mostly out of the Public’s eyes. And 9/11 was not even close to investigated, like it should of been, that’s just two issues ignored from the start, time and circumstances helped in blinding MSM, they were all to pliable to Patriotism and the Right-wing, Republicans, Conservatives, who played it up and started a mini-McCarthy period, making any questioning of what happened, leading up to 9/11 and after, in the lead up to the War. And we all know the Supreme Courts role Gore v. Bush, in picking Bush, for the WHITE HOUSE.

The MSM couldn’t get the truth out until more than a year later about the Republican operative, shipped end to stop the re-counts and spoil ballots, giving the supreme’s time to over-rule the Florida supreme’s. Since 2000 and in 2004, in Ohio and the phone jamming, I believe in New Jersey, the fixing of Intel around the left turn… into Iraq, can never be explained… why wasn’t the MSM all over these and INVESTIGATING.

So as the Blogs, kept raising and reporting, with the home spun edge’s they have come to be known by, (sharp Language, saying what they mean) and the fact checking kept raising, soon, whistle blower were coming out of the walls and the MSM, just got mad, they never got it and many to this day, still don’t get it, the blatant lack of being the 4th estate, was now in the face of many in the middle and the base, for all intent and purposes lost.

Once again, MSM Journalist keep saying, the pajama blogs, and those armatures, who are just mad. They could not be more wrong, the MSM had lost there position as the mantel bearers, or harbingers of fact and truth, to the masses and here’s another point they miss, the Blogs speak to and from the middle to the BASE and don’t you ever forget it, just saying we speak for the base is not good enough, nor was, or will ever be the TRUTHINLOVE.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

America, Bush & Republicans can ONLY FIX the Intel, Polls and twist the facts, as the Media, FIXES the Coverage

And Listen to the Minority and Gives, ECHO Chamber TIME and refuses to hear the Majority.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

The majority in Congress are suppose to listen to the People, of America, that majority, has repeatedly said, “Get out of Iraq,” by any means possible, the nations Polls, reflect their collective majority voice, CBS poll:


62% YES
34% NO

Eighty-six percent of Democrats and 68 percent of Independents say the war was a mistake, while 31 percent of Republicans agree, according to the poll.The 62 percent figure is reminiscent of the numbers recorded in Gallup Polls in the early 1970’s when respondents were asked whether the U.S. made a mistake getting involved in Vietnam. Sixty-one percent thought the Vietnam war was a mistake in May, 1971, and 60 percent thought American involvement in Vietnam was a mistake in January, 1973, according to Gallup polls.


Made Things Better
Made things Worse
No Change


Made Thing Better
Made Things Worse
No impact

Courtesy of Daily Kos

So now America knows their voice is the Majority, so who are the media, writing about, as though their voice is the majority, who in the media Networks are they having on their NEWS Shows, the Minority voices, over and over again, who are the network New Show Host, having on the round tables of discussions, as if these minority questions, are in the majority, no they are not, we hear the minority arguments, ad-in-finite-tum, ad-hominem attacks, not on the majority Americans view, but on the majorities leadership.

America, it’s called “FIXING THE INTEL, POLLS and FACTS,” around the minority, so it seems, the majority is, always wrong and the minority is always right. Genearl Patraus, will tell America, what Bush wants America to hear, we have to stayin Iraq and if we leave, it will be genocide.

The MEDIA is absent once again, in the FACE of the most obvious, FACTS and this TIME, in the face of the MAJORITY, of both Houses of Congress and the Nation and on the Democratic leadership, held hostage by a few moderates, whip them into line and stand UNITED, if one MORE conpitualation VOTE is recorded in a Bill for spending for this wrongheaded Conflict in Iraq, Democrats could not lose either House, but many will lose office, you’ve been warned.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Congress at 14%, Republican, infer that's Democrats, Oh really, what are Republicans in Congresses Numbers? let's compare

14% Approval for Congress, is that both sides, or just the Democrats, because Democrats, by themselves are way higher in the Polls, then Republicans in Congress, but the pundits don’t tell the viewers that FACT, Bush is at 28 to 30%, the Pundits, like Joe (looking out for the people’s, right-wing) Scarborough and Pat (Xenophobe) Buchanan and the Republicans in congress, like Mitch (straight face liar) McConnell, love to repeatedly tell the viewers.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, fox what are the Democrats numbers, or polling and what are the Republicans numbers in congress. The Blogosphere, has it right, I can find on the right and the left the FACTS, even if both twist it in some case, but it’s there if you want to find it, so why don’t the main stream corporate press, tell the viewers both sides of the low approval reporting sound bite.

As of July 13th, 2007, (article at bottom)

Democrats are at 27%, not a great number, but Republicans and the suck-up Independent, is at 20%, so when you hear 18% for Congress. Look behind the smirking and ask them, why don’t they do something? Or stop doing what they are doing? they being the Republican, conservative, Pundits and surrogates, Apoligist.

Congress is effectively 50 to 49, one Congressman out sick, so the Congress is in stalemate, procedural processes can stop, stall, block every step and who is using these procedures, both side are, but when it comes to setting the table, the Democrats, set the agenda and Republicans wade in and are then using their right of procedure, to STALL, STOP, TABLE, BLOCK, they have demanded 60 vote thresholds and FILLABUTERS, too kill amendments and Bills, then talk about the Democratic leadership, is not doing anything, they say: they passed a lot of re-naming of Post Offices, Minimum Wage and 1 Defense Spending Bill, but turn on the dime and say, “If Democrats want to stop the war, they could DE-FUND the WAR”, Oh really, then, what would Republicans do, if Democrats de-funded the war? support it, fillabuster, block, stall, call Democrats, un0Americans, Un-Patriotic, Emboldening, Appeasers, Treasonous Traitors, fifth columist? No one ask any Conservative Pundit, or elected Republicans, who makes this statement, on News Show after News Show, it’s just said and left out there in the middle of the do nothing statement, of the unanswered tirade.

So if you’re a responsible News Show, or Network, once again, could you do your job, this half doing your job, only shows your partisanship, when I, a viewer and for some of your show, it’s intermittent and occasional viewer, read your e-mail and respond, you can call me names and label me far left, or far right, but just do a complete job, ask questions where, they need to be ask, don’t just allow, or accept, one sided statements and spewing of lies, it really galls me when you have an internet, right at your finger, staff tips.

It’s journalistically lazy and all the awards, given by your Industry, ring hollow.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The White House & Republicans Exposed

The White House is once again, exposed, so they’ve rolled out the two week old, capture of an Al-Qaeda operative, then tell everyone, he connects Iraq to Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda, then invite Congress to listen to the pre-shell game, from General Petraeus.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

How many Americans know, the US Military does what it is told to do, there called “Good Soldiers,” for a good reason, this is a Civilian led Republic, a Top down Democracy and Bush has abused and broken the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Congress needs to have one more Vote, on the Defense Spending Bill, in two weeks, just before they all go home, 70% of the country has seen clearly it is Republicans, not the Democratic majority, that is waiting, Blocking, Obstructing the Nations WILL, while US Troops die, Republicans are fiddling while our Romans, our Treasures DIE.

Republicans and the Iraqi, Parliament, each is going on vacation, having not done what their Nation want. It’s as clear as the 52 to 47 VOTES, on the floor of the Senate, 7/17/2007, Democrats are doing EXACTLY what the Nation voted them into office to do.

If Republicans refuse, to vote with the NATION, with the DEMOCRATS and go on vacation and continue to wait until September 15th, 2007, to hear General Petraeus tell them, what Bush want them to be told, mark my words, any change of course, any talk of not backing Bush, will be HOLLOW and ring as, too late, welcomed, but too late.

The US electorate will take it out on Republicans across this Nation, come 08’ so gird your loins boys and girls, cinch up your straps, be prepared for the American people to give you stiff arm and the silent treatment.

Your base will be the only ones to blindly support your RNC Party, money will get scares and the RNC 527’s will grow and the only thing your Party will be able to do, in abundance, is go negative and rain mud down and advertise FEAR to the Nation.

It will be the only thing left, it will be like the RNC and the Conservative Right will be begging, our enemies to attacks us, so they will sound like they have been telling the truth all along. But even our enemies will see a change in the winds.

RNC fox and Talk Radio will grow shrill, in their DOOM and GLOOM.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Truth and Everyone (man) else a lair,

(Romans 3:4) Does your Faith Inform… your reasoning, or does your faith force your politics, on all.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Is your faith, so weak, you need political ideology, mixed in your weak faith, too dominate, your speaking, you state fearful precepts, your line upon line is, polluted with, let’s say; the Sons of Sceva desires, (Acts 14.)

I believe my faith Informs my reasoning, I make decisions based in and on my Faith, I do not need to use a pious, political, religious audio, of zealous speaking, to couch my pronouncements, in a political arena. This is the difference, I see very few Democrats and mostly Republicans, using religious faith, to open certain ears to their desired Political message. I have repeatedly heard many Republicans and Conservatives, use their religious protestations and rhetoric, too gain ear from those who are too weak, too use the reasoning coming from their faith, to make an informed decision.

Some Democrats use this mix of Political and Religious faith to advance their Political Ideology, but it is a very small in number, used by progressives, I believe most liberals, Democrats and Progressives, they know it is an unholy alliance and many, or most people see through it. They know it robs them of arriving at a self internalized conclusion, through reasoning, based in their own effort, in disseminating detailed platforms, stances and issues familiar and germane to their faith based reasoning.

America, what I’ am sayings is, I’ am comfortable with my own abilities to make up my own mind, I trust myself, based in my faith, not because of the mix of religious belief and Political ideology. My faith is strong, all by it self, my Political ideology is built on, my reasoning, coming from my faith, so I’ am comfortable, standing for and behind, my political policy, I’ am for the Poor and Health care, why? It is based in what I have been thought, through my faith, so I profess policies and support policies, that advance that reasoned passion.

I have explained a large part, of how I arrive at what I support Politically, now I do not have to ever beat a particular sin into the dirt, to set my self, or my morality above another, in order too, either shame, or guilty another, into support, or silence, dividing the masses. Many do this, all for the above reasons and more, all for political calculation, or for expediencies, but never for the faith. I also do not use politics to speak about my faith, why because my faith is strong, all by it’s self, it needs no crutch of false superiority, or acceptance, to be popular and I force no conversation of any man.

Elected Officials and my elected Representatives, please take ear, this is how and much of why I think what I profess. You can decide from this which way, many will come down, either Left, or Right, Democratic, or Republican, Conservative, or Liberal and Independent, or Libertarian, Secular Christian, Jewish, or Agnostic, Heathen, or Pagan, I ask, keep your faith Strong and Politics clean, absent religious divisiveness, remember, you want all men to listen and not focus on the messenger, if you stand anyone of us up, in the brightest possible light of our Humanity, each will fail and find fault, but if you state your Politic and your position on the issues of the day, knowing you need a majority too effect an outcome, either for action, or for no action, state your case.

And If you want to profess your faith, let every man, woman, he, or she, chick,or child, be a liar and God be true, or for some no god true of anything.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Nancy and Harry Put the People’s Power back on the TABLE,

The Power of the PURSE and IMPEACHMENT.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush knows, you’ve neutered Congress and the people’s vote and ultimately their WILL, we voted you into office and you tie your hands behind your back and then, when you’re standing in the well of the people’s house, Bush & Cheney sucker punched you, and gut punched you and you and the people had to take it, they swaggered around and spoke disrespectfully, too you and the Nation, they dared you do something, while they bragged of the Veto’s and then did just as they bragged.

In the end, each time, you compromised, just to get a Minimum Wage passed, but what have you gotten lately, NOTHING and this talk, of letting the courts work it our, is a trap, one you will lose and is a designed, waste the time, Republicans and BUSH & CHENEY want Congress to waste their time, please they will say, let the courts look at it and the courts will lead you into a black hole.

The courts are not the answer, the answer is in your hands, just putting your power back on the table will spell fear, in the Republicans ranks, they will run to Bush and tell him this is going to get real nasty, real quick. And we as Republicans cannot afford to be put on the record, no matter how much, or how hard we spin this, the 08’ election will be a slaughter, an absolute SLAUGHTER.

Bush and Cheney cannot afford for, not one, document to be forced from their lawbreaking grip, it will spell their end so fast, they have to stone wall to the end and that is what the people need to see, Bush and Cheney, putting up a Wall, breaking every existing law left, you must strip away all pretence of legality and lay bear Bush and Cheney, you’ll get Rove and Mires, thrown out as fodder and much, much more so fast, in an all out effort to protect themselves until 08’, there will then be peace overtures, from coalitions of Republicans, asking Democrats, to let up and let them finish the term, they will be willing to give up much then, mark my words.

And all this will come from, just putting Congresses power, fully back on the table. Just talking about putting the power back on the table, it will mean, all covers will be pulled off Republicans and they will have too lay themselves bear, before the American electorate. I ask my elected representatives to press for this action, the power must be put back on the table, just the treat of the power coming back, will bring untold documents and testimony, mark my and hopefully your words.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Frequent and favorite statements about Illegal Aliens: “We need to do something,” and “We can’t round up 12 to 20 Million Illegal aliens.”

What you don’t hear is anyone stating a Plan to solve the round up statement.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

And because no one has offered and answer to these extreme statements, they leave the hearer, with perception, there’s nothing anyone can do, that’s false premise and the Media, is the prime ones, leaving it there, no answer, there has been many who offered answers, but the Media refuses to give air to any PLAN to do exactly what the Statements say, can’t be done.

It’s like the drug problem, in poor communities, the community is left with, we, (meaning law enforcement,) cannot round up all the drug dealers, or the suppliers, too the street drug dealers, we cannot do it, it impossible, you cannot imagine how that leaves a community invaded with a foreign substance, a plague, from outside, it’s like law enforcement, is saying to the community, you have been invaded and we, Law enforcement cannot eradicate them from, your community, we don’t live there, but we will send police, we don’t know the difference between, citizens and dealers, so we, (Law enforcement) living outside, we will profile, everyone, in your community.

These poor communities will live from that day forward, under occupation, and policed like, the community is the problem and the law enforcement, treats, it like Animals in cages are treated, Police cars, drive into the community and react to what they see, instead of proactively arresting the Suppliers, cutting off the flow, into that community.

Illegal Aliens are being treated the same way, there here, you have to tolerate them, even though the citizens, did not ask, or help them across the Border, but there here, you cannot do anything, too arrest them all, if you ask why this is as it is, they tell you about the Border and Law enforcement, not doing what was on the Books, so most Americans say, enforce the Laws, arrest every violator, when you find them, pass a law saying, if you are here illegally, you must come forward and be documented, if you do not come forward, by this date, you can only be a Temporary Worker, you will never receive legal Worker status, or Guest Worker status.

This kind of law will be the base, for illegal aliens to first ROUND THEMSELVES UP. Second, do not put citizenship at the end of the process, this will still gives illegal aliens hope, of a either Legal, Temporary, or Guest status. And for all those concerned about the children of the illegal aliens, those children are US citizens, there parents, can remain, now their status, depends on the parent, stepping out of the shadows, they will not be deported, in most instances, but their, status is dependant on them, the parent will have US citizen in their family, their children, so the parents are role models, for them, at retirement of the parent, the US can make adjustments, to there status, that all can be worked out later.

I have offered a more detailed Plan for Illegal and legal Immigration, on my Blog, I sent this plan to all my elected representatives and Kennedy & McCain and the Networks, Print media, except RNC fox, sorry, I don’t consider fox a legitimate news organ.

Believe me I do not believe any of these ideas will be given air, most New Show host lack the freedom to pursue any ideas, outside their producers, line of propaganda, just count how many times you hear, the above headline, stated, without pursuit of any Plan too answer, the statement, it has been impossible, by some one any of the viewing public, we had to listen to the repeated statements, over and over, pounding into their consciences, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, no it’s not.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Two Extremes: “You can’t Deport 12 to 20 Million Illegal Aliens,” and “Just legalize them, with Citizenship, after jumping through hoops,”

the country is divided, no one is offering a solution, or middle ground, to either.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush pushing, Immigration and talk of Pardoning Libby, will polarize both parties and Democrats are truly upset about the war vote’s and Democrats wanting citizenship for the illegal aliens, the two top issues for Democrats is the War and Immigration, the two top issues for Republicans is the War and legalizations and citizenship and throw in, Gonzales stonewalling and Libby.

Republicans flirt with real danger, in any talk of pardoning Libby, they run a foul of the Nations majority’s, but the War will crash, their collective party’s, Conservative, Republican stand behind Bush till September, they do this at there Parties peril. Though in Democrats pushing for legalization, of illegal aliens and this joint effort to ram, Comprehensive immigration down the US public’s throat and you have a volatile 08’ election for both sides.

Both parties majority want, the border and employment solved before, accepting comprehensive talk by either party and both parties leadership, have not heard that salient point, they keep asking the wrong questions in the Polls, they site, in the print and network media. Neither Party, seems to want to do what the public is saying, yes we can legalize some illegal aliens, but citizenship is a bridge too far and comprehensive talk, is the swamp land sold, in the past Immigration Bills, in one form or another, America won’t buy comprehensive talk, not until Congress shows, the American people they can solve these two, first.

No one want to air, legalization, absent citizenship for the parents, only the children born here after crossing the border illegally, can and are CITIZENS, the nation will go for this solution, but politicians on both sides, refuse to broach this solution, news media, refuses to air and other choices, except these EXTREMES, these polarizing positions, that get repeated, over and over and over again, in the nations bully pall pits.

How’s about: 1. Temporary Workers 2. Guest Workers and 3. Legal Workers, only the children as citizens?

Saturday, May 12, 2007


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I can see the first reaction for some, is to dislike another, to feed their hate, they see what they want through the lens, of their partisan ideology, or supposed faith. They hurl expletives, invectives and stand back and feel righteous.

Facts have a funny way of standing the test of time, they are boring for those who use patriotism too couch their tirades, against facts, whether in context, or out, they are the conclusion of a failure to reason and many times, think for themselves.

Let the body of one’s work, stand or fall, on the truth, if you cannot abide the truth, of the facts, state your case, state your truth and your facts, they will stand up to the same stark light of day and after all, have been dragged through the light of day, inescapable, will be the truth.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Nations Majority, has to start writing and Questioning the Republicans, in mass,

they are the key to change, they must be brought too know, your voice and that, they have passed the point of diminished returns, 09’ is going to be a water shed and the beginning of Decades of minority status for the party of Lincoln.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush believe benchmarks are now ok too talk about, after the little gang of 11 lord fonta-Roy’s, showed up in the white House to complain, but Bush’s plans are still the same, have as many troops in Iraq, at the end of his term, as humanly possible. Bush and Congressional Republicans, of both Houses, are counting on Democrats caving, even for shorter periods of funding.

Republicans have not done all they can, they have the power, too bring Bush to change, they are trying too skit-so-frenetically, (spelling) walk on the border avoiding the fire, they miss-calculate the people, the people are going too, use a flame thrower, in 08’, by 09’ it will be minority status for the grand old party.

I cannot find, anyone except paid operatives to talk about, or defend Bush and suddenly Republicans are hard to find. Generals are standing up, after resigning and telling America, Bush penned our Military, a hammer, with solving Iraq, while forgetting the Political, Diplomatic and Economic components, necessary.

Bush uses the Economic, too enhance his Republican, Multi-National, supporters, bottom-line, Bush uses the Political, too stand around not talking to Nations, like “ do what I say, or I will not talk too you, I’ll talk about you, bad” and Diplomatic, well you know how inept Rice and Cheney, Bolton, do you really want me go on and on and on and on.

Republicans are going to stand in the way of real change of course, until Bush leaves office, is Bush’s plan, Republicans will realize there re-elections, fading into the sunset and revolt, but will do it so slow, they can blame Democrats for the inevitable killings, they will play-up, the “see I told you so.” About the oft-repeated statements, by Bush, Cheney, Rive and all Republicans, “we can’t leave, they will follow us home.”

Horse Hockey, Bull Cookies, Buffalo Feathers, Iraqi’s have been stock-piling weapons, too get the real issues sorted out when the Us re-deuces Troops strength, until then, both sides, or hate groups, both sides of the Islamic, Muslim coin, will practice and hone their skills, of murder on US Troops. Bush’s only concern is to leave the Troops to the next president. Republicans are counting on the “see I told you they were going to killing each other,” theme.

There got it America, now the mysteries are solved, we all know what’s going too happen, now write those Republicans and tell them, we know what going to happen, step out from behind Bush and lets get on with re-deploying, our troops, out of harms ways.

America, Congress, your being played and our treasures are dying…

Iraq’s Government has no intention, in sharing power, or anything else, there gearing up for the, eventual Civil War.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

The real lessons, are not in Congress, there in Iraq, Bush & Cheney, Rove, Rice, Gates, Petraeus, and all of America are being played, like bass fiddles, like an entire Orchestra is played, America through the stubbornness, of one clearly impeachable President, have been held captive, using American lives like so much fodder, all laid at funeral at the pyre of; “I believed, we all believed he had, WMD’s and Nuke’s.”

Republicans are still playing the same tunes, they say along with the leader, “we can’t leave”… what! We can’t leave, they say; because the enemy in Iraq will follow, us home. Iraqi’s have each other too kill in mass, once we reduce our troop strength, that is the game plan, of the majority of Iraqi’s and most don’t think of themselves as… IRAQI’S, a made up Constitution and some pretty sounding secular laws, will not bring, people, diametrically oppose too each other, based on faith, they have ingrained in their Theocratic Family life and Governance, Tribal, Clannish, Loyalties and no westerners can change that, Bush, got the US involved a Thousand year War, were the interlopers, America is, too their, well TRADITIONAL, hate filled plan for murdering unbelievers, based on who killed who last and was it a family member.

Yes, there going too kill each other and when we leave, when ever that is, there’s are going to blood let, until one or the other, reaches there level of acceptable, dying, then the one most dominant, will pull back their public faith and resign themselves to the subservient role, under the now dominant faith, that is how it’s been, for centuries, there will b e no meeting of faiths, there will be no sitting around the Temples and signing we all live in yellow submarine.

“Iraqi’s are not interested in power sharing; the Shiite’s are arming themselves to the teeth, for the eventual withdrawal of US Troops, the Iraqi’s are diddling the US.” David Gergen CNN Democratic Strategist/Commentator

Iraq’s reason for existence, is too hate first people, of deeply different belief’s and of completely different backgrounds, you have Sunni’s and Shiite’s, and the Kurds, they have for centuries hated, hard each other, they want all too believe as they do, each having, a creed, with is writings, with in the Koran, if you don’t you should be dead, if you believe in Mohamed and his descendants, then your ok, for those who believe, if you believe in Ali, then your ok, but those who believe these different descendant, believe, if they come across one or the other, killing them is alright and they can tolerate them, or even eat and sleep with them, they can be their family member, the night before and their enemy that morning, or afternoon.

America, wake up Republicans wake up, you’ve passed the point of diminishing returns, you will, in mass, lose and be turned out of office, in 09’, it’s just a matter of how many can save them selves, stopping your self from drinking the KOOL AIDE, it won’t be easy, but if you make the change dramatic enough and soon enough, there is a little hope for some. But let’s be sure, most of America, wants a pound of flesh, you have thwarted the WILL of a NationLIED TOO, OVER and OVER, AGAIN and AGAIN and the mood of the majority is surly… right surly, dragging it out as Republicans in Congress are doing, is a shear lunacy.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Republicans are the Wild Cards, for overriding Bush’s Threatened Vetoes,

the Nation will hold Republicans accountable, the Longer they stand behind and hold up Bush’s Vetoes, the more they will lose Office in 08’


By Bruce H, Scroggins

The American majority, who voted for change, and OUT OF IRAQ, will become increasingly unforgiving, the longer the Republicans, stand behind Bush’s VETOES.

Eventually, Republicans, in both Houses of Congress will have too step from behind Bush and Vote to override, Bush’s VETOES, but here’s the kicker, the American electorate, will not be forgiving and depending on how long, they hold up the Bill, hoping to force Democrats to backtrack on the WILL OF THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, if this happens, Democrats will pay a price, but Republicans will pay the largest price of all, the 08’ elections, will be a slaughter for Republicans.

I write this to my elected representatives, have courage, STAND YOUR GROUND, BUSH HAS TOO SIGN, THE BILL. The Nation is behind you, Bush will come around, too reality, or be impeached, he can only refuse to remove the troops, from harms way and the MILITARY, will not leave the Troops in Harms way, please, I ask you too ask the MILITARY, what will happened, if Bush refuses to protect the Troops, ask the Private Contractors, what will they do if the money runs out as Bush wants everyone to believe, will be abandoning of the Troops in the field, Bush want America to believe, the money/funds running out, will stop re-enforcements from coming to the aid of the Troops, this spectra, of troops left in a fire fight, with out weapons, or bullets and that’s not the truth, ask and get the answers, so you can effectively counter Bush and especially the Republicans, who by your having the answers, can effectively counter there public attacks and Bush’s tantrum’s.

Asking the Generals and asking the Contractors, the “What ifs,” and the “What’s going to happened, when,” questions, will prepare all Democrats, for the publics information, we want to know the answers, too what Bush, Republicans, are saying to scare the US Public, out of OUR VOTED WILL.

You Sign, or Not Sign the Bill you Have, Not the Bill you Want,

But the Military will protect the Troops and the People will impeach the President if he shirks his duty.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

The Bills Passed by Congress, by-patricianly Passed mind you, has all the funds to move forward, as Bush wants, but Bush wants to have tantrums, face it, he’s melting down, he’s having a hissey-fits, he’s holding hid breath, like a little boy, use to getting his way, from a Republican 109th Congress and he’s demanding the new 110th Congress, give him his way, he says, your micro managing the War, no Bush, there a CO-EQUAL BRANCH, EQUAL BRANCH, BUSH, THAT MEANS YOU HAVE TO COMPROMISE AND IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE COMPROMISE, YOU DON’T HAVE TOO SIGN, CONVERSELY, IF THE CONGRESS PASSES THE BILLS AND YOU DON’T SIGN, THEY HAVE DONE THERE JOB, THEY COMPROMISED TOO GET TOO A PASSED BILL.

BE IT KNOWN, THE Bills have passed both Houses of congress, the MONEY IS THERE.
Sign, or don’t sign, that on your ass Bush

The Congress appropriates the Funds and the President spends the money, so if you got a Bill, you don’t, or won’t sign into law, that’s on the President, but the Congress DOES NOT HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING, THEY HAVE PASSED A BILL, THAT HAS ALL THE MONEY IN IT.

Bush doesn’t like the benchmarks and time lines for withdrawal by end of Summer 08’, but Bush wants America to think that, just the Democrats, have not made the funds available too carry the Conflict, in Iraq and War in Afghanistan, Bush can keep twisting the TRUTH of the BILLS, but America knows the TRUTH and the FACTS and STILL, WANTS OUT OF IRAQ.

Bush can do one of three things:

1. Sign the Bill

2. Not sign the bill, leaving the Troops, in HARM WAY, in which case the Military will move too protect the Troops.

3. And in response, America will move to impeach Bush for High Crimes and Malfeasants of Office.

Bush will sign, the Bill, Congress can, make changes in Ear Marks and Pork, but there is no need for Congress not to get what it’s main goal is and that’s to end the Conflict, that is the Benchmarks and Timeline, ending US Open Ended Stay the Course, Failed Policy, in Iraq and Bush has what he wants, the Funds to continue the conflict in Iraq, until next year. Bush doesn’t get everything he wants and Congress doesn’t get everything it wants.

Bush tirades and Radio address meltdown, will not change anything, America is on to Him and Republicans, they voted Change and OUT OF IRAQ, Bush will sign, or be impeached.


Republicans in the 110th Congress, who are up for Re-election and the Majority WILL of the NATION, even in Republican Districts, will either tell the President, have your veto, but you will have too sign the bill, or we will have too VOTE to OVERRIDE, YOUR VETO.
The Nation is increasingly frustrated with Bush’s, twisting the truth and little boy Mentally un-balanced demands and IMPEACHMENT is on the Table, what with the increasing score card of scandals and corruptions, coming to the forefront, of the Americans consciousness and as they wake up to what they have been duped in some instances and flat-out lied too in others, the 70% of the nation against Bush will move the few degrees, needed for IMPEACHMENT and the it’s cancel Christmas for Bush.

Republicans line of thinking is, Bush is going to veto it, so why send it to him,

They have for so long, made Congress a Rubber Stamp, never carrying out their Accountability and Oversight, only passing word for word, anything and everything Bush said do, they only ask Bush, How high, How Long and when do you want it.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Today there is, Facts on the Record, of the Last un-accountable 109th Congress, facts that show, the adventure into Iraq was, fixed to rush America into Iraq, so many factual truth’s have been set in the record, that today the American Majority, voted to remove, Republican control and mandated Democratic control of Congress and in that same Mandate, they have as a Nation, demanded change and redeployment and withdrawal, from Iraq.

The Republicans, feel the pressure and know their jobs are on the line and most refuse to face the demands of the people, Bush has no re-election, so he has stubbornly stood his ground, demanding his folly’s course be kept, until the end of his term.

Bush and the minority Republicans in both Houses of Congress, have set a courses of obstruction, for the Nations will, they collectively have said to America, you don’t know what your doing, nor do the Democrats, so we will not do your will as a majority, we will do our will as a Party and as the minority, even out of Control of Congress, we will do everything we can to keep this course and do not care what the will of Nation is, the American people, are just Polls to us Republicans and Bush believes the same.

Bush believes, because he is the President, he can say to America, I won’t sign the Bill and, I won’t remove the troops, so when the money runs out, the troops will be killed and it will be Democrats fault, because, I Bush will leave them in harm ways, I will not remove them, I will let them be killed, rather than, sign.

I Bush will let the US Troops be killed, I will not remove them, even if bullets run out, I will not make the decision to remove them, they will die, because, I’ am the Decider and I Bush decide, they will stay in Harms Way, with out reinforcements, our weapons, Bush decides and it’s Congresses fault, because Bush decides. Bush is saying in the press, I decided, they will die.

Bush believes that this conflict is right and America is wrong and he will not do the Will of the Nation. Congress on the other hand, is a decider as well, so they have passed a Bill with everything Bush NEEDS, for the Military, they will make changes to Amendments, but not too the Military appropriations Part of the Bill, so Vetoing it, means, Nothing, Bush, if he wants the Money and he dose, will have to sign it and here’s why Bush will have to sign. The US Military, the Generals, will not leave the Troops in Harms way, because Bush won’t supply, or re-supply them, when equipment starts run-ning out, they will make the moves necessary to protect the Troops and all the Media, or Press have too do is ask the Generals, what happens, if weapons and bullets, start to run out, just ask the Generals what will they do.

Republicans say the Bill is full of sweeteners, to buy votes, so far only two Republican signed the Senate Bill, so that’s not true, Democrats are all inline, with this and Republicans, are all inline with Bush and not the Nations Will, remember the Nations will is a bunch of Polls, the November Vote was a bunch of Polls, the vote was not to be believed by Bush or Republicans.

Ask the Generals, what will happen, if the Money runs out? Ask them.

Bush’s words, “If democrats Fail to pass a Bill to Fund the Troops, it will be the Democrats fault”

not exact words, but close… Democrats and Republicans… Passed a Bill out of Both Houses, of Congress, How is IT Congresses Fault, Bush if you don’t sign the Bill passed, IT’S YOUR FAULT and the Nation will tell you no uncertain terms.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush has threatened to veto any Bill, that he says, doesn’t fund the Troops, and Bush is wrong as usual, he knows, everything the Military needs to fund all operations, is in the Bill, so he says, it doesn’t fund the troops, Bush has tried to say, the troops run out of funds, in April, another flat lie, the troops, don’t run out of funds, per say in April, the Military has funds in other accounts to move to the purposes, they need and most importantly, US Generals, have the authority, apart from Bush, to protect the troops, at anytime and if, funds, or money is the cause of weapons, re-enforcements, not coming, when needed, they will remove the forces from the field, from harms way... ASK the US Generals what will they do?

Bush wants too say, I won’t remove the Troops, even if it cost US Troops there lives, it will be Congresses fault, “Not mine,” as Commander in Chief, it’s Bush’s FAULT for not following what he has to work with, not what he wants to blame Congress for, it’s his responsibility to sign the bill and fund the Troops.

This bill passed by both Houses of Congress, by Republicans and Democrats has all the funding in it to fund the Conflict in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan, Bush knows he has to sign the bill or, be held in the well of Congress for Malfeasant, or a High Crime and he will be impeached, if he doesn’t sign the Bill. The American people know this as well as the Republicans and Democrats, they know Bush must sign the Passed Bill, it been passed and it has EVERYTHING IN IT TO FUND THE MILITARY, that’s why he is blustering so hard and so much.

I can’t wait for Bush …NOT SIGN the BILL and the MONEY RUNS OUT. America, what will happened if the money runs out, ask the generals, ask them what will happen, what will the troops in the War in Afghanistan and the conflict, in Iraq. Will the Privateers, pack up and go home with out transporting US Troops, will they pack up the weapons they sent and were not paid for, even more will the Military Industrial Complex, stop producing and shipping the Materials of war, ASK Bechtel, Fleur, Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown and Root, Raytheon, Blackwater, CACI, TITAN, L3, LOCKEED MARTIN, DynCorp and the rest, what will your corporations do, this is the real story, these are the contributors, I want asks QUESTIONS and I want ANSWERS FROM.

Hears what I know, the Bills Passed by both House of Congress, by Democrats and Republicans, is not perfect and Democrats and Republicans had too give some to get some, Bush wants, only his will and he is not going to get it, Bush has to accept some provisions, to get the Funding he wants, he will not get a bill that has only his will in it.

So sign it, or don’t sign it, it’s all there Bush, all the funding is there, you either lead, with what you got, or keep standing in front of the news Camera’s Holding your breath, like a little boy, hoping to get your way… the American people have spoken and Bush refuses to do there WILL, the American MAJORITIES WILL, you know what America, Bush will have too do the WILL of the Nation, now, or later, or pay the price for his Tantrum.

To the Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and your Leadership, CBC


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I am a American and Black man, I’ am Politically responsible (I Vote and watch closely, most political debates and issues, local and National, International) and aware, of the early upcoming Presidential season, I was not amused to hear the CBC, has chosen to have fox, host a Democratic debate, I for one will not be watching, I have never cared for fox, they are not up front with there RNC talking points, staged as news, their Host are clearly right leaning and contend strongly in the information market place.

But I cannot bear to watch, their host, or vain attempts at reporting the news, with out heavy opinion, mixed in as fact, I for one can tell the difference, but it’s painful to hear those who cannot and then quot this Channels, purposeful propaganda of everything news worthy, or factual. They provide a heavy layer of spin, with planted surrogates, Paid Analyst and Administration Plants, all lying so much there are gaps, in their teeth from telling lies, with a straight face.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe any network, on face value, I’ve learned, one must search out the facts and make as educated opinion as possible, I do watch fox, as little as possible, but I watch too hear the lies.

But I watched foxes last debate, in 04’, a black organization did with fox, it was unintelligible, what with all the conservative Pundits, falling all over them selves, twisting every competently voiced issue and it subsequent solutions, I got so tired of the right leaning spin, I felt they were not, televising this for all Americans left and right, they had a right agenda and wanted, too turn off the left viewers, so they could play to the Right, so I finished watching.

I didn’t think, I could hold a conversation with any one on the Right, I was right, I tried too talk about the issues, in several forms, with Conservatives and Republicans and not one would engage in the issues, they wanted to repeat, fox RNC talking points, wild accusations and smears is all I heard, they had no opinion, but what they were told by the fox channel and the ones who knew, I was informed, about both sides of the issues, refuse to engage me and made jokes instead.

So I won’t watch your fox channel debates and I know of many whites and blacks who will not watch either, this is a mark against your great organization, in my eyes, you have choices of several networks, who will be much more balanced, I realize, you want to reach a wider audience, but your effort will be, side tracked, no matter how many questioners, you get to ask question, the network, will weight the balance before and after and your presentation, will serve as ballast for there agenda.

You are right to want to reach a broader electorate, but I feel and know, most of fox channel viewers, watch other channels, they will get your message, the rest are not reasoning, they have a lot of cattle, more than most network news organizations, their viewers are the least inform, in the wider political issues, they like being told what to believe, much like some religious organization, that have mixed, politics and the gospels, their viewer-ship reminds me of a church service, lead top down.

I hope you’ll reconsider this, but I know fox, after having the Colorado debates, killed, will make it hard for you pullout, so your locked in. I ask one thing, get a show on, right after the debates, to set the records straight, with your Host, your issues and a strong host and guest who can articulate issues for black and white America, not affiliated heavily on the right, fox has a ton of that today, nor do I want just a left based show, but I’ am talking about a show, not long after your debate, to counter, the propaganda campaign your in for, that will start leading up to and after the debates, no matter what you say, they plan to rip your message too pieces for their base-drones and carry it forward, building like Advertisement campaign.

Bon appetite

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Many reasons, too not change anything, in The Emergency Military /Defense Spending Bill


By Bruce H, Scroggins

First and foremost, Democrats passed a complete Bill, Senators can pass it, or not, Bush can sign it, or not, the Bill is complete and will have to be passed by the Senate, if they want funding for the conflict in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. Democrats, don’t have too change anything, that is the strength of this Bill, it’s has to be passed and it has to be signed… if the President wants too fund the war, until he leaves office, Bush has too sign, Democrats, don’t need Bush, Bush needs the Bills funds.

And hear is the next bulwark in why Democrats, don’t have to change a thing, leave the Bill, as is… Bush will have too sign it… Republicans will play up the Troops, need for reinforcements and equipment. America, the Troops are supported by Private Contractors in Iraq and in Afghanistan, in many instances and they will not take a chance, on leaving the US Troops, out in the cold, in harms way, or in the middle of a firefight and the Military’s Generals, will not… let me repeat this, the US Generals, will not leave US Troops in harms way, so… Republican…Conservatives… Senators… Pundits… Surrogates… fox news, you can bluster, wine, cry all you want, the Bill, will remain and await your signature, President Bush.

Now the reasons, why? This Bill’s, Pork is no better, or no worst. America, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and the RNC fox news, take close look at the Last three Military Funding bills, passed, all by a Republican, Bush controlled Congress, every Bill had Pork, Ear Marks, too the high heavens… nuff said.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

What exactly are we funding, in deploying and Redeploying US Troops and is it US Military support Units, that do this work?

Or is it Private Corporations? And if not paid, will these Corporations, abandon our Troops in the field? Is this the reason for Republicans statements about, cutting off funding will hurt the troops?


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I want an answer to these questions, we need to know what would happened, if we withdraw troops form the field to defensible positions? “With-in Iraq and around it’s borders and in neighboring countries?”

How will Withdrawing too base, in Iraq work? How ill redeploying too the Borders of Iraq work? Can and will our allies in the region, allow the US Military, too base US Troops in their countries? And a big question; I want to know “WHO” handles the Support of moving US Troops?

I want an answer too these questions, please, I want every time a statement is made about, Democrats want to cut and run and abandon the troops, or cut off re-enforcements during a firefight, answered. I know Democrats do not want to do any of these things but, just telling them that’s, is not what you mean, or want to do is not enough.

Question and Answers for the Upcoming Congressional Debate on Iraq withdrawal and redeployment and Deployment.

When attacked with these insane statements, by Republicans, make them flesh it our, force your answer right behind there wild assertions, State who will do the withdrawing? How can deployment too, a new areas, “with-in Iraq work?

Once redeployed too the borders and bases with-in and around Iraq, US Troops can and will make quick strikes on Al Qeada and be close at hand for support of Iraqi’s Police and Military and their training, explain it too these fear mongering Republicans, who continually twist the true Plans of Democrats, they want to attach, your plan, start explaining the facts of the plans, as they could be done. Do not keep saying, “that’s not what we want to do” say to the American public; “were not going too leave Iraq, completely,” you and America, needs to know we cannot leave Iraq completely.

America needs to know, however that, reducing our footprint and removing our troops from the needless cross fire’s of Sectarian, or Civil Conflicts in Iraq, these cross fires our not the position for US Troops to be in, they our however a position for Iraqi’s too be in and settle for them selves, not the US Military.

Explain Al Qeada is now the US Militaries primary mission in Iraq, with Training Iraq’s Military and Police a secondary mission, cutting off arms and insurgents coming to join the fight in Iraq is a primary joint mission as well as attaching and eliminating Al Qeada, in Iraq. These positions need to explain, every time a Republican uses those talking points.

Monday, March 05, 2007

America the last 6 plus years, is the result of accelerated, outsourcing of Government

And a benign neglect, of Domestic Governance.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Walter Reed, is truly the tip of the iceberg, VA Hospitals and the two totally different DOJ and VA Disability Measurement Systems, along with the Bush administrations reaction too Katrina, is showing America, Tax cuts and perpetual war, are more important, than the good of ALL the Nation, rather keeping America fearful of Bush and Cheney’s enemies, is paramount, investigations and by-partisan Commissions, Bush ignores, are a waste of time;

Impeachment is the answer, start with Censorship and Impeachment of Alberto Gonzales and move directly to Bush and Cheney, which will get Congresses attention and move the Nation.

GAO, and several other organizations have reported on the deficiencies we see encapsulated at Walter Reed Hospital. There holding hearing, in congress, I call them show trails, they listen, speak outraged and, fall all over there selves, with hard questions, for facts, already in evidence, those in charge, fall on swords, and blood let, preferably others, beneath them, Generals and the like, or ilk.

America, Walter Reed is another symptom of the leadership, not solely Bush & Cheney but the Republican Control of Congress since 92’ and the direction, America has been on, downsizing, outsourcing, privatizing government, all in this scheme sold America’s majority, that Government is no good and business and the free market is the best for delivering services, one big problem, private business has no feel for delivering services to people, who can’t pay, or are in distress, or emergencies, only profits, they can’t deliver free.

Anyone who believes we are on the right course for America, is not really looking at the true condition of America and all of their people. The Rich have no problems, except for an occasional, Stock Market drop. The poor have little voice, but as of November 7th 2006, democrats are trying to give greater voice to them and their plight, under the contract for America and Neo-cons, leadership, has had a disastrous effect, on the lower middle classes wages, down too the poor, homeless and destitute, stagnated and under attacked of their institutions, like Unions. Not all was bad for Democrats, we did have Bill Clintons, leadership and prosperity was had by all, rich and poor, but for some reason, the rich hated Clinton’s economy and they hated, literally all of America, rich and the poors, boats raising.

America’s poor started too have choices for the first time in a long time in America; the American dream was in sight for the last 6 years of the Clinton Administration, even with the impeachment. The outsourcing started stepping up and followed with downsizing and privatization, the dream went away faster than Bush giving away the bulk of the surplus, too the rich and if you tie in lope sided trade agreements and the effects of the 1987 Immigration Amnesty, starting to have and effect on Labor, the slide for the middle class, down to the vulnerable poor, laden with a failed war on poverty and gangs, tied too low paying service jobs, you see the end results today.

Some will say this a lot of theory, but it all does come together, for those most effected by the present situation facing America, every indicator, that has happened to the poor, has been disastrous, but the worst that has happened to the rich is just embarrassing, or a slight drop in their portfolio’s.

The past Congress, rubber stamped so much, it will take years too correct and the worst of the changes that happened mostly if the favor of the rich, these changes will be in place for decades, so finding the money to help the poor, will take raises in taxes, a perfect prescription for Republicans to scream, tax and spend, after cut and give, tax money, too the rich.

When, every Domestic practice and safety net set in place, has been cut to the bone, that acknowledge the poor and all that is left, today is few anemic programs and volunteers donations, even Education is cut to the bone, your at a disadvantage and only those with money and privilege have power, the poor are so far off the radar, today when the power shifts on Nov. 08’ it will be a real test of America’s righteousness to even the playing field.

Returning America to its greatness will be a trail; I pray we are up to the task.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Why the White News Shows, Networks, Pundits and Host, are not questioning…

are… or is, Hillary, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Edwards, White enough for Black America, or White enough for White America?
By Bruce H, Scroggins

This trumped up question; “is Obama black enough?” has been banging around the almost completely White News Shows, this question, is posed among a few Black Elitist, or kept alive by a few Nationalist Black leaders.

Let me say from the outset, this question, is not discussed, or even a question too the main stream of black voters, most of black America voters, are not monolithic, they hold there cards close, listening too the positions on the issues, before announcing there backing and most of black leadership, are just as couscous of positions and issues, this does not sit well, with White America’s Pundits especially this early Presidential season, Whites want to know what do blacks thinks about Obama vs. Hilary, seeing Hillary has the early polling among black voters.

And since this question has been kicking around, the latter polls of blacks early support, of Hillary has shifted considerably, too Obama among the black community, but this has not stopped Whites, from keeping up asking the black enough question and some Black Elitist, Standley Crouch and S. C. State Sen. Robert Ford comes to mind constant critic's of black leadership, are asking the question, it’s as if, Obama doesn’t have enough history, so he’s questioned about being black enough, no slavery history, so the question, as if just living in America and being considered Afro-American, is not enough for the black elitist.

I’ am going to ask a question not even the Elitist on both sides of color spectrum, have ask:

Is Hillary, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Edwards and the rest… BLACK, or WHITE enough for Black America?

There kick that around for awhile, Black America wants too know… inquiring minds want to hear… the answers by WHITE and BLACK America. Got elitist of all stripes, chew that questions for a few weeks, I dare someone too pose it… seriously, ask a few of your Black and White guest, Pundits, Analyst, Surrogates, National leaders and elected officials, America is waiting to hear.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It amazes me to hear Civilian and leadership, say; “We Support the Troops”

oh really, then stop leading, in lies, covering your lack of leadership, with this, we support, coverall statement.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Training the troops is the first and most important, step in supporting the Troops, all the troops, whether there in the field, or on the parade grounds and all in between, proper training prepares our treasures, for “going in harms way.”

That training is the underpinnings of why US Troops are the best trained in the world. America, the President, Congress and military Leadership, make that faithful decision to send US Troops into the field, all of us owe them, everything, with no corners cut, were not a third world nation, we can afford the best.

There is no emergency, no reason to not train to highest degree and it’s incumbent upon Civilian Authority to due diligence, Novembers election said they wanted a new Congress, they wanted Oversight and Accountability, after more than questionable Intel and failures to find what our Civilian leadership swore to us in the run-up to attack in Iraq. America wanted no rubber stamping failure, no more saying anything and blindly agreeing, America wants no more of that leadership, by Bush, Cheney, Rice, no more, America is holding Leadership accountable.

And for all who want to call, Congress, micro managers of the conflict in Iraq, there doing a disservice to America’s discourse, they want the old, BLIND following of any and all pronouncements by the out of power, out of leadership Republicans in Congress and the lone Independent, parading as a age old democrat.

Equipment, is the next step after training, whether you’re in the field, or states side, preparing too go abroad, into the field, the equipment is paramount, America has the best equipment in the worlds Militaries, they match up with every Nation, of the world, in ability to produce weapons, for offensive and defensive protection, America has the ability to produce, more than enough, but for some odd reason, the present Administration, has incorporated a private business concept of servicing the Military, that has not kept up with needs of the 20th, or 21st century Military. Not enough Armour for Troops, not enough Armour for vehicles and Tanks, shortages, that have cost lives and injuries that proper equipment, would cut down those losses, of lives and equipment.

If you support the troops, than you must support them with all, I repeat, ALL the equipment necessary, too get any job, any mission done. Just to let the America and the Media know, America’s Troops are the best, the initial mission, the US was sent into Iraq to complete, has been completed, with flying colors… but here’s the rub, Bush, Cheney refuses to acknowledge there great accomplishment, they have completed that mission, every News Network, knows this is FACT, Saddam is Still DEAD.

The only mission left in Iraq, for US Troops is training Iraqi’s too defend their Nation against all, insurgence, even Al Qeada, too train to defend the borders and the new mission, now that the first mission has been completed, is hunting down and crushing Al Qeada, it does not take 150,000 US Troops to complete a job against Al Qeada, who total at best a little over 5,000, that is the story, not being told the US people.

America keeps getting this, “we support the troops and you can’t support the troops and not support there mission,” the US people have spoken loud and clear, we want out of Iraq and the media has to keep challenging the Administration, about the sound bites they keep saying, Republicans keep voting against the Nations will, with no consequences, in the press.

Last but not least, Troops Rotation and rest, a small percentage of America pays the highest price, more importantly, less than 1% of the Nation is paying the price for this miss-guided foreign policy catastrophe, it is true America knows the difference in a war and conflict, Iraq is not a war, it is a conflict a Civil War for Iraqi’s and a Conflict for American Troops, with a few Al Qeada, whom we are at war with, but to call Iraq, the CENTRAL FRONT IN THE WAR ON TERROR, is wrong.

But America knows, oh to well, we wave good by, too some few Americans and may perhaps for the last time and in some instances, they return to there loved ones and many return injured, many just not the same, a casualty of war, this is just a few of the reasons, Troop rotation and rest are so important, many of those in Iraq are on the their third rotation, some there fourth.

This must stop, we owe these brave Americans, time with their loved one, their duty may cut them off… until eternity from many who love them and they love most.

Now America knows Afghanistan is a righteous War, we support the troops and we support the mission, but not with out proper training and equipment and rotation, in Iraq, we support the troops, but not the mission, America dose not support, ESCALATION, America does not support, STAYING THE COURSE.

America can tell the difference in FAILURE (s) and WINNING, America knows the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan, one is a mission completed, not pronounced and the new mission not stated in Iraq, in Afghanistan, a righteous war a mission not even close too completed, as long as Osama is free, he carries a, adjudication, of the American people, not brought to the American people’s well of justice.

America knows the Difference between JUSTICE, a RIGHTEOUS WAR AND BULLCRAP SOUND BITES.

Monday, February 26, 2007

It’s strange, everyone who wants the draft, wants a SHARED part of the real War on Terror,

in the Nation and everyone who doesn’t want a draft, feels we draft wanter’s, should follow there lead and leadership and Failure.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

The present administration, is filled with people who avoided the draft, or never were in any of the services, but they all know war, Bush has a dubious service record himself, but he has been in charge of America’s response to 9/11, he promptly wasted, our good will, around the world when, righteously hunting down, Osama Ben Laden, Bush, made an a brought, left turn into Iraq, Bush Cheney Rice, Powell and a host of spin-masters, along with the help of our co-opted News Media and a pliable Republican controlled Congress, sold America, Iraq.

And when ever an American wants to bring in the draft, were told, we don’t need the draft, when today, almost the entire nation and the world, knows America, needs a Draft, just to protect it self. Bush seems to think, now, a few more troops, just for Iraq, would be nice, but we just need to stay in Iraq, Bush believes, as long as the US Troops stay in Iraq, killing and being killed, the enemy will not come to America and he repeatedly, say, “we have not been attacked since 9/11”.

A shared responsibility and Nationally shared feeling, is just what America needs, for the War on terror, Iraq is a side show, in the war on terror, Until Bush gets serious about Afghanistan and Osama, and gets America and the world back in the hunt, we will continue too flounder, in Iraq. Reducing our footprint in Iraq and increasing our footprint in Afghanistan is the strategy for the nation, the right tonic for what ales the national psyche.

Bush is stuck in his tunnel vision. He believes his own hype about no attack, since 9/11 and because of his staying in Iraq and he believes, if we leave Iraq completely, as he believes Democrats want to do, is the wrong move and his house of cards, will come attacking America, Alqeada has done the damage they wanted, on 9/11 and until America gets serious, in Afghanistan and brings Osama to pay, we will be stuck in Bush’s failed strategy.

Iraq is a distraction and Alqeada is too small a mission for 150,000 US Troops, Iraq’s training is even too small for the US Contingent. Bush is far too vested in staying in Iraq, he is thinking too little of the real treat, too America. The US will not leave Iraq completely, but we will lower our presence, we will concentrate on Alqeada and we will crush them, where ever we find them and their murdering, hate filled ideology.

I have one additional request of the Media and America, Islam is a violent Religion and should said so, this comes from Muslims, the Peaceful statements by Bush are wrong and he should be called on it. I say this because, the ones who believe it to be peaceful, are getting a pass, they are afraid to make loud concert, unending stand, for the peaceful statements and they should be made too defend their assertions, America no more silence from those who silently proclaim, the faith is peaceful, they must speak up, unendingly and consistently.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dr. Condi Rice drew a parallel with Nazi Germany’s overthrow

, to congresses, suggested change in authorization, on RNC fox.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Rice says it’s a continuum of our original mission. Poppycock, Boulder-dash, horse cookies, we didn’t change the authorization of WW II, so why would we change the Iraq authorization. Answer Miss Rice, is Iraq mission was completed and there is not a continuing treat to the US, as a matter of fact, there was NO FIND, of the original treat, WMD’s, or an Alqeada Connection, organized to attack, or threaten the US, No Nukes or it’s reported Labs, there was however a congressionally voted mandate, in the original authorization, of 03’ and that has been victorious.

There is no continual mission, the original mission is finished, done, completed, The US and Coalition Troops, have completed, there mission, Briton is leaving, Southern Iraq in force for good reasons.

Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rove all of this leadership, are beyond the pale, of fixed ideology, they believe they can keep with the parlor game of words, America, is sick and tired of this RNC, Republican Congressional game, many Republicans are staying the course and playing the funding game, this is a strategic move, by the administration, they keep their party unity posing false straw arguments about, cutting funds and of troops in the field, being left in fire fights, without re-enforcements.

Bush and Republicans, While coldly calculating and caring nothing for those same Troops, in harms way, being ill equipped, half trained, fighting and dying in an extended mission, that keeps changing and has no purpose, but to extend the failure, until Bush leaves office, Bush will do everything, including attack Iran, to stay in Iraq and unless, Republicans wake up, Bush will stay until, 09’.

America’s enemies are training in two places, for two different reasons, Afghanistan, is for a coming long overdue war, with America, they have trained and re-equipped, a spring offensive is in the air. In Iraq, they are practicing, the skills at countering a foreign invader, they are honing there hate among them selves for themselves and a new evolving hate for Americans.

At this 08’ year, Republicans will see the awful truth, America’s Main Stream, will bring about a VETO PROOF CONGRESS AND PRESIDENCY, this will be Republicans reward, for defying the Nations Vote and Mandate, in 06’ and 07’ I commend the Democrats in Congress, please keep pushing, your showing the Nation, exactly what Republicans and Bush really are, it becomes clearer and clearer, with every BLOCKED VOTE IN CONGRESS.

Iraqi’s job and mission, includes fighting Alqeada and that is a “separation,” Miss Rice,

Miss Rice, that is not the question, but you want it to be. The US Troops, mission, NOW is, Alqeada, Training, Border Security, that is not the original mandate, that Mandated mission, has be completed, by the US Troops.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Baghdad’s security Plan today, is wholly different from the authorization voted on by Congress in 2003 and that Congressional Mandated Vote, has been completed by US Troops, in Iraq and they performed that mission, there completion was admirable, they performed, over and above the mission, they have a deserved win, but the Administration, refuses to acknowledge their victory.

Our Treasures are walking the streets, being attacked and returning fire, kicking in doors, day and night, doing the job of the Iraqi’s Security Forces, their Mandated Security jobs and yes, Iraqi’s Mandate includes, securing, the sovereign territory of Iraq, border to border and fighting, tracking down and even killing Alqeada, there’s no “separation,” Miss Condi Rice.

Saudi Arabia, is supporting Sunni’s in Iraq, with money and weapons, clandestinely, Jordan and Syria are doing the same and to think, Iran, is standing around twittel-ling their fingers, while an age old border enemy’s, interior fighting and future is in doubt and could foster a regional war, the possibilities are high, it could spill over into Iran and anyone who thinks, they are not involved, is beyond imagination.

Iran can see the train wreck, which is Iraq today, the US is lead by a failing Us Administration, stuck in it’s failing stubborn, tunnel vision, want to keep Alqeada as part of it’s joint actions, saying stupid things, like Iraq wants us there and, were searching for Alqeada. When in fact the US is deeply involved in secular civil actions that are wholly Iraq’s sovereign preview.

Cheney is running robo calls, on the Media, in since, punk ing them with statements, they know are not true, daring everyone to question him, Cheney has lost creditability in so many areas and he needs to be called on it by the Media. As long as he can make, these outrages statement, that have no basis in facts, he will continue to throw crap on the walls, of legitimate discussion.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

If you support the troops, you Must support the Mission, “NO”

this is a non-sequiter argument, you can do both, Democrats and Congress, must knock this flawed arguement down

Definition: of non sequitur

1. Incongruous statement: a statement that appears unrelated to a statement that it follows
2. Unwarranted conclusion: a conclusion that does not follow from its premises


By Bruce H, Scroggins

It’s false argument posed by Bush and Republicans, all tied together, with attacks by Media and Republicans in Congress, they first attack, the non-binding Resolutions, saying; if you want to stop the war, “Cut the Funds, or De-fund the Troops in the field,” Use a Binding Resolution, de-funding the money, Republicans say, when in truth, Republicans won’t allow any Resolutions, from Democrats too do anything, to force troops to be removed from Iraq, their duplicity, saying their against the surge, but refusing to anything to stop it.

Democrats and the Media, must destroy these Myths, Next when Republicans say, you can’t support the troops and not the mission, Democrats must make it clear the mission has been completed, the mission they were sent into Iraq, is over, the only mission left is Alqeada and there mostly in the Anbar Province, America needs to hear this over and over.

So Murtha plan or no, those who wish to end the war and bring the troops home would be well-advised to get busy pulling apart the argument that ending funding for the war will harm the troops. As Tom Matzzie of MoveOn has argued, Democrats need to directly rebut the Republican charge that Democrats are threatening the safety of American forces in the field by pushing restrictions on war funding. "Cutting off funding as described by the media and White House is a caricature," Matzzie told The Politico. "It has never happened in U.S. history, and it won't happen now."

Republican try to say, “Cutting funding, or De-funding, will stop re-inforcements from coming to the aid of troops, in a fire fight.” This a pernicious statement and wholly, untrue.

Congress, can stop the war, by cutting funds to continue, but would never, stop troops from, re-deploying, or withdrawing from and area and the few Alqeada, are not strong enough to stop the US Troops from moving anywhere they chose.

Here’s what is not being spoken, Bush has decided to force and ignore the Nation and Congressional Democrats, by moving troops into harms way, over their explicit objections, even Republicans objections, Bush will leave them in harms way, even after funds have been cut, this is criminal, from the start and Congress must say so.

What Bush did, by surging troops over to Iraq, ill equipped and untrained, together with forced rotations and cutting short and extending stays, in the firing line, is nearing an impeachable offense.”

Make Impeachment real to Bush, with impeachment and moving Congress towards, tying any and all money, for Iraq and Afghanistan, too Training, Equipping, and Troops Rotations, will bring the conflict and mission change, needed in Iraq.

The mission has changed, Alqeada is the mission, in Iraq and America’s leverage is Re-deploying and withdrawing, there in, lies our most power, a real clear alternative is needed, by Congress, too Bush’s Forced Escalation, Failing Forward, Repeated Surging, up, down, in out… one failing after another.

America wants a real clear Plan, in opposition, not just opposition.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Pressure is Mounting on Republicans

and The Nation, will become increasingly dissatisfied with Republicans, blocking the Nations mandated progress, getting America, Out of Iraq.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

With every Vote the Republican are seen as the road block to progress in Iraq, Republicans keep Failing Forward, in Staying the Course, in Iraq, they are seen as keeping Americans in harms way, to stay in place until and enemy gets tiered of killing each other and Americans.

No more questions, America knows the answer, the mission has been completed, Americans know the answers to the Civil War in Iraq, that is a conflict to US Troops, of which Iraqi’s must find and answer, amongst them selves. American troops, our precious treasures, have given their blood and lives, to secure a stand, free from Saddam, that mission has been completed with flying colors, Iraqi’s must stand-up and make the sacrifices necessary to forge a Nation, out of America’s sacrifice and lead.

Americans can continue the mission to crush Alqeada, from the streets of Iraq, Anbar and Baghdad, we can complete that mission from secure, defensible bases, Quick Striking Alqeada and we must secure the Borders as well, which will enhance our allies and the neighbors in the Regions. This is the mission that will check, all insurgencies from Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan. This mission will allow a majority of the troops in Iraq, to be re-deployed to Afghanistan, in the all-out HUNT, for Osama Bin Hidin’ (Laden).

This is Right and only mission, it is the REAL WAR, the one fight, and the Nation does and will back this fight, without ambiguity. Let’s not forget the proxy fight going on in Western Iraq, Alqeada wants this fight, so let’s give it to them, let’s give them a fight they will drag there battered bodies from.

Jack Murtha’s Plan to tie complete, Training, Troop Rotation and Rest, along with complete equipment for all troops in Harms way, is a right way to move forward. America will back, this mission, No US Solider, Standing opposed, in the breach, shall have all training, equipment and the right amount of time, at home with there families, before and after Rotating. I must say to deny, or cut short the time our, Treasures have with there families, when they could lose there lives, it is an added inhumanness, America, should never be known for.

America is wise enough to know, we will not cut and run from Iraq, America knows, Republicans, want to push Democrats to take extreme measures, they juxtapose, “Binding with non-binding and use inflame-mous words, like De-funding the troops in the field.”

America knows the vote gave Bush the power, to got to war, it was 77 to 22, Democrats and Republicans, all voting in the majority, since that vote, America has FOUND, No WMD’s, Lies, fixed Intel, Profiteering, Failure after Failure and Bush and Cheney have kept up the lies, and a Republican controlled Congress, Stonewalled, every attempt to get Accountabilities and Oversight.

Now today it’s a new day, a razor thin line divides the Senate and Republicans are blocking every move to bring the mandate, the Nation voted for, on November 7th, 2006 to reality.