Friday, May 11, 2007

The Nations Majority, has to start writing and Questioning the Republicans, in mass,

they are the key to change, they must be brought too know, your voice and that, they have passed the point of diminished returns, 09’ is going to be a water shed and the beginning of Decades of minority status for the party of Lincoln.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush believe benchmarks are now ok too talk about, after the little gang of 11 lord fonta-Roy’s, showed up in the white House to complain, but Bush’s plans are still the same, have as many troops in Iraq, at the end of his term, as humanly possible. Bush and Congressional Republicans, of both Houses, are counting on Democrats caving, even for shorter periods of funding.

Republicans have not done all they can, they have the power, too bring Bush to change, they are trying too skit-so-frenetically, (spelling) walk on the border avoiding the fire, they miss-calculate the people, the people are going too, use a flame thrower, in 08’, by 09’ it will be minority status for the grand old party.

I cannot find, anyone except paid operatives to talk about, or defend Bush and suddenly Republicans are hard to find. Generals are standing up, after resigning and telling America, Bush penned our Military, a hammer, with solving Iraq, while forgetting the Political, Diplomatic and Economic components, necessary.

Bush uses the Economic, too enhance his Republican, Multi-National, supporters, bottom-line, Bush uses the Political, too stand around not talking to Nations, like “ do what I say, or I will not talk too you, I’ll talk about you, bad” and Diplomatic, well you know how inept Rice and Cheney, Bolton, do you really want me go on and on and on and on.

Republicans are going to stand in the way of real change of course, until Bush leaves office, is Bush’s plan, Republicans will realize there re-elections, fading into the sunset and revolt, but will do it so slow, they can blame Democrats for the inevitable killings, they will play-up, the “see I told you so.” About the oft-repeated statements, by Bush, Cheney, Rive and all Republicans, “we can’t leave, they will follow us home.”

Horse Hockey, Bull Cookies, Buffalo Feathers, Iraqi’s have been stock-piling weapons, too get the real issues sorted out when the Us re-deuces Troops strength, until then, both sides, or hate groups, both sides of the Islamic, Muslim coin, will practice and hone their skills, of murder on US Troops. Bush’s only concern is to leave the Troops to the next president. Republicans are counting on the “see I told you they were going to killing each other,” theme.

There got it America, now the mysteries are solved, we all know what’s going too happen, now write those Republicans and tell them, we know what going to happen, step out from behind Bush and lets get on with re-deploying, our troops, out of harms ways.

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