Saturday, January 05, 2008


There’s Citizen, or People’s Welfare, there’s Corporate Welfare and there’s, Government Welfare, WHAT?


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Republicans, from Ron Paul, McCain, Rudy, Grandpa Fred to Mitt Romney and all in between, including patronizing Hucksters, (no pun on Mike Huckabee) but be that as it may, Republicans believe in cutting taxes, while at WAR, Republicans all believe in barrowing money and spending heavily… now… and calling our present economy, “successful,” just keep repeating, “free Market,” like that will help people hurting from, Bush & Republicans 109th Congress’s, drunken free spending, earmark filled, never vetoing a thing, Hollowing out of Government and fox’s in charge of hen house regulations and protections, right down to the Environment.

The American middle class and the lower middle classes down to poor and homeless, and homeless working poor, they are hurting and Republicans want Americans to believe in, in a Rah, Rah, Republicans say; were for free market American ways, in their debates, they say, if you read between the line; we Republicans believe waiting on everything to fix it self, and we cut taxes, you just have to wait, until we rich people, make enough money to start hiring more of you poor people, who by the way, saw none of the tax cuts and have nothing but high health care and worst.

We Republicans all along, planned to cut and spend everything, and tell Americans, deficit’s are really good, remember that talk, it was and is just what the small Government Republicans want us to believe in, selling out the middle class and welfare-ing away, our grandchildren’s future, laying a debt on our grandchildren as far as… our grandchildren, children can see, un-freaking’ believable, a two generation deficit.

I say Government Welfare because, Bush has shown Government in a lot clearer light, a one sided light, clearly to all America, the TRUTH is we the Citizen’s, we the People, support the biggest Welfare recipient in America and Republican don’t, want you to treat them like they treat citizen’s and if you even bring up Corporate Welfare, they will respond, with the word, these “subsidy’s” are necessary, but if you say, well, can I write bill and ask for money on the floor of Congress to have my children educated, topping each child off with several Doctorate degree’s, I believe a great investment.

America, “NEVER” put anyone in charge of something, “THEY HATE,” you wouldn’t have a person, in charge of your children, if they told you, up front, nor even after, that they “hate children,” well America, a majority voted in Bush and a majority of Republicans, in both Houses of Congress, who hate government and they destroyed it. Every action by these, Neo-con, Christian backed Conservatives have shown they hate our Government and have done everything possible, too cut and destroy, every branch of government and especially the ones, who either protect the people, DOJ, DOD, the environment, EPA, DO the Interior and the Republican 109th Congress held the door open and in many cases drove the get away cars, with president, who misplaced his veto pen, until Democrats regain a little majority in the 110th Congress, thin as it is.

America is past ready for change from the old line “Politicians,” America is past being manipulated for greedy gains, America is past, weak leadership, with flower filled words, when they cannot do what they promised to do, America is past promises and compromise, past promises and Folding, past promises and caving in, past promises and capitulation.. America is past old politics and their promise-cers, I know terrible English and grammar, but, I’ am this night so past it all.

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