By Bruce H. Scroggins
It’s maddening to hear Hillary and surrogates and supporters say; every vote must be counted in FL and MI and that I Hillary should receive every vote and every delegate in both states.
The voters in both states knew the order agreed upon and signed, in the DNC 50 STATE INTEGRITY OF POCESS. The voters knew the rules, the voters knew well ahead of the moved date, there would be a penalty for voting ahead of the agreed upon date
Hillary did not campaign for FL and MI, inclusion, until she realized, her big state strategy was a big state failure and said they were not important and would be under Penalty for voting out of order, for moving up the date ahead of February 5th, 2008 Super Tuesday mass voting date.
Hillary’s caucus campaign, 08’ strategy was an abysmal failure, IOWA was clear evidence Hillary 08’ was too arrogant about her candidacy, Hillary believed and Bill Clinton, as well, believed right down to the Media in her presumptive and eventual nominee, Hillary felt preeminent, air apparent, IOWA and NORTH CAROLINA, shook the entire campaign down too core and Hillary and Bill never, made the 1st quarter adjustment, Hillary was led to believe New Hampshire was a course correction, Hillary felt, the rest of the way, would still go as planned, nothing wrong in my campaign.
As SNL, skit said; “Bitch is the new black, get use too it,” this attitude was prevalent across the Hillary Bill, campaign, her surrogates were brimming with arrogance and when the Super Tuesday came and went, Hillary was left with the stark reality, Obama had gutted the heart of the states, in the 50 state process and Obama had compiled a huge lead.
FL and MI were after thoughts, of no importance to Hillary and Bill even then, Hillary and Bill were stunned too say the least. The next weeks, instead of retooling, in fighting, Kitchen sink, race questioning, anger, complaints about media coverage and no need to vet Hillary, Hillary a-mid pivot, called for the media to look closely at this upstart, interloper, surrogates sprang into action across the Media News shows.
I can hear Hillary and Bill saying in closed meeting; I want his career/campaign dealt a death blow on arrival, I want his family investigated, I want every opposition research done, I want all the dirt out there now, fill the airways, until the media is forced to focus on his thin resume, I want him questioned repeatedly, over and over, these lines of attacks, were supposed to give Hillary time re-think her campaign, but Hillary and Bill got caught up, in watching what they had wrought and never made the right moves in Caucuses strategy.
Hillary’s and Bill’s arrogance instead grew, Hillary now said anything, knowing she was lying and fabricating events and her course corrections, were to fire… this person for failure and… that person for miss-speak, never did Hillary take complete and absolute control of her campaign.
When the Media called her on her lying, Hillary said; you’re unfairly focusing on me and Bill said; “it was because she was a girl and it’s ok to attack the girl.”
Now we have this, every vote should count meme and every vote is mine and “I’ am being discriminated against,” it was “sexism” these late season tirades, do a grave disservice to Hillary’s history making campaign.
FL and MI will receive a PENALTY for there flagrant violation of the Rules of order and I want them wacked good, so no one else dose this, ever again and the leadership were the leaders in their states, encouraging the voters, close your eyes and memories, step off the violation cliff, they must be made too account for there parts in the voting violations. And I want Hillary to lose big at the end, not too embarrass her, but so that it’s clear, Hillary lost and no one stole anything. Hillary will have to campaign for Barack H. Obama and it has to be convincing, I say take your whopping like a grown up.
PS. Bill, late season wins are not the entire race, this was a marathon, not a sprint, your wife won some late time trails, but Obama piled up enough, early race time trail wins that, Hillary would need a jet plane to rocket to the finish and Obama, would have to implode in a cloud of dust, not going to happen, so quit your whining Bill and get in line behind Obama, lets hear your support for the winner and next President; Barack H. Obama.
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