Sunday, March 02, 2008

No, Really, What is a Litmus TEST and is it for Black leadership only?

What is a LITMUS TEST?


By Bruce H. Scroggins

A litmus test is a question asked of a potential candidate for high office, the answer to which would determine whether the nominating official would choose to proceed with the appointment or nomination.

This is what Tim Russert did to Barack Obama in the last debate and Tim is un-apologetic about it, it appears racist in content and nature, because he dose not ask these litmus test questions of WHITES, he dose not press, the question, over and over, to white’s of any gender.

Obama rejected past present and future and he repeatedly rejected, consecutively for Tim Russerts, as if Tim Russerts repeatedly ask the same litmus test question, as if Tim didn’t hear Obama, or didn’t understand. Finally, after enlisting Hillary, for additional litmus test pressure Obama rejected and denounced, I can only guess Tim (litmus test) Russerts, finally heard Obama.

CNN and Wolf Blitzer for one, on the Late Edition 2/02/08, with, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, set up good bigotry vs. bad bigotry and they both supported good bigotry, making no definitive distinction, except white bigotry is good from most whites and bad bigotry from most, or all blacks is bad, Wolf left it there.

Bill O’Reilly, spoke of a Lynching Party if he found Michelle Obama to be an angry woman, Don Imus was fired for this bigotry, but all media has circled the wagons and are IGNORING this blatant assault, even the FCC has no interest in applying even investigation, into a clear violation, I filed a complaint, with the FCC, nothings happened.

And even if the FCC dose something, the MEDIA is clearly the enablers, there abject; silence is


What say you; ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, AP, ROUITERS, BBC, fox fixed news.

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