Monday, May 05, 2008

No Journalist could withstand the withering assualt on their Personal lives, none

That has been put on Obama, all because they feel Hillary, needs no personal background check and there’s nothing the Media/Press don’t know about McCain, the Media cares too tell America, the Press & Media have decided, we know all about Hillary and McCain, lets loop and assault Obama, endlessly until we force him off message, for so long he will look like any other Politician.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Hillary has not had any withering assault, knocking her off message, none and no media has ask Obama about his message, or wanted too hear it, the Press/Media has consistently ask Obama, only about Rev. Wright, his personal life, or some variation of why did you do this, about Wright, or why did you take so long to say this, about Wright, even when he answers, the Media/Press repeatedly ask another variation of these same questions.

No variations of Hillary’s gaffs, or loops for three straight months and McCain has made on gifts after another, Foreign and Domestic and the Media/Press has either cover for McCain, or explained, or has no interest in the gaffs, same for Hillary, but have jumped on and stayed on Obama’s every explanation, it’s as if, because the MATH says, Obama can’t lose the MATH, the Press/Media have decided, Media/Press Driven, they will make his campaign, not about his campaigns message, but about his personal life, Lapel Pins, Patriotism, or Rev. Wright, check the questions he gets ask.

Every time, we hear Obama talking to the people on his campaign and they get a chance to talk too Obama after, or before, the Press/Media never ask him about his message, the Media/Press, get into this vain of questions and keeps Obama continually defending these lines of questions.

The Gas Tax Holiday, will not be sign this into law, by Bush and Hillary, or McCain have not said how they will get it signed into LAWTHIS SUMMER, it’s so dishonest, the PRESS/MEDIA has not ask, or fleshed out true quantifialble, FACT BASED questions, they’ve ran with this like it could happen, when it can’t and won’t and most know it won’t, pure dishonest Media/Press and the they call them selves reporting the FACTS.

The Media keeps talking about Hillary’s trying to label Obama, as an elitists, the Media dose this for Hillary, it’s a whole line of question for any one supporting, or on Obama’s staff, the Press/Media dose this line of questioning for Hillary and against Obama, on their ECHO CHAMBER and keeps asking over and over and over and over again and again and again.

The words most Heard/Press/Media driven Selling about Hillary, are: Tuff, fighter, finishes strong and the words you hear most about Obama are: Wright, Why? Elitists and Tired, Electability and why is Obama off message?

America either wants too remain, in the OLD POLITICS, or it wants to TURN THE PAGE and more forward, we are all seeing NOW how the PRESS/MEDIA want it and are going too play it.

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