Thursday, December 25, 2008

Queen Ngola Ann Nzinga of Ndongo Angolan who defended Angolans against the Slave Trade

"If any man should buy another man and compel him to his service and slavery without any agreement of that man to serve him, the enslaver is a robber and a defrauder of that man everyday. Wherefore it is as much the duty of a man who is robbed in that manner to get out of the hands of his enslaver as it is for any honest community of men to get out of the hands of rogues and villains."

Ottobah Cuguano

Friday, June 06, 2008

Juan Williams, a 21st Century Uncle Tom some say

Juan Williams, 21st Century Uncle Tom some say, he’s more a paid shill for all that’s, wrong with black Punditry, I say this because, Uncle Tom is to far above his intellect and fox fixed news pay grade, with NPR on the side


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Juan misses the new obstacles present for the 25% of blacks in poverty today, whom the Bill Cosby's and the Juan Williams of today decry as “not keeping up their part of the bargin,” those who can't do criticize and I’ am not saying Juan and Bill aren't contributing, from their wealth to worthy causes, that’s not what I’ am saying.I’ve read some now, consistent and persistent criticisms of all things Obama and black, Juan goes from one thing to another in the black community, locked into the past, he knows what happened, but he keeps trying to view and explain the present black communities failures in performance, through the Brown v Board of Education and the flawed Civil Rights era accomplishments.

I say flawed because, so many believe these accomplishments were the be all and end all answers for the black community, now and forever. If they were not flawed, every 25 years, blacks would not have to ask and beg Congress to sign the Civil Rights Act, to keep the right to vote.

Where is the civil rights groundswell on behalf of stronger marriages that will allow more children to grow up in two-parent families and have a better chance of staying out of poverty? Where are the marches demanding good schools for those children -- and the strong cultural reinforcement for high academic achievement (instead of the charge that minority students who get good grades are "acting white")? Where are the exhortations for children to reject the self-defeating stereotypes that reduce black people to violent, oversexed "gangstas," minstrel show comedians and mindless athletes?”

Juan, Bill have you lived in the black communities lately, no you haven’t, you haven’t seen the black community, you’ve seen what the black community is portray on TV and in the Press, you seen the few that have risen to the level of media, where you two live and you decry there excesses.I live in a black community dying because, our mentors have moved out of the black community, because of guns and a false sense, that all white schools are better than the community schools that raised them and gave them the education to make a better life for them selves.

These black upwardly mobile and accomplish to some degree black families, that are part of the root and cause of the dying black community, that has no voice for change, no black males to march and attend Ward and Council meeting, to be the face of change in the black community, down to little league, or a recitel.

Bill, Juan you both decry the Gangster Rap and the flaunting of black woman, the lack of Parenting and the lack of the use of the tools, built on and in our tortured past, through the lives and blood of the Civil Rights hay days, well what’s left in the black community is the old parents who sacrificed and marched to give their children, the better education, that those children used to move out of the black community.

To this day, the City’s mostly white town fathers, listen to the black communities cry’s and still do not do what they want, drugs and dealers are entrenched and those upwardly mobile blacks, the few who come back to the black community, mostly to go to church and hand out turkeys on thanks giving and share some money, but putting their real faces on the problems, they're absent.No mentors but the aging grandparents and grandmothers and activist born and staying in the community, are all that’s left, you ask why no marches, there’s your answer.

The Black preachers are all afraid of the blowback that the white press has played and reverse racist is there new tool, even white voices, announcing any “liberation Theology,” from the degrading facts of life in the black community, are assaulted with racism to shut them down and keep it out of the any discussion.

The problems are new and need a new tactics, coupled with some of the tried and true tactics of the past, I’ am not against using what worked, but those tactic alone cannot attack and win, in these days.

Black Quilt, Black Blame, White quilt, White Blame, all have to be on the table and we have, stay at the table, all of you pop-in-jays need to butt out.”

Both of you men, say nothing about the problems faced by a new generation of Poverty and the abject lack of education and the re-enforced institutional and systemic barriers erected by those in power from City Hall's Financial Institutions, School Boards, to the Police Departments. None of which have supported those left fighting for the communities, only our Seniors and the Activist, flail around, unsupported by those who are our strongest.I do understand frustration, but to spend your echo chamber time and bully pall pits attacking blacks lack of answers for the problems faced, is low, you both need to get down on the ground and stay there, not just your money is needed, don’t run back to your Cush homes and white and black friends willing to listen to your cry’s and complaints about your people.

Stay in the that poor black community, showing the way and make your presence the bulwark and draw the strength of the black community back to be the face and mentors needed, the voices in the Town Halls and Wards and City Councils, Parishes and yes, SPEAK, PREACH and LEAD the MARCH, ORGANIZE the MARCHES, shut the fart-up and LEAD.

In all words, get your asses on the ground and lead until you’re drawn up on your cross.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Former DNC Chairman and Clinton supporter today says; FL and MI voters should be treated with dignity and Respect, I ask; where’s the other 48 states

Former DNC Chairman and Clinton supporter today says; FL and MI voters should be treated with dignity and Respect, I ask; where’s the other 48 states, dignity and respect from FL and MI


By Bruce H. Scroggins

It’s maddening to hear Hillary and surrogates and supporters say; every vote must be counted in FL and MI and that I Hillary should receive every vote and every delegate in both states.

The voters in both states knew the order agreed upon and signed, in the DNC 50 STATE INTEGRITY OF POCESS. The voters knew the rules, the voters knew well ahead of the moved date, there would be a penalty for voting ahead of the agreed upon date

Hillary did not campaign for FL and MI, inclusion, until she realized, her big state strategy was a big state failure and said they were not important and would be under Penalty for voting out of order, for moving up the date ahead of February 5th, 2008 Super Tuesday mass voting date.

Hillary’s caucus campaign, 08’ strategy was an abysmal failure, IOWA was clear evidence Hillary 08’ was too arrogant about her candidacy, Hillary believed and Bill Clinton, as well, believed right down to the Media in her presumptive and eventual nominee, Hillary felt preeminent, air apparent, IOWA and NORTH CAROLINA, shook the entire campaign down too core and Hillary and Bill never, made the 1st quarter adjustment, Hillary was led to believe New Hampshire was a course correction, Hillary felt, the rest of the way, would still go as planned, nothing wrong in my campaign.

As SNL, skit said; “Bitch is the new black, get use too it,” this attitude was prevalent across the Hillary Bill, campaign, her surrogates were brimming with arrogance and when the Super Tuesday came and went, Hillary was left with the stark reality, Obama had gutted the heart of the states, in the 50 state process and Obama had compiled a huge lead.


FL and MI were after thoughts, of no importance to Hillary and Bill even then, Hillary and Bill were stunned too say the least. The next weeks, instead of retooling, in fighting, Kitchen sink, race questioning, anger, complaints about media coverage and no need to vet Hillary, Hillary a-mid pivot, called for the media to look closely at this upstart, interloper, surrogates sprang into action across the Media News shows.

I can hear Hillary and Bill saying in closed meeting; I want his career/campaign dealt a death blow on arrival, I want his family investigated, I want every opposition research done, I want all the dirt out there now, fill the airways, until the media is forced to focus on his thin resume, I want him questioned repeatedly, over and over, these lines of attacks, were supposed to give Hillary time re-think her campaign, but Hillary and Bill got caught up, in watching what they had wrought and never made the right moves in Caucuses strategy.

Hillary’s and Bill’s arrogance instead grew, Hillary now said anything, knowing she was lying and fabricating events and her course corrections, were to fire… this person for failure and… that person for miss-speak, never did Hillary take complete and absolute control of her campaign.

When the Media called her on her lying, Hillary said; you’re unfairly focusing on me and Bill said; “it was because she was a girl and it’s ok to attack the girl.”

Now we have this, every vote should count meme and every vote is mine and “I’ am being discriminated against,” it was “sexism” these late season tirades, do a grave disservice to Hillary’s history making campaign.

FL and MI will receive a PENALTY for there flagrant violation of the Rules of order and I want them wacked good, so no one else dose this, ever again and the leadership were the leaders in their states, encouraging the voters, close your eyes and memories, step off the violation cliff, they must be made too account for there parts in the voting violations. And I want Hillary to lose big at the end, not too embarrass her, but so that it’s clear, Hillary lost and no one stole anything. Hillary will have to campaign for Barack H. Obama and it has to be convincing, I say take your whopping like a grown up.

PS. Bill, late season wins are not the entire race, this was a marathon, not a sprint, your wife won some late time trails, but Obama piled up enough, early race time trail wins that, Hillary would need a jet plane to rocket to the finish and Obama, would have to implode in a cloud of dust, not going to happen, so quit your whining Bill and get in line behind Obama, lets hear your support for the winner and next President; Barack H. Obama.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hillary has LOST BIG EARLY and won some late big victories

And we know who won the WAR, EARLY and the war winner was never in Doubt… Hillary no matter her absolute Race/Gender Divisive Primary Campaign, being the loser, she’ll have too campaign twice as hard as she is campaigning today, HARDER than any other 2nd place finisher in American history, or Democrats will lose in November.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

The verdict of this 2008 primary elections was set in motion by the combatants, not the Media, Hillary wants to drive her late victories with attacks on the media, saying; “The Pundit’s and Talking heads, don’t want you to vote,” No one, none, nobody in the media, has told Americans, anywhere, to not vote, don’t vote, you Americans, in such and such states, you should stay home, didn’t happen and Hillary is lying to her supporters and the American public, this is just another way in which Hillary, is methodically, absolutely corrosive to the Democratic process and her supporters are taking their cues from her and no matter what she says, they will follow through on there treats and I pray they are left at the alter.

Please hear me, when in the heat of battle, Obama took the heart out of the battles, when Obama took a 10 state straight victory run, that was entirely fair, Obama did not lose a state, Hillary lost those states, straight up, no one held a gun to any voters head, anywhere during that historic run by Obama.

Hillary R. Clinton had every opportunity, every effort, Hillary campaigned hard for those votes in every one of those states and she lost big. Hillary began changing the number, the goal post, the divisive speeches and Hillary lost even more, she has made the old politics her only way to campaigned, is to make it about voting against Hillary, no Obama did not ever say such a thing.

Hillary has repeatedly, said “they” don’t want you to vote, who the fart is “they” Hillary has made it sound, too Hillary supporters as if, a Hillary supporter, even thinks about voting for Obama, they will be abandoning women and Hillary and she’s ingrained it, so when she loses and she will lose big, her saying vote for Obama, to her supporters, in the millions will know she doesn’t mean it.

That is the real fact and fear of some in the DNC and millions of voters around America today, facing these realities, will bring the very hard questions from the pollsters and pundits, hard questions, must be ask about the Hillary supporters and surrogates, voters saying after walking out of Tenn. Kentucky saying; "RACE was why I voted against Obama," that is not a sound bite that is a landslide KILLER and America hasn’t seen nothing yet.

From daily Kos

Was Gender of candidate important to you?
Yes 16 -- 79C, 19O No 82 -- 63C, 33O
Was Race of candidate important to you?

Yes 21 -- 81C, 16O No 78 -- 61C, 35O

More detail:

Monday, May 05, 2008

No Journalist could withstand the withering assualt on their Personal lives, none

That has been put on Obama, all because they feel Hillary, needs no personal background check and there’s nothing the Media/Press don’t know about McCain, the Media cares too tell America, the Press & Media have decided, we know all about Hillary and McCain, lets loop and assault Obama, endlessly until we force him off message, for so long he will look like any other Politician.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Hillary has not had any withering assault, knocking her off message, none and no media has ask Obama about his message, or wanted too hear it, the Press/Media has consistently ask Obama, only about Rev. Wright, his personal life, or some variation of why did you do this, about Wright, or why did you take so long to say this, about Wright, even when he answers, the Media/Press repeatedly ask another variation of these same questions.

No variations of Hillary’s gaffs, or loops for three straight months and McCain has made on gifts after another, Foreign and Domestic and the Media/Press has either cover for McCain, or explained, or has no interest in the gaffs, same for Hillary, but have jumped on and stayed on Obama’s every explanation, it’s as if, because the MATH says, Obama can’t lose the MATH, the Press/Media have decided, Media/Press Driven, they will make his campaign, not about his campaigns message, but about his personal life, Lapel Pins, Patriotism, or Rev. Wright, check the questions he gets ask.

Every time, we hear Obama talking to the people on his campaign and they get a chance to talk too Obama after, or before, the Press/Media never ask him about his message, the Media/Press, get into this vain of questions and keeps Obama continually defending these lines of questions.

The Gas Tax Holiday, will not be sign this into law, by Bush and Hillary, or McCain have not said how they will get it signed into LAWTHIS SUMMER, it’s so dishonest, the PRESS/MEDIA has not ask, or fleshed out true quantifialble, FACT BASED questions, they’ve ran with this like it could happen, when it can’t and won’t and most know it won’t, pure dishonest Media/Press and the they call them selves reporting the FACTS.

The Media keeps talking about Hillary’s trying to label Obama, as an elitists, the Media dose this for Hillary, it’s a whole line of question for any one supporting, or on Obama’s staff, the Press/Media dose this line of questioning for Hillary and against Obama, on their ECHO CHAMBER and keeps asking over and over and over and over again and again and again.

The words most Heard/Press/Media driven Selling about Hillary, are: Tuff, fighter, finishes strong and the words you hear most about Obama are: Wright, Why? Elitists and Tired, Electability and why is Obama off message?

America either wants too remain, in the OLD POLITICS, or it wants to TURN THE PAGE and more forward, we are all seeing NOW how the PRESS/MEDIA want it and are going too play it.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

No, Really, What is a Litmus TEST and is it for Black leadership only?

What is a LITMUS TEST?


By Bruce H. Scroggins

A litmus test is a question asked of a potential candidate for high office, the answer to which would determine whether the nominating official would choose to proceed with the appointment or nomination.

This is what Tim Russert did to Barack Obama in the last debate and Tim is un-apologetic about it, it appears racist in content and nature, because he dose not ask these litmus test questions of WHITES, he dose not press, the question, over and over, to white’s of any gender.

Obama rejected past present and future and he repeatedly rejected, consecutively for Tim Russerts, as if Tim Russerts repeatedly ask the same litmus test question, as if Tim didn’t hear Obama, or didn’t understand. Finally, after enlisting Hillary, for additional litmus test pressure Obama rejected and denounced, I can only guess Tim (litmus test) Russerts, finally heard Obama.

CNN and Wolf Blitzer for one, on the Late Edition 2/02/08, with, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, set up good bigotry vs. bad bigotry and they both supported good bigotry, making no definitive distinction, except white bigotry is good from most whites and bad bigotry from most, or all blacks is bad, Wolf left it there.

Bill O’Reilly, spoke of a Lynching Party if he found Michelle Obama to be an angry woman, Don Imus was fired for this bigotry, but all media has circled the wagons and are IGNORING this blatant assault, even the FCC has no interest in applying even investigation, into a clear violation, I filed a complaint, with the FCC, nothings happened.

And even if the FCC dose something, the MEDIA is clearly the enablers, there abject; silence is


What say you; ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, AP, ROUITERS, BBC, fox fixed news.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

When Obama speaks, I’ am in the WORDS, he speaks

And when, someone, anyone say, there just “empty words,” they call me Empty and everyone who finds themselves in WORDS of HOPE, they find UPLIFTING, INSPIRATION and WORDS of INCLUSIVENESS, they find OPTIMISUM and WORDS like “yes we can.” Yes we can do this TOGETHER.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Obama wants a shared responsibility, for Domestic answers, Educational answers, for Foreign Policy answers, Environmental answers, Energy answers.

Obama believes in the constitution and will uphold the Constitution; Obama will keep the law, not break the law. Obama will not go the White House and hate back at the Haters and there are a lot of haters in America and around the world.

Empty words, McCain says, hollow words, Hillary and Bill say, Hope is something even Jesus says we need, even Jesus came for all in the world, who are with out HOPE. Obama knows this will not be easy, Obama knows the greatest and strongest ingredient in Hope is… Belief… believing is the strength of any people, casting out fear, is what hope does.

Believing people, stand together, believing people, look at what is and say, YES WE CAN.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008



Hillary Bill dissed every CAUCUS VOTER and the STATES their passion lives in, including dissing every AFRO-AMERICAN voter across America, yes she did.
By Bruce H. Scroggins

Hillary Bill, said, “you know my sense of the Caucus States, they don’t represent the electorate,” yes Hillary Bill said that, you don’t represent, you don’t count, “you heavily Afro-America voters, like IN Louisiana,” don’t count, you passion filled activist don’t count. Check her word, Fact check her words.

I CAN’T THINK OF MUCH, THAT INSITES Americans more than to have a candidate, tell me…





YOU Afro-American

Sunday, February 10, 2008

McCain, Bush Doctrine Vs, Democratic Party Solutions


By Bruce H. Scroggins

As we all know, the Bush, McCain doctrine for Iraq is stay, die and eventually, we will win, or let them stay and die and win, or no surrender, we prefer to die and win nothing, but die we will do, is the reality.

Their mantra to the American people is; the surge has worked, the surge was successful, see the killing is down, so it worked.

Now let’s look at the results of the Bush McCain doctrine in Iraq, now that nearly 4000 US soldiers have died in Iraq, to date, killing is down of US troops, but civilian deaths are still being recorded, Iraq women are still being killed, honor killings and for not wearing a headscarf and many other reasons, freedom is not even close in Iraq for Iraqi’s.

Not a word about Iraq Police and troops taking over the duties, US troops are doing now. The Iraq parliament has not made the NATIONAL moves, necessary for reconciliation and bringing the Iraqi’s country together. Instead, we hear, unilaterally, like thief-doms, they are making side deals, factions, separate from the national government, siphoning off amounts of Oil profits, US and Iraq government officials are paying off militia’s, to keep them from actively killing each other, arming the very people who have participated in killing US troops.

Not a word about all the clinics closed, not a word about power, or energy availability, not a words about the Islamic law, being applied to the people in the day and in the night, not a word about the fear permeating the fabric of Iraq’s disunity.

But McCain, Bush wants America to believe, the surge worked, it’s succeeding and we just have to stay until we American win. Win what McCain, Bush, what you fail to say is; US Troops have won, they have won everything they have been sent to do, it is Bush and McCain, who have refused to admit victory in Iraq, they keep moving the Goal post for a Iraqi Government, who have lined their pockets, as profiteer’s have and keep US Troops in harms way, while Iraqi’s have a vacationed and generally not done what was the entire PURPOSE of the SURGE in the first place.

I get tired of saying what the purpose was of the surge, but we all know, it was to make room for political change, the hard decisions needed for moving the country forward, but it has not happened, Americans gave their lives from the start for Iraqi’s and Iraqi’s have thanked Us Troops, for the giving of their lives how.

Failure after failure called success, this is the Bush, McCain doctrine, call it success, just stay and die, until we win.

When Republicans, McCain, Bush cannot buffalo Americans into believing, they use words like, defeatist, surrender, all in their collective effort to fear and shame Americans into supporting their failures, just stay until we win, stay and kill till were right, kill until we correct the mistakes, just keep killing, until the factions give up their country to our way of life.

Iraq is bidding their time, storing up money and weapons on all side, waiting for the time when, factions in all sectors of the country can have an all out kill fest, to determine who will be subject and who will be subjugated. The borders are wide open, they cannot, nor want to stop anything, just keep paying them to hold and store their water, and they are keeping their powder dry for the big fight.

The Majority and nearly all Democrats want to start bringing US Troops home, sparking Iraqi’s to get off their, stock piles of money and weapons and make some concession towards National Oil sharing and reconciliation and much more.

The problems in Iraq will best be solved by Iraqi’s themselves and it won’t look like democracy, as Republicans, Bush, McCain want it to look like and want credit for. Iraq is not a country, as America knows countries; it is a loose conglomeration of faction, sects, with very different alliances, none of which has to do with a NATIONAL IDENITY, or COUNTRY.

When a Democratic party President and near, if not Veto proof Democratic Party Congress comes into power, Iraq will be seen for what it is, a mistake, that needs to make the next moves for it self, even if it means, killing each other until each faction, decides to be as I’ve said, subject and subjugated by Iraqi’s, these roles have to be worked out and, it will be through blood and guts, based in and on, who Republicans, Privateer’s, Contractors, Oil giants and politicians, all twisted together around energy and money and power armed and back each faction, one element, holds sway, US MONEY and US TROOPS PRESENCE.

In the end, McCain, Bush love to put words in the mouths of US Troops, when the US Troops cannot speak up for them selves, I absolutely dislike Republicans saying let them win, when win is what they’ve already done, let them stay, when they won’t say, stay and kill and be killed for a country people and government, who don’t want us to stay and kill and be killed, Iraqi’s want us to go home and let them solve there problems.

Iraq is an Iraqi problem and needs, founding fathers to emerge with a national outlook, or devolve into a factional fight and that the truth in love.

More Bush doctrine, only 2% of the people fighting US Troops… in Iraq, are, is Al-Qaeda, now how bush, McCain and conservatives and republicans can turn that into the entire enemy against the US, first in Iraq and then following us home to America, is beyond me, when all they want is US troops, out of their holy land.

Al-Qaeda is not the big buggies-man, McCain, Bush want desperately them to be, now Osama Ben Hiding and Afghanistan/Pakistan, only because he’s hiding on the border, are a big deal and we need to get after that, heavy duty. McCain wants to call Democrats defeatist and surrendering, rather than telling America the truth, McCain glosses over the facts, I believe and a Majority of America believes, when you “F’d” up like Bush has, you don’t keep killing, pushing your wrong track, telling America; where there now, so we have to stay and kill, till we get it RIGHT.

Read in between the lines America; if we leave before we kill everyone, all those named groups, who thinks about hating America, they will follow us home and kill us in America, now why do they think this, because if anyone attacked and invaded, the US, we would hate them and want them to leave and would continue to kill the invaders, in many names until they either all died or left and yes, we Americans would follow them home and kill them in their own home country, the longer the invaders stayed the longer the hate and killing would last.

Now these are the truths these McCain, Bush doctrine Republicans won’t say.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

BillHillary, HillaryBill, Lecturing Blacks and their leaderaship

BillHillary, HillaryBill, one in the same both lying about Obama’s record and lecturing Blacks and their Leadership, telling blacks, what black folk’s interests are.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Spending capital and reminding blacks of there loyalty oath to the real black and only black president they will EVER HAVE, lecturing black leadership and telling blacks and Americans, what there interest are. On top of this virulent, arrogant stance, BillHillary, continues too conflate Obama’s record, trying as BillHillary, might to twist a forward thinking progressive hope filled, presidential leadership campaign, for a real corner turning change.

HillaryBill is in two places, she is hop scotching around the Super Tuesday states and he is staying in South Carolina, keeping Obama, focused on backfires. Obama, now you have BillHillary, twisting and fabricating lies, move forward, with the Super Tuesday states, Michelle (she’s no light weight, she can stay above the fray, let them turn their attacks at her and it will solidify your positions) can handle South Carolina, for periods, force HillaryBill, to focus on answering the facts and backing up the BillHillary lies, keep the Media, asking HillaryBill, BillHillary about why are you two lying to the American people.

HillaryBill, voting record is the focus, when it counted most HillaryBill, voted to get this conflict started in Iraq and has voted since to keep it going. Obama got it right in the beginning, the most crucial vote and judgment and has voted to keep it going as well.

HillaryBill have polarized and not reached across the isles as Obama has, in ethics, minimum wages, America, why do you think, the most lied about issues, for HillaryBill, was Obama’s record in Illinois and in a interview. Everyone knows, HillaryBill’s, Flag vote, the stamping and possible prelude to war, of Iran’s revolutionary guard votes, remind your selves America, HillaryBill voted for the conflict in Iraq and HillaryBill told America, “ if you don’t like, my vote, you can vote for someone else” (paraphrased), this is a vote and stance, that should be brougt up and made plain to ALL the electorate across America, if you don’t like HillaryBill’s arrogance about one of the major issues, you can go someplace else, advise Americans, HillaryBill, told you voters to go some places else.

BillHillary TOLD BLACK AMERICANS too; “give me a break,” BillHillary, HillaryBill have one focus, “make Obama into the black’s only candidate” then act as if everything following is ether the Media’s fault, or the frustration of Obama, hint, hint, he’s young and doesn’t get it, he’s just too inexperienced, smile, wink, wink.

Obama gets it, BillHillary, HillaryBill are both haters and if “they” get in office, they will hate their hater’s right back and “GET EVEN,” for all Republicans have done to both of them. So black America, what do you think, HillaryBill and BillHillary will do to blacks, if you don’t “GIVE ME A BREAK,” and stop with this Obama backing, you’re a bunch of ungrateful, in-greats, children… black Americans, HillaryBill are snidely in-between the line, implying this. Obama is right, when Obama wins, HillaryBill’s backers will come to Obama in droves, but the point is will Obama’s backers come too BillHillary. No, I won’t its Obama and Edwards, if HillaryBill are the nominee, I will sit on my vote, and BillHillary have turned me that far off of ever voting for them.

Michelle Obama can campaign in South Carolina and Barack can get out on the national trail and hunt, mix it up with HillaryBill, force BillHillary to keep at their race bating and too young, and trivializing of your vision, for a more united America, keep HillaryBill lying about your record, force them to defend their POSITIONS on you, while you keep up and stay at your message. Every time HillaryBill, or BillHillary attack, quickly defend, then post those facts on the web site, always turning the media back too HillaryBill for the crucial questions, “WHY ARE YOU LYING ABOUT OBAMA’s Record.”

In many instances Barack, Michelle say; I’ll answer your question but first, this is my message to the people of America, ALL THE PEOPLE, make your case short then make the factual answer, then go back to your case and make it a little longer case for your presidency, always leave the reporters, rushing back to BillHillary, HillaryBill for why are you saying and doing this, let them make up reasons.

Barack your strong, talented, respected wife Michelle can make the facts clear, coming to the points, Barack you can make the pointed factual case and move forward, saying here’s the facts, now you read, you listen, what do you think of the facts, in comparison to the lies.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Arrogant Hilary and Bill twisting Obama's words

Arrogant; win at all cost, the Clintons have devolved and shown their true face, all because Obama is in the RACE and can WIN


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Bill Clinton is unhinged about the culinary workers, the State allowed more caucus stations, for workers serving the huge hospitality Industry in Las Vegas, proper and yesterday Hilary was twisting Obama’s words, both have made the worst possible mistakes, all around black and brown people, win at all cost I call it, is what I see, it polarizing and I had dropped Hilary too third, in my list of democratic Presidential contenders, I now will not vote for Hilary, my list consist of two democrats, Obama and Edwards.

Dennis Kucinich is a better candidate than Hilary. I was taken aback when I heard Hilary twist Obama’s words from the Last debate; she made Obama’s words sound like he would be a figure head, instead of a leader, Obama would delegates authority to trusted advisors and leaders, capable administrators who will carry out orders and vision, just as Hilary would and Bill did.

I cannot wait for the Black caucuses Debates in the South Carolina, black people will see Hilary at her worst and the next day Bill will attack again and the dye will be cast, black won’t be so undecided after the S. C. debates.

Hilary and Bill know, that Obama, running as a black only candidate, is a no winner for Obama, so they tried to maneuver, through the back and forth to frame Obama as a black candidate only and then, they themselves, come out, one in a very emotional moment, this would freeze some blacks and un-decided voters, too get them to , either return too Hilary and Bill, or at the most freeze them again, until they could twist a few more positions and draw a false contrast.

This Bill and Hilary strategy, is backfiring with blacks, browns and Independent, watch and mark my words, in South Carolina and in Nevada, blacks, browns and Independents will vote overwhelmingly Obama.

Obama will unite the American people, Hilary will divide and polarize, she and her husband are doing exactly that today, now what do you actually see and hear from both candidates

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Question: Who started leading the Civil Right movement and who reacted to it

Question: who was more important Pharaoh, who eventually let the Jews/Hebrews go, or Moses who told Pharaoh,” too let my people go,” who was more important, President Johnson, who signed the eventual legislation? Or Martin Luther King who started the Civil Rights, movement of the 60’s … I’ll give you a few words and a moment to think about those questions.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

With the media, playing up the race issues, between Clinton and Obama, I had to chime in, it seems, the Clinton’s want to remind, Black folks of all they’ve done for them and they were instrumental in many advances, but they were not the only ones involved and they sure are not the only ones who can, make all the issues facing the black community whole, in the coming 21st century, remember, the drug problem rose to some of the worst heights, under Bill Clinton, we had more police on the streets, but we were sending black males to jail, for petty crimes at an alarming rate under Bill Clinton’s leadership as well. Yes there were plenty of jobs and Education opportunities were more available, during his administration, these on just a few of the facts, of an admittedly great administration.

Great is not always good when you look at the big picture of Civil Rights and the black community, there has been many gain, retarded and canceled by the Bush, Republicans and, the Plan to spend all the treasuries monies and in the out years, cut all the domestic safety nets and hollow out the governments structures, leaving a Government, incapable of protecting the least among us.

Remember, it was Clinton, who signed the legislation, that changed Welfare and for me I think, that was a good thing, but today, with the safety net, all but gone, it doesn’t look, or feel so good for the working poor, Homeless among us. Just saying your ready and tested is not reason enough to just vote blindly for anyone, nor is just saying change, without dept of hope, but let’s look deeper at the issues and what their going to do, their plans.

And when we look at their Plans, remember, it was those who brought the issues to the forefront, not the ones in charge who make change and if it was the ones in charge who started and finished the change, then the President at the time of the Civil rights Movement, or before the movement began, they would of called for and led the movement, last… it sure wasn’t Pharaoh who called for letting my people go, so don’t be fooled by those who tell you I’ am tested and ready, or change for the sake of change… give us facts and a plan, make your promises if you must, but you’d better deliver, because, it’s the failed plans and promises, that are the reason people won’t buy EXPERIENCED, one quality, should be remembered, consistently making the right decisions and making the change necessary, to bring their plans and promises to reality, that doesn’t means they haven’t made mistakes in the past, but when it came time to grow up and make decisions for others, take a close look at that record the present Democratic controlled grown-up Congress is evidence of sayings, promising one thing and doing another.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Big Question: When did experience become a Liability?

THE BIG QUESTION: When did experience become a big liability? Here’s your answer.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Bill Clinton and Hilary and Richardson, have ask this question, or said as much in protestation, during this season and it has come up more and more, well I believe someone needs to answer this question, out in the open.

Since 2000, Democrats and Independents have watched in horror, as Bush and Republicans ram through policy after policy, Tax cut after tax cuts, all to the rich, listen to promise after promise followed by, failure after failure, domestic programs for the poor and the middle class cut to the bone and taxed to the hilt, watched health Insurance go up and all put on the workers, by the tax (cutted) rich employers, watched the new 110th Congress, in thin control of Democrats… Now let say this right… CAVE, FOLD, CONPITULATE, ENABLE, GO BACK ON PROMISES, MAKE EXCUSE after EXCUSE for why Traditional long time, EXPERIENCED Democratic leadership, fail to … DELIVER.


America is up to HERE with Failed experience, you have continued the STATUS QUO and were sick to the MOON, with the same old, Washington, were sick of Democrats, in name only. When you say your going to fight and you don’t fight, when the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Rule of Law is folded, spindled and mutilated, and your answer to us, about impeachment is; it’s a distraction and, I don’t want to be seen as “partisan,” what your saying to those who elected you is, I won’t follow the “Rule of law” I refuse to do what you want me to do and you can’t make me.

Well yes we can, it’s called a primary and a GENERAL ELECTION and your, so out of here, yes you did some good things, but that is not the grounds for you now tell us, I know better than you and you have to back me, no we don’t and you will get the … NO WE DON”T.

And no Obama did not compare you too them, Hilary, he did how ever compare your; I did this good and that good, but when we speak of your failure, you don’t want us to count that, only what was good, no we will show your complicity in how things are NOW and if your weak, your weak NOW. We will hold you accountable, we will change.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Republicans beleive in measuring good and help

Republicans tell you, America is the greatest Country in the World and it is, but then spout the Constitution and strict Constructionist belief’s and the Rule of Law and everybody is endowed by the creator, but Republicans don’t listen to those equal people, they say every one is equal, but believe and legislate for the monied and corporate interest, because they are more equal.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

McCain talks about Inflation is the problem with health Care, here’s where Republicans believe in, what I call, the “If We, gambit,” if we get Inflation under control, we can keep the cost of health care cost under control, but in the mean time, no one ask the follow up question, what about the cost now and what do the people do NOW about the cost? They, the people cannot afford health care… NOW.

Romney believe American, the 47 million without health care that is, have said we aren’t going play, too health care and refuse to pay and want everyone else to pay for them, 47 million freeloaders, is what Romney calls you health careless Americans.

From: FACTCHECK.ORG 01/07/2008

Romney claimed that the 47 million Americans who lack health care are not covered because they say "I'm not going to play. I'm just going to get free care paid for by everybody else." Experts say that very few who are offered insurance turn it down and that the uninsured get worse care.

Romney believe in the other buzz word, their a free market industry… what exactly dose that mean and let’s get it in context, too what was being discussed, HMO industry and Pharmaceutical Industry operate on profit for there Stock Holders, ok fine, but they control the industry and work and research at it, RE-ACTIVE base medicine, Huckabee, spoke about a PRE-VENTIVE model, now if you don’t want to be sick which model do you want up-front, before the fact, or after the fact and if you cannot afford health care and have no health care, you pray you don’t get sick and when you do, get sick, you stay away from hospitals, unless your so sick you have to go in.

Let me tell you the true facts, the Industry is researching, based in re-acting to sickness, not preventive medicine, poor people practice “don’t have medicine, stay away medicine,” out of necessity. I’ am saying today in America, we have an “Arrestee Model of Medicine,” arrest means, it an after the fact, reaction and the Pharmaceutical Industry sells medicine and researches, how to arrest a sickness, yes there’s some pure research, but before the sickness and preventative medicine, they sell not, don’t get twisted and this is Republicans preach, they like Big Industry, they speak Free market as the answer, they preach let the market solve everything, and they preach, we should do nothing, but wait for free enterprise to fix anything and everything, while the supposed equal Americans are suffering from this free market system, which marginalizes the middle class and the poor and homeless working poor, they say we need to get a hold of inflation and that’s why cost of health care is unaffordable, but we don’t need to help everyone.

Republicans are so worried about helping someone who they have determined in their “IDEAOLOGY,” not “IN THEIR FAITH,” is not deserving of help. Republicans want to measure good, yes that’s at the bottom, the ugly bottom of their RNC, Ideaology.

Republicans preach the Constitution and Right’s, but they believe some are more equal than others, if your poor, you don’t deserve help, just cause your on the floor, the street, the ally looking up. Republicans believe in pulling your selves up, well I believe in that also, but I will help you get a boot strap to pull on, Conservatives and Republicans, believe, either make a boot strap, but don’t anyone give you one, because, if you don’t qualify for a loan, someone, anyone giving you one, is circumventing the Free market, in all words… if you have a boot strap, you deserve to “fall to the wayside,” get out the way of the strong, that’s what Republicans mean by “wait until the free enterprise, free markets fix the problems.”

Well the God I believe in, can turn even the things, man meant for wrong to His good, here’s where Democrats, Republicans, Conservative, Liberals, and all other “isms,” fail, they judge man, base in their ideology and determine, some body is gaming “their good, their giving,” and are determined to protect their giving, through their Political ideology, masked in the faith. The God of the Bible didn’t ask man to give with a judgmental heart, He said give and be cheerful about it… what someone dose with what was given… is on the receiver.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


There’s Citizen, or People’s Welfare, there’s Corporate Welfare and there’s, Government Welfare, WHAT?


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Republicans, from Ron Paul, McCain, Rudy, Grandpa Fred to Mitt Romney and all in between, including patronizing Hucksters, (no pun on Mike Huckabee) but be that as it may, Republicans believe in cutting taxes, while at WAR, Republicans all believe in barrowing money and spending heavily… now… and calling our present economy, “successful,” just keep repeating, “free Market,” like that will help people hurting from, Bush & Republicans 109th Congress’s, drunken free spending, earmark filled, never vetoing a thing, Hollowing out of Government and fox’s in charge of hen house regulations and protections, right down to the Environment.

The American middle class and the lower middle classes down to poor and homeless, and homeless working poor, they are hurting and Republicans want Americans to believe in, in a Rah, Rah, Republicans say; were for free market American ways, in their debates, they say, if you read between the line; we Republicans believe waiting on everything to fix it self, and we cut taxes, you just have to wait, until we rich people, make enough money to start hiring more of you poor people, who by the way, saw none of the tax cuts and have nothing but high health care and worst.

We Republicans all along, planned to cut and spend everything, and tell Americans, deficit’s are really good, remember that talk, it was and is just what the small Government Republicans want us to believe in, selling out the middle class and welfare-ing away, our grandchildren’s future, laying a debt on our grandchildren as far as… our grandchildren, children can see, un-freaking’ believable, a two generation deficit.

I say Government Welfare because, Bush has shown Government in a lot clearer light, a one sided light, clearly to all America, the TRUTH is we the Citizen’s, we the People, support the biggest Welfare recipient in America and Republican don’t, want you to treat them like they treat citizen’s and if you even bring up Corporate Welfare, they will respond, with the word, these “subsidy’s” are necessary, but if you say, well, can I write bill and ask for money on the floor of Congress to have my children educated, topping each child off with several Doctorate degree’s, I believe a great investment.

America, “NEVER” put anyone in charge of something, “THEY HATE,” you wouldn’t have a person, in charge of your children, if they told you, up front, nor even after, that they “hate children,” well America, a majority voted in Bush and a majority of Republicans, in both Houses of Congress, who hate government and they destroyed it. Every action by these, Neo-con, Christian backed Conservatives have shown they hate our Government and have done everything possible, too cut and destroy, every branch of government and especially the ones, who either protect the people, DOJ, DOD, the environment, EPA, DO the Interior and the Republican 109th Congress held the door open and in many cases drove the get away cars, with president, who misplaced his veto pen, until Democrats regain a little majority in the 110th Congress, thin as it is.

America is past ready for change from the old line “Politicians,” America is past being manipulated for greedy gains, America is past, weak leadership, with flower filled words, when they cannot do what they promised to do, America is past promises and compromise, past promises and Folding, past promises and caving in, past promises and capitulation.. America is past old politics and their promise-cers, I know terrible English and grammar, but, I’ am this night so past it all.